The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
usually for the first time each day, right before my afternoon workout.
doing Push-Ups sets 5-10 minutes after a strong hit, was a pleasure. It took me higher than ever. it was great. but I figured that even without weed, it makes me feel good. just put headphones on, listen to the music you like, and exercise. but honestly if you're 75 you reach everything you want in life, probably, so I don't see a reason for you to stop completely. I just didn't want the spending to interfere with my future, I need this money... so I realized I can't keep living like that anymore...


Tokin' Away Since 1968
Seven full days into my longest cannabreak in three years. Serious problems sleeping but not nightmarish as in previous breaks--at least a few of my demons must also be taking a break. Just got word that the issue that's been bugging me and caused me to take this break is now resolved: Finally found a humane lawyer to help me sell my wonderful remote property in Newfoundland. Gonna stay on break for at least a few more days if not another full week. I'm getting more stuff done, losing some weight (I'm a serious evening munchies guy when high!), and my exercise habit is strong enough that I haven't missed a day, even without my incentive(weed!). Thanks for your supportive comments and suggestions.

PS: Every other cannabreak for the last ten years I began with a few days of evening edibles. This time I went cold turkey and my sleep problems have lasted longer, even if less severe. Next break I will return to the edibles transition to the break.


Well-Known Member
Seven full days into my longest cannabreak in three years. Serious problems sleeping but not nightmarish as in previous breaks
Stay strong buddy! 29.5 days here and I've had a nightmare this night.... the first 14 days were tough yea....exercise as much as you can, and drink 3-4 liters of water per day... it helps so much...

I am not sure the edibles are a good idea. because they're stronger than THC D9, it becomes Hydroxy-THC-11 in the liver, so it brings more effects in less amounts other other than THC D9, hence it's the opposite direction of going into a break.. it raises the tolerance.. but if it works for you, it's fine ;)


@biohacker i start understanding why you said "i can't begin to tell you how it changed me" suddenly in day 30 of the break, i'm having anger moods, something that i wasn't aware of, didn't expect this. hope it will pass soon...

You're not even in PAWS yet IMO. Things got worse then better then much, much worse. Recovery is not linear for many, and exercise can sometimes be the worst thing for a recovering nervous system. If you look on r/weedpaws you'll see that even those that have recovered after a few years, are sometimes still intolerant to exercise for over a year.

With that said, and based on all of my years of experience and observations, you have it good, so nice job!


Well-Known Member
You're not even in PAWS yet IMO. Things got worse then better then much, much worse. Recovery is not linear for many, and exercise can sometimes be the worst thing for a recovering nervous system. If you look on r/weedpaws you'll see that even those that have recovered after a few years, are sometimes still intolerant to exercise for over a year.

With that said, and based on all of my years of experience and observations, you have it good, so nice job!

About training - I feel MUCH better after 5 sets of Push Ups. just have done it now. no more anger. I think it leaves more dopamine in the Synpases in the brain just like weed does.

About side effects... damn... up to a year? Will be strong enough to stand up against the side effects.... I surf mostly in r/leaves.
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For sure, listen to your body... we're all different. I couldn't tolerate more than a walk at a moderate pace, but I was already super sensitive before, especially when it came to my sleep.

r/leaves is kind of a joke... sure there are some people chiming back after a year or whatever, but it's mostly just raw raw i'm 4 days clean kinda bs imo. r/weedpaws is basically just like paws for any other drug of abuse IMO. It can take several years, but 1-2 years seems to be what I see on average for heavy users/history. Sadly, I don't see enough full recovery stories, but that could just be because they don't come back. Uncommonforum used to be the biggest resource/forum on the web (maybe next to r/leaves) but it has recently shutdown, although archived posts can be viewed going back over a decade, with a tonne of valuable info and experience from others.

I prefer r/petioles these days! lol I never want to go through what I did for that year ever again lol


Well-Known Member
Which exercise is not working for you? Aerobic or Anaerobic? I just do Anaerobic training every 48hours and it makes me feel very good. Didn't have any Aerobic so far except for walking 7000 steps a day and sometimes even 10000.

