The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member

To some extent I agree that switching strains may have pros, which I also have experienced, but if a strain became completely ineffective after 2/3 weeks of use, what would be of EU medical users who rely on the same strain for ever? Or people who medicate with synthetic Thc such as Dronabinol? Back to opioids after 3 weeks?
Perhaps terpenes have a role in the (partial) effectiveness of switching but tolerance apart, cannabinoids don’t lose their effect after years, let alone weeks of use.
More than anything imho the biggest clouding agent in this sort of misconceptions is the illicit/homegrown market where you don’t exactly know Thc rate of the available strain you have access to, and simply switch to higher Thc content or different Thc/Cbd ratios than before.
He ( @daoist ) may be onto something here, but it’s more to do with the nature of daily edible use, and how it’s effects distinguish subjectively to smoking or vaporizing.

I use edibles every day, except maybe 5 to 7 days a year.

But they kind of go over my head. I would need several days off edible cannabis, to really notice and appreciate the psychoactive high of edibles.

Sure it effects me, but it’s almost sub perceptual.

Vaporizing herb is totally different. I always get noticeably high.

But having more than one strain of edibles on hand, or making a new batch when the jar is used, can refresh the experience.

Regardless of my perception of the psychoactivity of the edibles, providing the herb is good, sufficiently active, the medicinal benefits will still be there.

But I struggle to be mentally satisfied from cannabis without vapoirizing. It has much more of an antidepressant effect for me (vapor), but also much greater anxiety triggering, whereas edibles simply never cause me any anxiety unless I take a big dose alongside a big acid trip, where the peaks kind of converge and can fuel mania and thought loops.

Outside of LSD, edibles are anxiety free for me personally. Vapor is not, at any dose.

Kava is fantastic for mitigating THC anxiety, modulating the effects and state of consciousness.

I realised 2 days ago how hardcore my youthful cannabis use was too. I was a hash eating Junkie, really clean, strong, pliable, green hashish we got in UK in the 90’s.

I recounted one time, I used to cook sugarless brownies in a round 7 inch tin, I would put 7 grams of Goldseal Black, plus 3.5 grams of regular hash.

1 inch cubed was like a 100 ug trip, no exaggeration.

One time, as you do, I ate well over half the cake before dawn. If we suggest at least 50% THC, 5.5 grams I estimate, that’s 2750 mg’s thc minimum.

I used to regularly eat 1.75 grams of clean hash, often at work. Which is arguably or potentially over 1000 mg’s THC.

No wonder it was always such an awesome, mind blowing buzz. We still hear people asking if cannabis is a hallucinogen.

Which it is of course, a plant psychedelic by nature. Nobody would doubt that on those type of edible hashish highs.


Well-Known Member
You know that the lethal dose for thc is estimated on 2000mg for a 150 pounds person.
By the way, i agree that from vaping you get a better head high. But it is still not bad with edibles.


Well-Known Member
You know that the lethal dose for thc is estimated on 2000mg for a 150 pounds person.
By the way, i agree that from vaping you get a better head high. But it is still not bad with edibles.
I didn’t know that, I wasn’t aware there was regarded to be an officially established LD50 for cannabis, or THC.

Personally I would call it bulloney though.

I know a 3.5 gram injection of pure MDMA was sufficient to outright kill one willing German subject mid 20 th Century abouts.

So I wonder if there have been legitimate studies to establish the LD50 of cannabis?

One weekend, I ate 3.5 grams of hashish, 3 days running.

Day 3 it affected me negatively, I lost some cognition, experienced an emotional oppression. It felt almost identical to MDMA brain damage.

I don’t think I’ve heard of anybody overdosing on cannabis ever, to the point of fatality. Isolated THC, injected into a rat, may be very different and possibly misleading.

I definitely ate over 2000 mg’s worth of THC in clean Hash many many times with no adverse effects, no risk, fear or sensation of death.

Only that one time, 10.5 grams over 3 days, did I feel any actual damage done.

That’s well over 5 grams of THC though.

I met a young man at University who once ate 7 grams of Black. He said he was stoned for about 3 days but reported no lasting harm or negative experience.

Cannabis is pretty damn safe on paper you know.

