The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
this is my last message here, i already said it but:
THC is same like H/Meth but insert lower concentrations of Dopamine in the Synapses. H/Meth much more addictive because they make more Dopamine soak in the Synapses for longer time. much more Dopamine. like a flood. THC, releases less Dopamine in the Synapses. hence less addictive than H/Meth.

Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
I believe there is an element of Self Medication for many who use Cannabis on a regular basis(a whole OTHER huge topic) ,and although it seems an odd way of thinking, Alcohol is used in this way too, and if you have no issue with alchoholism (which IS a serious medical issue) it can help the first few days off weed.
Before I started using Cannabis at 28 years Old, I would finish a long hard days physical work and have a pint of ale (or guiness) with my workmates. Or several.
People doing hard manual jobs have long used Ale as an after work muscle relaxant, and like Cannabis, it has beneficial aspects.
One is It reduces the incidence of Kidney stones by upto 41% , i believe was the quoted figure. If I still drank as much kidney stones wouldnt be such an issue.
Ale ,specificaly ,has a subtly different effect to larger. It makes You feel very much like a Hobbit after a huge meal. Or agentle toke.
Sake, japenes rice wine, also makes you feel a bit like being stoned in the right amounts, and I have found mixing Hot water with red wine 50/50 has a similar effect.
It can help with the first couple days off.
I dont drink much, or often.
I am not suggesting it as a long term replacement for Cannabis. Or frequent or long term use.
Alcohol is a Drug like any other should be treated with Caution and Respect, but like Cannabis ,enjoyed when you use it.
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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
i already said it but:
THC is same like H/Meth

death from above laughing GIF by Hyper RPG

pineapple express smoking GIF

Ryan Gosling Reaction GIF
Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office
Happy Martin Klempnow GIF by ZDF heute-show

This conversation has devolved into something I find fascinating!

But they say that they're done.
Maybe now we can get back to the actual t-break topic, instead of arguing with the THC is terrible guy any more.

I haven't had a t-break in like seven years, but I still have vivid dreams. What gives?
I sometimes use my snooze button just to try to finish a dream, as long as I can still get back into it where I wanted to.
,,,and sometimes I'll wake up, and take a quick hit or two from my vape just to help to get back to a dream I'd woken from that I was enjoying.

I'm just always surprised by so many that say that cannabis interferes with their dreams by causing them to dream less, when I find that it really has no hinderance in my dreaming, and that it can help me to get into a dreamlike state quicker if I want to.
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Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
I haven't had a t-break in like seven years, but I still have vivid dreams. What gives?
I sometimes use my snooze button just to try to finish a dream, as long as I can still get back into it where I wanted to.
,,,and sometimes I'll wake up, and take a quick hit or two from my vape just to help to get back to a dream I'd woken from that I was enjoying.

I'm just always surprised by so many that say that cannabis interferes with their dreams by causing them to dream less, when I find that it really has no hinderance in my dreaming, and that it can help me to get into a dreamlike state quicker if I want to.
I have never smoked Cigarettes or Tobacco on it's own, but i did use small amounts in Joints with Cannabis.
Years back I found when I started making Pure Weed Joints and stopped using Tobacco in them, I noticed my dreams became much more vivid again.
They kind of faded when I first took up smoking joints at 27 years old.
I am not suggesting Tobacco stops dreams , although it might, it could also be a combination of the 2 drugs that stops dreams.
Could a tobacco smoker weigh in? On FuckCombustion it would be an EX. Smoker of course. :sherlock:
As with ALL drugs, they can effect individuals differently, so it may not be the same for all.

I sometimes use my snooze button just to try to finish a dream, as long as I can still get back into it where I wanted to.
This is why i was frequently late to school as a child and a teenager. It was worth the trouble i got in.