I will check r/weedpaws and r/petioles soon, thanks mate!
I am ready for side effects for long time, can't afford the THC cost anymore..
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Tokin' Away Since 1968
Well after eight nights with various levels and types of insomnia, I had two amazing great sleep nights. As I noted above, this was the longest period of bad sleep in any cannabreak over the last 20 or so years. I did try over the counter sleep aids and melatonin, but they weren't much help. I wonder if its because of the increased strength of the newly legal weed or the fact that I vape really strong concentrates in the evening. Nonetheless, the last two nights I finally slept really well. Last night I had some of the weirdest most amazing dreams of my life: I was a senior officer in the Navy after Pearl Harbor, helping to plan naval strategy. Though I'm a history buff and studied the War in the Pacific 50 years ago, I've never had a dream even remotely like this. It continued for several cycles of waking and then falling back into dreamland. Really weird.

I feel great getting most of the cannabis out of my brain for 10 days and clearing what I picture as a resin film out of my lungs. Also solved the real life problem that sent me into cannabreak. Other than trouble sleeping, only other negative of this break is losing some of my enjoyment for music, which is important in my life and seems associated with dope after more than fifty years of combining the two. Yesterday, to treat myself for a successful cannabreak, I drove an hour each way through the mountains where I live and treated myself to a pastrami sandwich and a couple of brewskis at my favorite restaurant/brewpub. Snow headed this way this afternoon and I'm planning on breaking my cannabreak and vaping some of the fantastic stuff I have and spending the evening playing music. Nice to feel a bit more in control of my life, now looking forward to a couple of nice strong tokes! Good luck to everyone else who's trying to find some balance.
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Day 93
still having mild side effects......headaches, weakness in my body, can't wait getting on day 120+ ! AFAIU side effects will be gone by then.... just gotta wait....
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Might be other things effecting you?
according to some people it can last 120-365 days after you quit.... problems with dopamine etc'..... i really hope it'll be better soon....
it's mostly our brain can't get the fact there's no THC anymore and it needs to produce Anandamide etc'.... that's why i think.....our brain can't accept it ....

I never had these problems when I was vaping... so I am thinking it's all related to the addictive substance called THC
@Tji89 you can quit for few days to see which side effects I am talking about... but it's really hard to pass the first 30 days, after that it's easier.. but still got side effects after 93 days..
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Well-Known Member
The symptoms you are mentioning might be related to anxiety though. Maybe you can be relieved by speaking to a doctor at least?

The only side effects I've had when taking tollerance break is insomnia for a few days and mood swings. But that usually goes away after a few days and I'm back to normal. I actually feel much better when I'm off too, more social and energetic. I get more stuff done also. But I like cannabis and is passionate about the plant so I enjoy it instead of other things like alcohol.

Btw, anyone here that have heard about PAWS (post acute weed symptoms)? GoldenBud sent me a PM and he didnt want to scare you all, but I think we should share and discuss anywa. I can't say I relate to the issues. There's a Reddit thread out there with 2k people with different problems after quitting/ taking tollerance break from weed. Headaches and erectile dysfunction was some of the things I read. Of course these problems may come from other factors and underlying stuff.
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Well-Known Member
people in USA/CA/NL/Thailand or private growers/medical users can't understand me, they don't have a reason of quitting the addictive substance THC. it's not expensive for them, so they can keep this addiction. I was paying 420$ for 30gr and had to put an end for this. I am just shocked the PAWS will continue to 1yr+ , have to be strong.

@Tji89 yes I have to tell you guys, I wasn't aware of this too. I didn't know side effects can last more than 30 days. I thought it's all fiction. but I am still suffering and seems like a lot of people suffer in r/weedpaws . our brain won't give up from getting THC it seems. that being said, Exercising and Multi-Vitamin really help me.