The head high from edibles is just diminished greatly by daily dosing. Once a week,or a big dose after a 4 day T break can make for a fantastic high and experience.
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Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that a person that never took cannabis in his life takes 1000mg that person is going to have a terrible time.
I am not sure if you die from it, but that person will definately will think that for the next 24 hours. It is not what i am looking for.

I think i accidently dosed myself by making oil with 0,5 gram really strong dark gorilla hash. that must have been at least 150mg, possibly more.

I did not like it. I also got trouble breathing and swallowing and all sort of weird effects. I really don't want to know what happpens at 1000mg.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that a person that never took cannabis in his life takes 1000mg that person is going to have a terrible time.
I am not sure if you die from it, but that person will definately will think that for the next 24 hours. It is not what i am looking for.

I think i accidently dosed myself by making oil with 0,5 gram really strong dark gorilla hash. that must have been at least 150mg, possibly more.

I did not like it. I also got trouble breathing and swallowing and all sort of weird effects. I really don't want to know what happpens at 1000mg.
Now, I am not disputing your points, and logic, and personal experience.

And yet I must. But not to discount it at all.

First...I hear you, yes, a first timer (or maybe 2nd timer as the old myth of people not getting stoned the first time they ever use cannabis has long prevailed and been reported, my theory is the first use wakes you up. The second time you are awake to feel and see it working), taking 1000 mg’s THC, COULD have a bad time.

So could a 1000 th time user.

But there is honestly no guarantee of that in the mad world of psychoactive substances.

1000 mg’s THC, like 1000 micrograms of LSD, can be a beautiful, profound, serene, comfortable, and controllable experience.

Each can also be completely vice versa. It depends.

It’s just not black and white. We grew up eating hash regs, giving it to many people. So at say, 50% likely more, 1000 mg’s = a 1/16 th? Roughly.

We used to eat either £2.50’s worth. Or a “Fiver’s worth” was seen as optimal for most occasions, a much heavier experience.

The 7.50’s worth, the “teenth” we called 1.75 grams then, was the next step up.

My mum ate as much as 1.75 grams. She told me before I ever took a drug, if I ever wanted to try drugs come see her she’d give me a bit of dope to eat.

An 1/8th was £15 so even the 2.50 dose was a big trip itself. This was the standard go to for first timers.

One time, a nasty kinda guy we worked with, was excited to try edible cannabis the first time.

Not the head sort for psychedelics full stop. A drinker. He had been a shitty asshole to me at work like a real bully at Pizza Hut with a little authority.

We agreed Dan would have 2.50’s worth. We heated the hash on a spoon in butter, mixed into yoghurt that day.

Dan was so excited. We had an evening walk planned to a country park with bar and outside tables, lots of us close friends.

I had a brainwave. Before Dan arrived, I suggested we empty the yoghurt, put 2.50’s worth into the bottom, put the clear yoghurt back on top....

Then I instructed Andy, as soon as Dan arrived, pretend to open the yoghurt in front of Dan’s excited eyes, and say “look Dan we’ve got your yoghurt here.”

I then added another heated 2.50’s worth on top as Dan licked his lips. Although I think in total it ended up being nearly £6 worth.

Which is like, 700 mg’s plus, possibly.

We had a true true laugh this whole day. It was a bit cruel. I wasn’t meaning to cause him a bad time, just get him suprisingly wasted.

By time we walked to Lake and bar, I went inside for drinks....Dan was unconscious outside, face pressed into wooden bench. (He had wooden bench face prints later lol).

He remained that way for 6 hours until we got him into a taxi and sent him home.

He said after, he loved it, but would never do it again. No bad time. But he didn’t have the capacity to handle it consciously.

That’s the only time I’ve ever technically spiked anybody, and zero intention of harm or trauma.

I would love a good 1000 mg THC dose now. I’m envious of the Canadians with access to XMG drops. That’s what I need I swear.

@daoist the breathing trouble you felt was very possibly psychosomatic related to anxiety or panic. I’ve seen that too in people. I did accidentally give a small female Uni housemate too big a slice of brownie once.

Honest mistake. In hindsight, was likely an easy 500 mg’s thc. We all had the same.

