The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Today begins a two week break for me. It's just been taking too much to get where I want to be lately, one full Vapcap used to be a rocket ship, now it's like one of those kid's mall rides made to look like one. And since I've been chasing enormous rips, I've definitely been more wheezey and coughing.

I'll still be vaping CBD, but not nearly as much/often. And it's a great time to deep clean all my gear!


Well-Known Member
As far as wheezing, I say be weary of terpenes.

The cannabis community is currently obsessed with terpenes, some go as far as to claim they are the magic of cannabis.

There is practically no information on the implications of inhaling concentrated amounts of heated terpenes, particularly from all the cheap "live resins" on the market. Terpenes are a well documented irritant and can even burn the skin when not diluted properly. A single drop of pure terpenes will diffuse its aroma for hours when diluted. A gram of live resin could contain up to 20% terpenes by weight! some vape this much oil in a single day, including almost a quarter gram just in essential oils. While humans have been inhaling cannabis for thousands of years, only now has the technology for such terpy hits been possible, and the effects of this are ultimately unknown.

This. I once had some GG4 concentrate that put me in the hospital because I couldn't breath. I know it was the concentrate because after using one night I woke up not being able to breath, like not able to get a full breath. I felt better in the morning and thought nothing of it until it happened again after using the concentrate, only this time I didn't feel better in the morning. Some respiratory therapy and I was better, but I stopped using concentrates. I am now even weary of flower that has really high terps, especially myrcene.

I got downvoted to oblivion on reddit when I said that the cannabis community's obsession with terps was reminding me of "oil moms" and essential oil MLMs that claim to cure everything that ails you.


Well-Known Member
Today begins a two week break for me. It's just been taking too much to get where I want to be lately, one full Vapcap used to be a rocket ship, now it's like one of those kid's mall rides made to look like one. And since I've been chasing enormous rips, I've definitely been more wheezey and coughing.

I'll still be vaping CBD, but not nearly as much/often. And it's a great time to deep clean all my gear!
Good luck! You got this. After two weeks, you should have a pretty low tolerance.


Well-Known Member
This. I once had some GG4 concentrate that put me in the hospital because I couldn't breath. I know it was the concentrate because after using one night I woke up not being able to breath, like not able to get a full breath. I felt better in the morning and thought nothing of it until it happened again after using the concentrate, only this time I didn't feel better in the morning. Some respiratory therapy and I was better, but I stopped using concentrates. I am now even weary of flower that has really high terps, especially myrcene.

I got downvoted to oblivion on reddit when I said that the cannabis community's obsession with terps was reminding me of "oil moms" and essential oil MLMs that claim to cure everything that ails you.
Not very much in life is purely sweet unfortunately.

delta hotel

Well-Known Member
I'm working my daily amount down gradually by cutting the amount, and the frequency. I'd like to ease into a break of at least 3-5 days by tapering off this way. I'm curious about the alternatives, but I think I should be fine for a few days.

My tolerance has just gotten a little too high for me, so I'd like to press the reset button and hopefully manage it a little better on the other side. Previously when using combustion, anytime I thought of taking a break, since one of my uses is anxiety, I'd get terrible anxiety at the thought of it. Since switching to vaping, I feel like being able to microdose down has me more comfortable easing into a short break. Albeit still maybe a little uneasy, but much more confident going into it. I'd like to do a week, but I'm gonna shoot for a minimum of 3 days first. Is this an adequate amount of time for a "reset"?


Well-Known Member
I'm working my daily amount down gradually by cutting the amount, and the frequency. I'd like to ease into a break of at least 3-5 days by tapering off this way. I'm curious about the alternatives, but I think I should be fine for a few days.

My tolerance has just gotten a little too high for me, so I'd like to press the reset button and hopefully manage it a little better on the other side. Previously when using combustion, anytime I thought of taking a break, since one of my uses is anxiety, I'd get terrible anxiety at the thought of it. Since switching to vaping, I feel like being able to microdose down has me more comfortable easing into a short break. Albeit still maybe a little uneasy, but much more confident going into it. I'd like to do a week, but I'm gonna shoot for a minimum of 3 days first. Is this an adequate amount of time for a "reset"?
Obviously this stuff is still being studied, but I went with two weeks because the information I was seeing stated that your THC receptors start becoming more sensitive after 48 hours and can fully reset after two weeks (but maybe more depending on usage).

There's also this sensitization technique that some have had success with, but it does start with a 48 hour break.