Forgive the previous noise. Ibuprofen can be Dangerous.
And I felt like dragging my head across a dry stone wall repeatedly...........
Curious Gorilla,


Well-Known Member
Cannabis doesn't prevent dreaming, but it can make it less likely for the dreams to be remembered. If I am dreaming just before waking I will remember that (often vivid) dream, but otherwise they are forgotten. And I haven't noticed any difference in dreaming between smoking with tobacco and vaping pure weed.


Well-Known Member
Same here with the dreams. Have a lot of friends that say they never dream and have intense vivid dreams if they stop smoking, to the point they don’t like them.

But I rarely take breaks and usually dream every night. Sometimes I’ll have much more vivid dreams if I smoke a bunch/have some wax/or edible right before bed.

So I definitely think it’s a memory or mental thing than it is a weed thing.


Well-Known Member
Have a lot of friends that say they never dream and have intense vivid dreams if they stop smoking, to the point they don’t like them.

But I rarely take breaks and usually dream every night. Sometimes I’ll have much more vivid dreams if I smoke a bunch/have some wax/or edible right before bed.
Research also seems to have mixed conclusions on dreaming, some finding less dreaming and others finding no difference, but THC has been shown to suppress PTSD nightmares.

There are clearly different experiences, but I wonder if longer use makes any difference. I can't remember not remembering 40 years ago, but for a long time now I generally don't recall any disturbance.
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Well-Known Member
I'm just always surprised by so many that say that cannabis interferes with their dreams by causing them to dream less, when I find that it really has no hinderance in my dreaming, and that it can help me to get into a dreamlike state quicker if I want to.
It seems like Cannabis made my dreams more positive/enjoyable, but it didn't seem to make them any less intense or frequent.

I'm interested in learning more about how Cannabis use affects sleep, because good quality sleep is such an important aspect of health.


Well-Known Member
For the first time in quite a while I consumed nearly no THC yesterday and ended the day with a good amount of CBD through the Zeal ball vape.
Felt tired but had some trouble falling asleep. (More than usual)
In the morning I was abruptly woken up by my alarm and remember quite a lot from my last dream. (Even now 4-5hrs later)

I tend to very carefully watch my intake before bed as I often would wake up feeling as if I had barely slept.
I love getting really high in the afternoon or evening.
Vaping really late or heading to bed after vaping often causes me to wake up with no memory of the evening before and a ravage of food next to my bed.
Seeing the food does give me some hazy memories but that’s about it.

I do have to add however that I recently became aware that I have been struggling on and off with the initial stages of alcoholism for the past 4 years so I’m really scared for any potential memory issues.
Thinking about taking a short T break in an attempt to battle this.
Even on low amounts I‘m surprised to notice afterwards that I suffer some kind of memory loss?

It feels as if its primarily an issue of not being able to retrieve the memory because it feels rather insignificant.
I am however able to recall what happened if I put some effort in it.

Has anyone here experienced similar things?
What seemed to aid you?

Kind regards
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Well-Known Member
I recently became aware that I have been struggling on and off with the initial stages of alcoholism for the past 4 years so I’m really scared for any potential memory issues.
Thinking about taking a short T break in an attempt to battle this.
I have used quite heavily for a long time and don't notice any memory loss or sleep disruption, and it actually helps me to forget about food (I eat well, but only once a day) although I don't drink any alcohol. I would suggest stopping alcohol before considering the effects of cannabis.


Well-Known Member
I see, I'm nearing a month without alcohol now & nearly 2 months without binge drinking but the hazy memory still affects me quite a bit.
Hopefully things get better

Would you say that you feel well rested even after vaping .1 just before going to bed on higher temps?
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Well-Known Member
I see, I'm nearing a month without alcohol now & nearly 2 months without binge drinking but the hazy memory still affects me quite a bit.
Hopefully things get better

Would you say that you feel well rested even after vaping .1 just before going to bed on higher temps?
Hey I don’t know how heavy of a drinker you were, but I recently reached a year no drinking. I was a pretty bad alcoholic.