Michelle flipped out. Major panic attack. She felt like she was going to swallow her tongue. Respiratory issues accompanied the panic. We talked her down all night like an LSD trip. She was totally fine next day and after.

@Polarbearboy hope you enjoyed your vape day in the sun in March and things going well since.

You said you tried Melatonin. Me too. It doesn’t agree with everybody.

5 http is better IMO, works more consistently, easier to dose and guage, and less aggravating generally than Melatonin.
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Well-Known Member
2 nights complete. I know that's not so impressive but it's been kinda of tough so far. So far I do feel more alert and awake. We will see if I can complete 1 month. Not sure that 1 month is even worth it though. Only because I have read that after two weeks it just doesn't really help to go longer, you'll get the same results from 2 weeks that you get from 2 months....


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that a person that never took cannabis in his life takes 1000mg that person is going to have a terrible time.
I am not sure if you die from it, but that person will definately will think that for the next 24 hours. It is not what i am looking for.

I think i accidently dosed myself by making oil with 0,5 gram really strong dark gorilla hash. that must have been at least 150mg, possibly more.

I did not like it. I also got trouble breathing and swallowing and all sort of weird effects. I really don't want to know what happpens at 1000mg.

You won't die from weed.

Way Of Leaf said:
In 1988, Judge Francis Young reviewed the evidence about cannabis overdosing and pointed out that a weed user would need to use up to 1,500 pounds of the substance in 15 minutes to “induce a lethal response.”

Full article


Well-Known Member
you can die from weed. They tested this on Animals. They don't have the balls to test it on humans, so why do you think that is?


Well-Known Member
You won't die from weed.

Full article
Lol, I just had an image for a new game show or even magician trick.

Contestants have exactly 15 minutes from the whistle, using the ropes supplied, to attach 1500 Ibs of cannabis to their waist and dive in the pool.

First to drown wins!


Well-Known Member
You know that the lethal dose for thc is estimated on 2000mg for a 150 pounds person.
Where has that number come from? The estimates are between 666mg/kg body weight and 1260mg/kg (it’s actually 800mg/kg in rats, 3000mg/kg in dogs and 9000mg/kg in monkeys). Which for a 150lb person (68kg) is between 45.28 grams and 85.68 grams of thc in a single dose, which you could probably only do by edibles and then you have the issue of bioavailability when trying to absorb 45g of thc at once.
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Well-Known Member
Where has that number come from? The estimates are between 666mg/kg body weight and 1260mg/kg (it’s actually 800mg/kg in rats, 3000mg/kg in dogs and 9000mg/kg in monkeys). Which for a 150lb person (68kg) is between 45.28 grams and 85.68 grams of thc in a single dose, which you could probably only do by edibles and then you have the issue of bioavailability when trying to absorb 45g of thc at once.
I still like my swimming pool method best. Damn, fuck trying to euthanise yourself with cannabis alone, you get me?

Now that’s a statement to offer a little perspective for those prehistoric who would still attach stigma and danger to cannabis, vs....alcohol, tob....


Well-Known Member
Where has that number come from? The estimates are between 666mg/kg body weight and 1260mg/kg (it’s actually 800mg/kg in rats, 3000mg/kg in dogs and 9000mg/kg in monkeys). Which for a 150lb person (68kg) is between 45.28 grams and 85.68 grams of thc in a single dose, which you could probably only do by edibles and then you have the issue of bioavailability when trying to absorb 45g of thc at once.

The lethal dose is 30mg per kilo body weight for humans. And according to that article people have died from thc.
I am not sure if they just measured the usa or the entire world.

I think you are completely talking out of your ass with your numbers. And don't forget about the terpenes.
It is known that aroma therapy oil (which is basicly pure terpenes concentrate) can be lethal.

I hope we don't trainwreck the topic here. Maybe we should move this discussion somewhere else.
I don't want to be responsible for people trying to t break and end up OD-ing.:worms:
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Well-Known Member

The lethal dose is 30mg per kilo body weight for humans. And according to that article people have died from thc.
I am not sure if they just measured the usa or the entire world.