In the future, I've considered maybe just doing a 2 day break every month to avoid a longer break every year or so. We shall see though!

delta hotel

Well-Known Member
Obviously this stuff is still being studied, but I went with two weeks because the information I was seeing stated that your THC receptors start becoming more sensitive after 48 hours and can fully reset after two weeks (but maybe more depending on usage).

There's also this sensitization technique that some have had success with, but it does start with a 48 hour break.

In the future, I've considered maybe just doing a 2 day break every month to avoid a longer break every year or so. We shall see though!
I considered this too, once I got it wrestled under control, taking a 2 day break each month. As it is, I've gone years without a day's break, so like you, I'd like to reset and then maintain that level or near it. Two weeks sounds like such a long time though. Baby steps!

EDIT: I'd also like to add that there's a lot of helpful information and support in this thread from the community, it's really helped to find this.


AVB Inspector
I'm very impressed with the resensitisation process and results. I would recommend that everyone try it at least once (medical health/conditions permitting). I've used Dr. Sulak's method twice and obtain red eyes and giggles as follows:

Before resensitisation process, 0.1g in a Dynavap
After resensitisation process, 0.025g in a Dynavap

The high after the resensitisation process is fantastic, it's amazing how little of the flower is needed for such a colourful high. It inspired me to keep my doses on the low side and and soon as the size starts creeping up then I taper it down.
I actually find having to use large doses turns me off cannabis and it doesn't seem half the magical drug compared to when you only need a few crumbs.
When I used to drink often and heavily, I'd need a bottle to to do what a single glass should do. It felt abusive, and I seem to automatically view my cannabis usage in the same way.

I used to take a months break from time to time to reset, but always found my usage rising back to pre-break levels within a couple of days.


Tokin' Away Since 1968
I'm in my 12th day of a vaping break. Already my longest break in at least eight or nine years. First seven days I ingested edibles(rice-sized dollup of RSO) right before dinner, which kept the evenings fun, but the last five days its been zip. I mostly feel fine, but since stopping the edibles, I've had both a weird and a terrible time sleeping. I've woken just about every hour or two all night long and had trouble falling back to sleep. The weirdness is the vividness of my dreams. At first the dreams had a sort of nighmarish quality, but that phase seems to have passed. The waking is more problematic. I think my body and brain have gotten used to going to sleep wasted and that its that change in routine causing the problems. One night I took an over the counter sleep aid, and that helped. But given my addictive nature I don't want to start taking sleep medication too often. (Yes, I've taken melatonin) On the good news front: My reason for breaking was breathing issues and those have completely disappeared; I feel great. I'm shooting for at least two more days/nights of no cannabis, which would make 7 full days without, but may go a bit longer so I get the advantage of a good tolerance reset for all my "suffering", LOL. Can't wait to get back to my vapes and bangers.


Well-Known Member
I'm in my 12th day of a vaping break. Already my longest break in at least eight or nine years. First seven days I ingested edibles(rice-sized dollup of RSO) right before dinner, which kept the evenings fun, but the last five days its been zip. I mostly feel fine, but since stopping the edibles, I've had both a weird and a terrible time sleeping. I've woken just about every hour or two all night long and had trouble falling back to sleep. The weirdness is the vividness of my dreams. At first the dreams had a sort of nighmarish quality, but that phase seems to have passed. The waking is more problematic. I think my body and brain have gotten used to going to sleep wasted and that its that change in routine causing the problems. One night I took an over the counter sleep aid, and that helped. But given my addictive nature I don't want to start taking sleep medication too often. (Yes, I've taken melatonin) On the good news front: My reason for breaking was breathing issues and those have completely disappeared; I feel great. I'm shooting for at least two more days/nights of no cannabis, which would make 7 full days without, but may go a bit longer so I get the advantage of a good tolerance reset for all my "suffering", LOL. Can't wait to get back to my vapes and bangers.
Awesome! Congratulations on the success.

I know what you mean regarding the dreams. I almost always remember my dreams, but when I was on my long cannabis break, my dreams became more negative. I wouldn't call them nightmares, but they were usually very stressful and aggitating (getting into arguments / fights, etc.). I also fell asleep very late, and woke up very early.


Well-Known Member
The sleep and dream thing is interesting. Even before cannabis I rarely had dreams. Sometimes I struggle to get to sleep, but once I'm asleep I'm usually dead to the world.

Now that I'm on a break, not much has changed in the sleep department. I wonder if there's any correlation between people who usually dream and cannabis' effect on sleep?