It took me probably 7-8 months before the fogginess in my mind really cleared.

I still vape all the time and don’t have much issues with sleep or memory, but I definitely was foggy all the time drinking and in the initial months after stopping.

Best of luck to you!


Well-Known Member
Would you say that you feel well rested even after vaping .1 just before going to bed on higher temps?
0.1g before sleep is routine, with no hangover in the morning. 0.2g can get a bit trippy when I close my eyes, which is interesting but not helpful for falling asleep, and even then there is no hangover. Only edibles have left me with any effect the next day. I generally sleep soundly and wake up refreshed. But if I'm woken by an alarm or went to bed late and have to get up earlier than my body would naturally prefer, then I suppose I do feel a bit groggy ... doesn't everyone? Perhaps I am lucky. I hope things get better for you.
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Well-Known Member
Hey I don’t know how heavy of a drinker you were, but I recently reached a year no drinking. I was a pretty bad alcoholic.

It took me probably 7-8 months before the fogginess in my mind really cleared.

I still vape all the time and don’t have much issues with sleep or memory, but I definitely was foggy all the time drinking and in the initial months after stopping.

Best of luck to you!
Very interesting to hear, thank you! Congratulations on the 1 year :spliff:
I'm really shocked at the impact it had on my life even when I wasn't drunk/drinking.
Best of luck to you too!!

0.1g before sleep is routine, with no hangover in the morning. 0.2g can get a bit trippy when I close my eyes, which is interesting but not helpful for falling asleep, and even then there is no hangover. Only edibles have left me with any effect the next day. I generally sleep soundly and wake up refreshed. But if I'm woken by an alarm or went to bed late and have to get up earlier than my body would naturally prefer, then I suppose I do feel a bit groggy ... doesn't everyone? Perhaps I am lucky. I hope things get better for you.
Thank you! Went to bed on time so I was most definitely well rested, here's to hoping I'll soon be able to do the same :sherlock:


Well-Known Member
I see, I'm nearing a month without alcohol now & nearly 2 months without binge drinking but the hazy memory still affects me quite a bit.
Not sure but maybe you have got some Alcohol PAWS. Sending hugs! be strong! Eat well, veggies, fibers etc', drink a lot of water, exercise, be positive, even force yourself to smile - it works. I have done so and it helps. keep the positive way. THC is much better than Alcohol (too much THC is also not a good idea.... but some amounts are fine probably....) . and CBD is also very fine ofc....


Well-Known Member
THC can cause dependency, although other drugs can kill you and there is no known limit to THC dosage. When researchers tried to determine the median lethal dose of THC they injected their whole supply into a dog, which was rendered unconcious for a while but woke up without impairment.
There is a lethal dose of THC, but it hasn't been determined for humans. Rat studies have found an LD50 (Lethal Dose 50) for orally ingested THC ranging from 666 mg/kg up to 1270 mg/kg. And one study found an LD50 for dogs at 525 mg/kg and for monkeys at 3150 mg/kg.

The LD50 for humans can only be estimated, and a recent study using the OECD QSAR Toolbox program for assessing chemical activity and risks suggested 997 mg/kg (70 g of THC or around 350 g of high quality buds for an average person) which is practically impossible.

For chronic toxicity the LOAEL (Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level) was 872 mg/kg/day (61 g THC or 305 g herb per day) and the NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level) was 701 mg/kg/day (49 g THC or 245 g herb). And from this they calculated an ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) of 7.01 mg/kg/day. So a 70 kg person can safely consume up to 0.5 g of THC or 2.5 g of 20% THC herb every day. Hooray!


Well-Known Member
There is a lethal dose of THC, but it hasn't been determined for humans. Rat studies have found an LD50 (Lethal Dose 50) for orally ingested THC ranging from 666 mg/kg up to 1270 mg/kg. And one study found an LD50 for dogs at 525 mg/kg and for monkeys at 3150 mg/kg.