I think you are completely talking out of your ass with your numbers.
Oh right just read the study and it’s intravenous

“ The intravenous LD50 for THC in rats is considered to be 28.6 mg (27.4 – 29.85 mg) per kilogram31, corresponding to an estimated intravenous lethal dose in humans of around 2000 mg in total or 30 mg per kilogram3. “

and far from proving anything they’ve said they assume :doh:
“ We assume the deaths of these two young men occurred due to arrhythmias evoked by smoking cannabis; however this assumption does not rule out the presence of predisposing cardiovascular factors”

In conclusion they’ve basically said we estimate injecting 2g of pure thc into yourself might kill you although it might possibly be related to underlying conditions. Strong science indeed :lol:

Edit: ah yeah my numbers came from oral administration:
“Following oral administration, the median lethal dose (LD50) was 800 mg/kg in rats [3], up to 3000 mg/kg in dogs and up to 9000 mg/kg in monkeys [4].”
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Well-Known Member
For those who had to quit for a drug test, how long did it take until you were clean? If you could provide details like your body type/ metabolism speed, whether or not you were exercising, and whether or not you took any detox products, it would be insightful.

Also...I'm not interested in hearing the "just use fake urine" responses, mainly because that's not what I'm asking.
I'm curious about how long people have had to abstain in order to naturally pass a test, and the different factors that go into the equation.
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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
The answer would vary depending on the type of test. What type of test?


Well-Known Member
For those who had to quit for a drug test, how long did it take until you were clean? If you could provide details like your body type/ metabolism speed, whether or not you were exercising, and whether or not you took any detox products, it would be insightful.

Also...I'm not interested in hearing the "just use fake urine" responses, mainly because that's not what I'm asking.
I'm curious about how long people have had to abstain in order to naturally pass a test, and the different factors that go into the equation.
On another forum, more broad range Harm Reduction and educational, an addict also weed user, reported facing a drug test and using mouthwash, listerine I think, a few times beforehand that day and passed, “and I was fucking high as shit.”

Just for anybody facing an oral test, maybe even drivers roadside.

Urine, yeah the sage old practice of having a clean sample on hand.

My Schizophrenic mate though, they make sure to properly observe the process so he could never do that, unless maybe you rig up some hidden pipe or something.

Gonna see what Ramans said now….


Unknown Member
@mccringleberry for a lab urine test last spring, I was clean for almost two months, but still pissing dirty according to cheap Walmart/Walgreens home tests. Skinny about 160lbs good metabolism and lots of activity but not a lot of running or saunas. I was using heavy at the time, wax included. i ended up keeping a bottle of fake on me, but luckily I never had to take a test. good luck.

Moses Baca

Colorado State Reformatory #8755
I had to take a piss test to get a job at the post office. I passed the test but didn't take the job.

For me it was one month clean with exercise and lots of water. Thc is stored in fat but I exercise regularly in an attempt to keep my fat down. I drink a lot of beer and enjoy a lot of food so trying to keep the fat down is the best I can do.

Also, don't test your first pee of the day. Any residual Thc will accumulate overnight and give a higher reading than urine tested later in the day.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Oops, forgot to mention that. Urinealysis. But people who took other types of tests are also welcome to reply.

Yeah, for urine, if it's a lab test, then you have to give it least a month. And it can take closer to two months for some. Everyone's body chemistry is different. And getting as much exercise as possible during that time certainly helps (anything you can do to speed up your metabolism helps).

Aside from that, there are different ways to cheat. The most efficacious of course is to carry in clean urine to fill the cup with. This works best, but many places have ways to catch this.

For example, the last time I was on probation they would have someone go in the bathroom with me...They would ask me to drop my pants, lift my shirt, and spin around before filling the cup. And there was a curved mirror sitting on the back of the toilet so that they could see exactly what I was doing as they watched me pee.

At the same time, I had a piss test once from an employer (construction job, and an inspector told my boss that I was in the porta-potty smoking weed (which was true, I was in there smoking a blunt whileI sat on the toilet)), and I passed just fine even though one of the owners of the company was in the restroom with me. They didn't have mirrors, and I could use the bottle of piss in my waistband just fine to fill the cup.