Tokin' Away Since 1968
Just discovered a wonderful unintended and unexpected consequence of my cannabreak, now in its 14th day without vaping and 8th day without edibles. I just got on the scale and discovered I've lost ten pounds, all the weight I had gained this winter and was angry at myself about, mostly in the last week. Its particularly interesting because I've actually been exercising less--it ain't as much fun when I'm not high--since beginning the break. I'm guessing that its the much less snacking in the evening that's done this. Less stoned, less munchies, more control. I've now actually reached my two-week cannabreak goal, but I'm going to go a few more days because it looks like we're going to have our first warm sunny day since October on Wednesday. I'm gonna take a drive through the snowy mountains toking some nice sativa on my Crafty, hit my favorite brewpub for a burger, and wander up the Wilderness Trail. I'm psyched!

delta hotel

Well-Known Member
My last inhalation was last night around 9:30PM. Gonna try to make the 48 hours, but I've had a bunch of external stressors and things going on. So far I'm doing better than I thought, and hoping I can hang in there, going to sleep tonight will be the real test. I was afraid the stressors would send me right back, but if I can do it now, I can do it anytime! Get through this 48, keep it low, and take monthly breaks for a few days to keep it from becoming this years running out of control stretch.

Hopefully the start of a healthier relationship with cannabis. Positive affirmations guys!


Well-Known Member
My last inhalation was last night around 9:30PM. Gonna try to make the 48 hours, but I've had a bunch of external stressors and things going on. So far I'm doing better than I thought, and hoping I can hang in there, going to sleep tonight will be the real test. I was afraid the stressors would send me right back, but if I can do it now, I can do it anytime! Get through this 48, keep it low, and take monthly breaks for a few days to keep it from becoming this years running out of control stretch.

Hopefully the start of a healthier relationship with cannabis. Positive affirmations guys!
Sounds like a good plan! If you find yourself having any trouble I recommend looking into breathing exercises, and also checking out the WIm Hof Method thread, as all of that stuff help keep my stress levels down significantly.

The good thing about a 48 hour break, is that it's only 2 nights, so any potential sleep loss won't have time to stack up and cause major issues. Aso, as far as sleep goes, a cold shower and a cool room both help with falling to sleep more easily, as we are naturally used to cooling before bed, since that's when the sun goes down and the outdoor temps drop.

delta hotel

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good plan! If you find yourself having any trouble I recommend looking into breathing exercises, and also checking out the WIm Hof Method thread, as all of that stuff help keep my stress levels down significantly.

The good thing about a 48 hour break, is that it's only 2 nights, so any potential sleep loss won't have time to stack up and cause major issues. Aso, as far as sleep goes, a cold shower and a cool room both help with falling to sleep more easily, as we are naturally used to cooling before bed, since that's when the sun goes down and the outdoor temps drop.
Thanks, this is helpful! I've not been too stressed, which is good, but anytime I reach the times or moments I'd usually dabble, I've had to distract myself, but other than that it's gone well.

I'll keep in mind about the cool room, I was unaware of that. By my math though, today at 9:30PM will be 24 hours, and tomorrow at 9:30PM will be 48 hours, so if I'm really miserable tonight, I can break it tomorrow night before bed to help, but if I make it to then without an issue, I'll just see how I sleep through the night without. I want to hit the 48, and if I'm still good beyond that, I'll continue until there's an issue or I'm ready, I don't know about 2 weeks though, respect to whoever does that!


Well-Known Member
Today begins a two week break for me. It's just been taking too much to get where I want to be lately, one full Vapcap used to be a rocket ship, now it's like one of those kid's mall rides made to look like one. And since I've been chasing enormous rips, I've definitely been more wheezey and coughing.

I'll still be vaping CBD, but not nearly as much/often. And it's a great time to deep clean all my gear!
About that two weeks... my wife called hers off after a week; her tolerance was lower than mine to begin with though. So I was like, "Ah what the heck, let's see what one week did for me!". Then that turned into the weekend, which turned into, "Oh yeah, that's why I do this everyday." A part of me too doesn't ever want to feel reliant on vaping, so it's nice to know I can go without it. The reality is that there's literally no downsides to vaping other than money for herb and time for vaping!

So for me, a week more than halved my tolerance. To keep it from creeping back up, I'm considering a two day a month break or maybe just trying to halve dosage when it gets too high.

What are some ways people keep their tolerance down?
Thanks, this is helpful! I've not been too stressed, which is good, but anytime I reach the times or moments I'd usually dabble, I've had to distract myself, but other than that it's gone well.