The LD50 for humans can only be estimated, and a recent study using the OECD QSAR Toolbox program for assessing chemical activity and risks suggested 997 mg/kg (70 g of THC or around 350 g of high quality buds for an average person) which is practically impossible.

For chronic toxicity the LOAEL (Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level) was 872 mg/kg/day (61 g THC or 305 g herb per day) and the NOAEL (No Observed Adverse Effect Level) was 701 mg/kg/day (49 g THC or 245 g herb). And from this they calculated an ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) of 7.01 mg/kg/day. So a 70 kg person can safely consume up to 0.5 g of THC or 2.5 g of 20% THC herb every day. Hooray!
These are cool findings, and I hope more research gets published that supports the safety of Cannabis, however, this is just an in silico study, and can't be taken as proof that the numbers will actually line up with actual human data. It would be awesome if they do, though.


Well-Known Member
These are cool findings, and I hope more research gets published that supports the safety of Cannabis, however, this is just an in silico study, and can't be taken as proof that the numbers will actually line up with actual human data. It would be awesome if they do, though.
It is hard to get volunteers for lethal dose experiments, and animal models have generally been used for chemical testing, but to avoid any unnecessary suffering QSAR methods are now widely used for assessing the biological activity and potential risks of pharmaceutical and other chemicals.


Well-Known Member
Same here with the dreams. Have a lot of friends that say they never dream and have intense vivid dreams if they stop smoking, to the point they don’t like them.

But I rarely take breaks and usually dream every night. Sometimes I’ll have much more vivid dreams if I smoke a bunch/have some wax/or edible right before bed.

So I definitely think it’s a memory or mental thing than it is a weed thing.

I’ve never stopped dreaming, but like most I don’t remember much. I eat edibles most evenings. But earlier this year I micro dosed magic mushrooms. My dreams became very vivid and I could direct them to a degree. That gradually went away after the micro dosing stopped, Kind of cool when it was going on though.


Well-Known Member
It is hard to get volunteers for lethal dose experiments, and animal models have generally been used for chemical testing, but to avoid any unnecessary suffering QSAR methods are now widely used for assessing the biological activity and potential risks of pharmaceutical and other chemicals.
Lmaoooo I meant for the No Adverse Effects dosage numbers! :lol:
I can't imagine too many people signing up for the LD50 testing.

Either way, it does look like good news, so I'm happy to see it. Thanks for sharing.

I’ve never stopped dreaming, but like most I don’t remember much. I eat edibles most evenings. But earlier this year I micro dosed magic mushrooms. My dreams became very vivid and I could direct them to a degree. That gradually went away after the micro dosing stopped, Kind of cool when it was going on though.
Very interesting. I'd be curious to hear a bit more about your mushroom experience, if you'd be willing to PM me, so we don't violate any rules. It says that the "discussion of hard drugs is discouraged", and I don't know if the staff considers mushrooms to be hard drugs. I am interested in natural psychs, though, as well as lucid dreaming, so it would be cool to hear anything you have to share.
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Well-Known Member
Finally on a t-break again, 2023 harvest lasted up until yesterday, almost the full year, if I didn't share with my brother/etc I will still have a huge lot.

I think it might be the longest period I spent without breaking not even 8-12 hours, so far so good closing on the first 24 hours, I have a couple of plants close to harvest but next vape should be around 20-30 days from now, I hope everything goes ok so I can truly enjoy the effects because at the moment I wasn't feeling a lot, also because I was using the last remainings of the harvest, not top bud.


Well-Known Member
On a t-break here also. Going out February. Been only few days break in-between vaping and edibles sessions in whole 2023, around 40-45 days in total. Had some days off last month also which was also needed, as I've been postponing the t-break.

Last night I craved so bad but managed to fall asleep after a few hours on the phone in bed. Also without night sweat or anything else. Already feeling better from the craving and luckily no PAWS.
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