Of course there are different kinds of urine tests. And there are different ways to cheat. If you have the time, doing it naturally is the best way. If you don't have time, then fruit pectin is a common way to dilute your sample down to where it's mostly water that you're pissing (google "how to sure jell drug test" to find instructions). This is an example:

The problem with the above method is that it will work with the standard piss-in-the-cup and drop in the thing that gives the answer in a few minutes. This is what many employers use because it's cheaper. However, if they do the more expensive method that involves sending the sample off to a lab, the lab will most likely test the ph and mark the sample as unusable because it's almost all just water. They will require you to retest after this. Also, most of the popular ways to dose the sample with a chemical to cause a false negative result are tested for these days.

So, if it's a UA and it's a lab test, then your best bet is to go the natural route. If it's not a lab test, and you just don't have the 1-2 months time to go the natural route, then the Sure-Jell/Certo/Fruit Pectin route may be worth looking into.


Well-Known Member
I had to take a piss test to get a job at the post office. I passed the test but didn't take the job.

For me it was one month clean with exercise and lots of water. Thc is stored in fat but I exercise regularly in an attempt to keep my fat down. I drink a lot of beer and enjoy a lot of food so trying to keep the fat down is the best I can do.

Also, don't test your first pee of the day. Any residual Thc will accumulate overnight and give a higher reading than urine tested later in the day.
Yes, fresh midstream morning Urine on a clean diet did produce a mild THC recycled high. Even moreso with LSD if you timed the dose right for a 5 am wee.

The first pee will usually have the highest concentration of recycled, sometimes more biologically available psychoactives.


Well-Known Member
Yes, fresh midstream morning Urine on a clean diet did produce a mild THC recycled high. Even moreso with LSD if you timed the dose right for a 5 am wee.

The first pee will usually have the highest concentration of recycled, sometimes more biologically available psychoactives.
Did you drink your urine? o.O


Well-Known Member
Did you drink your urine? o.O
I did. From mid 2010- May 2012.

It’s nothing alarming, nor even gross, urine therapy is long established with roots thousands of years back in Ayurveda.

I only drunk one fluid ounce daily of morning mid-stream urine, but the practise also involves massaging the rest of the morning urine into the skin, specifically face and neck, as that urine is high in recycled or more bioavailable hormones, which are absorbed through the skin, and save a lot of energy usually used manufacturing more hormones.

As well as amino acids, enzymes, our body actually tailors our own urine to our exact needs and imbalances, antibodies to allergies, infections.

A clean, natural diet is required.

I can only say good things about the noticeable benefits from day one.

It’s also the best skin health remedy or lotion going. Beauty models practise it.

And the top skin creams are made with urea.
Everything about my life and health was better, bolstered from the urine therapy, especially allergies, respiration, immunity, as well as a very powerful benefit to mental health.

Urine works like an antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication better than anything or drug I’ve known. Very mentally and emotionally stabilising and fortifying.

I only stopped because I wasn’t satisfied still not having freedom to live a full, normal life.

I was relatively comfortable, fit and strong. But I was still leashed. I didn’t know then, 2012, that the original root cause of everything was Lyme, or Borrelia, until June 2015.

I had a lot to discover or uncover, and a great way to go healing still.

I lacked knowledge and hindsight. After 7 years working so hard, as committed as an Olympian, digging so deep, searching for answers, desperate to restore normality to life.

I put a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself at that time, April 2012. I was under the illusion that it was, way back insignificant then lol, Now or Never.

I was only 32, but felt unless I could hack away the irregularities and hurdles that still made it impossible to live life “normally”, even for a single day, no matter what I do, think, follow or try, my life would pass me by.

I had some great success fasting, starting in 2010, just “one-day” fasts initially, aka 36 hours IMO is the real minimum for a true actual “fast”.

Like, breakfast breaks a fast, hence.

24 hours no food, would qualify as a 24 hour fast for an operation for example.

And the health benefits of intermittent fasting have been well extolled and are pretty indisputable scientifically. I still fast intermittently to this day, as a way of lifestyle.

I still look younger than people 10 years younger than me. It’s nothing to do with vanity, but keeping a clean, youthful body and skin is worth doing IMO.

But a fast in this sense is a process of detoxification, cleaning, repair, rejuvenation.

It take a full cycle for the process to complete. Stop short and it will never have the same effect.