If people suffer like 200+ days after quitting, how is it possible that THC is considered "soft" drug? maybe nowadays it's just way too powerful and potent than THC 20 years ago? idk... but if you check r/weedpaws in reddit seems like a lot of people suffer 10-30 months after they stopped
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Well-Known Member
In this published article "Vitamin and Mineral Supplements: Do We Really Need Them?"

Quote from abstract: "The results of large-scale randomized trials show that, for the majority of the population, there is no overall benefit from taking MVM supplements. Indeed, some studies have shown increased risk of cancers in relation to using certain vitamins."

Seems like multivitamins isn't as necessary as you think.

About the people in that Reddit thread we don't know anything about their health and situations. There are many factors for them feeling like this, we won't know for sure if it's cannabis alone. I haven't searched for published articles about PAWS, but will do so later when I have better time.

Edit: link to article;

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
maybe nowadays it's just way too powerful and potent than THC 20 years ago?
Today's THC is the same molecule and has the same potency than 20 years ago. But the amount you find in a gram of flower is definitely higher. (I hardly understand how 30% of the dry product could be only THC when I consider the total volume of the trichomes).
And concentrates are an other story.

May I ask what was your daily dose ?
Radwin Bodnic,
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Today's THC is the same molecule and has the same potency than 20 years ago. But the amount you find in a gram of flower is definitely higher. (I hardly understand how 30% of the dry product could be only THC when I consider the total volume of the trichomes).
And concentrates are an other story.
yeah the dry flowers nowadays look so white from the outside , 30% ++ .. crazy .. indeed same molecules but higher amounts per gr, terpenes also
May I ask what was your daily dose ?
1.4gr per day (10gr per week) of top or almost top shelf weed


Well-Known Member
Wow that's huge... have you tried to work your way through micro dosing to mitigate the side effect ?
Yeah I was thinking about it for a while.... couldn't do it.... I liked to be free to vape as much as I wanted...
But then I asked myself... why am I doing this? why do I need cannabis? I don't have any medical condition, I am young person, 35 y/o, I can produce my own Dopamine? Why do I pay for it so much?
Even If I vaped 0.5gr per day, it's still 246$ for a month and 2959$ for a year. that's still a lot of money

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I liked to be free to vape as much as I wanted...
My consumption is nowhere close to what was yours. I am about 30 mg to 60 mg a day. Exceptionally 90 mg. In a week I go through 150 mg to 300 mg. Probably less than a gram a month.

I must add that my flower is definitely not what the average FC user would call "top shelf". It is wild outdoor stuff, small buds, maybe around 10% THC but with probably a better balance between all canabinoids compared with intensive indoor stuff.

And this weekly dose gets me plenty medicated. Not all day long of course. But for one hour or two, no more back pain, relieved mind, calmed body...

I know you are super involved into your break and massive kudos to you. I can't know how hard it is. But I think that lowering the dosage progressively down to ultra micro dosing should make the break easier and lower the side effects.


Well-Known Member
My consumption is nowhere close to what was yours. I am about 30 mg to 60 mg a day. Exceptionally 90 mg. In a week I go through 150 mg to 300 mg. Probably less than a gram a month.
then why you need to vape at all? why daily? there's a risk you will get addicted to micro-dosing too, why not something like 50mg once a week, in 1 day? THC is an addictive substance..
And this weekly dose gets me plenty medicated. Not all day long of course. But for one hour or two, no more back pain, relieved mind, calmed body...
I've had back pain too until August 2022. I started doing Push Ups sets in my apartment, and all the back pain is gone now. there's no replacement for exercising imho. I feel much better. I don't need cannabis anymore.. and I suggest you not to vape everyday imho


Well-Known Member
I like consuming cannabis all day everyday, and sometimes I do. I use it recreational, so yes, some breaks might be healthy for different reasons. Alot of people use cannabis as medicine though, so telling them to not take their medication might not sound good just because your own experience and situation is different now.
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