So eg- dinner finished 8 pm. Ideally eat light leading into a fast, and best if system is not constipated, congested, still catching up etc too, for better results.

Then simply, 36 hours later, 8 am, next food.

That is a true one day fast. 36 hours. But a true 2 day fast is 60 hours. A 3 day fast is 84 hours. Etc.

It’s analogous to a cash deposit. I completed 10 36 hour fasts in 2011.

Early 2012 I purposely did my first ever real true, properly conducted 2 day fast. I’d gone days without food in youth, but was fit, well, and on drugs as well so it wasn’t detoxing.

That’s what hurts. In most cases, ironically, the sensation of hunger isn’t real hunger at all, but the body’s cry for detoxification presenting as an illusion. True hunger awaits the other side of the much needed but enduring detoxification process.

That may sound peculiar, and is a bit ironic but it’s basic healing principles I believe.

The second day, towards evening, I was suddenly hit by the most extreme herxeimer reaction ever,

It was like dying. I had never felt so aware of my mortality, and so humble, repented.

Literally, the only way to describe it. I accepted how feeble a mortal I am. A lot of things really sunk in, shifted or became clearer, emotionally.

I can’t describe the subjective experience in terms of the nature of the suffering, but like I say it literally felt like death.

Not a figure of speech but a concept. I was committed never looking to back out of the 2 day fast. I just didn’t like having my arse kicked so so hard unexpectedly on day 2.

I’d never known an experience like it.

It was irrelevant anyway, just a lesson on my long healing path.

So even if I had been contemplating eating to end the detox, I was too struck by fatigue, malaise, shock, to be interested in food.

I could only go to bed. About 9 pm, deep true sleep for maybe 12 hours.

I expected to feel like hell the next day. But, I woke up feeling truly on top of the world. Zero fatigue, discomfort, pain, anxiety, I looked a decade younger, my skin and hair literally- Shone!

I felt agile, light, buoyant, so much energy. I had a new body, and a new mind.

I saw the necessity and power in fasting and detoxing that day.

I was very well following. But I still didn’t know I was flooded with Borrelia, brain, blood, nerves and all, and I got concerned about time slipping and the pressure to solve the riddle fully.

So I decided to attempt a true true fast. Or long fast. I read up on fasting heavily, I was aiming for about 30 days no food, that’s how determined and committed I was, still am.

I went into it, that genuine objective.

It was however, in hindsight, very ill-advised for me personally physically at the time.

Long fasts really require some medical supervision for safety. I was fully unsupervised. It became incredibly hard mentally by day 3, feeling so so hungry, no energy.

But I’m not a quitter, I continued. It got increasingly hard to endure by the day. The only good part, I’d go to sleep at 9 pm each night, like a baby for 12 hours in a blink.

THE best sleep of my life.

But after 7 days and nights, plus the initial time deposit so literally over a week in a round about way, I had to abandon.

I detoxed very heavily sure, but under supervision and in hindsight, beyond 3 days and nights is unadvisable.

I survived, not comfortably, but “comfortably” if you get me, but my immune system and Lyme was influenced, my immunity dropped hugely, the Borrelia, still unknown to me then, would almost surely have used the weakness level in my body to maximise its stronghold and scope.

The point, I developed an immune deficiency in my urinary tract.

Since April 2012, to July 2021, I’ve had at least one minimum, but as far as reason to believe, never less than two urinary infections every day since, never once clear.

Exactly the same case with my lungs from 2005, never once have actually been free from infection, likely minimum two at some level always at best.

They all go, but new ones come. Like a nightclub taking in/churning out drunks.

I was forced to abandon urine therapy as a result.

2 years I’d not had anything but positive results and health benefits from the urine. But the tract was suddenly unable to prevent or clear pathogens. The pathogens in the imbibed urine would instantly lead to a huge level respiratory infection.

My urinary system, and urine, tested positive every time for a bacterial, and a viral infection typically as it has been still.

I was really gutted. Urine therapy was a wonder drug all round. I’d do it starting tomorrow if I knew it was safe, but I know it’s not, instant re-infection guaranteed.

Until somehow, some day, the leak is fixed. I’m working on that. That’s just one little angle of it all really. It’s a bizarre and quite complex existence.
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