I'll keep in mind about the cool room, I was unaware of that. By my math though, today at 9:30PM will be 24 hours, and tomorrow at 9:30PM will be 48 hours, so if I'm really miserable tonight, I can break it tomorrow night before bed to help, but if I make it to then without an issue, I'll just see how I sleep through the night without. I want to hit the 48, and if I'm still good beyond that, I'll continue until there's an issue or I'm ready, I don't know about 2 weeks though, respect to whoever does that!
You can do it! Any amount of time away will make the next session that much more satisfying.


Well-Known Member
Not really taking a t-break, but I'm scaling back from a daily user to weekends only. I became a daily user during covid and I enjoyed it. But for the last couple weeks I've been doing weekends only and I appreciate the high so much more when it isn't a daily occurance.


Tokin' Away Since 1968
Well 19 days into my longest vaping/cannabreak in 8 years!, which began with 7 days of edibles in the evening and now 12 days of zero cannabis, I'm going to vape today. I was sort of wanting to keep going with the break to hit three full weeks, but its an amazingly beautiful day here in the northern mountains, with temps expected to hit near 60F. By Saturday we'll be down below freezing day and night again, and we may not get another beauty like this for five or six weeks, so I want to take advantage of today. So I'm going to break my break and ride down through Pinkham Notch, over the Kanc to Woodstock brewpub for an IPA and my favorite burger in the North Country. I'll probably take a walk up the Wilderness Trail. Then back over the Kanc and up through Crawford Notch. Its simply not humanly possible to do all this without taking a toke or two on ye auld Crafty. This evening the Rio and its trio of bangers will be trying their new ruby pearls and spinner cap. ;)

delta hotel

Well-Known Member
As I near the 48 hour mark and continue to feel fine, I'm curious as to if there are any additional benefits from holding out longer? I just needed a little tolerance reset, and was down to smaller and smaller amounts leading up to it.

Like, is 5 days more of a reset than 2, or is 2 an adequate break? Wondering if I should go in at 48 hours or stretch it a little longer. If there are any added benefits for a slightly longer period, I may, but if not, I may not. I feel fine so far and this has been way easier than I expected. Previously when smoking, I skipped a day years ago and had a terrible time. Vaping has allowed me to taper down a little more accurately and ease into this, and it's pretty much been a breeze. I was more anxious about it than it was bad, which is good to know going forward.


AVB Inspector
As I near the 48 hour mark and continue to feel fine, I'm curious as to if there are any additional benefits from holding out longer? I just needed a little tolerance reset, and was down to smaller and smaller amounts leading up to it.

Like, is 5 days more of a reset than 2, or is 2 an adequate break? Wondering if I should go in at 48 hours or stretch it a little longer. If there are any added benefits for a slightly longer period, I may, but if not, I may not. I feel fine so far and this has been way easier than I expected. Previously when smoking, I skipped a day years ago and had a terrible time. Vaping has allowed me to taper down a little more accurately and ease into this, and it's pretty much been a breeze. I was more anxious about it than it was bad, which is good to know going forward.
Hiya, the majority of the reset is done in the first 48 hrs, for me.
But having said that, I would highly recommend restarting with tiny doses for the next 2 or 3 days. Much smaller than even they were before you stopped. After this period of "teasing" your cannabinoid receptors, you go back up to your normal low doses again and will likely find them more than sufficient.
That's basically the resensitisation method I mentioned a few posts back, if you've 7mins do watch this explanation/instructions:

delta hotel

Well-Known Member
Hiya, the majority of the reset is done in the first 48 hrs, for me.
But having said that, I would highly recommend restarting with tiny doses for the next 2 or 3 days. Much smaller than even they were before you stopped. After this period of "teasing" your cannabinoid receptors, you go back up to your normal low doses again and will likely find them more than sufficient.
That's basically the resensitisation method I mentioned a few posts back, if you've 7mins do watch this explanation/instructions:
Yeah, I've watched his videos and found a page that further breaks it down with additional videos. He, and you guys have all been very helpful. Your first sentence answers my main question though. My plan was to slowly ease back in per his instructions.

If I make it to 9:30PM tonight and I think I can finish the night off without, then I will and just take it to tomorrow afternoon when I'm free next. I felt like I'd be in a rush to end the 48 hours, but I'm not.


Well-Known Member
I think tolerance breaks can be different for everyone. but after two or three days your tolerance should be a lot lower.
But it does not really help if you start vaping full blast after that because it will go straight back to what it was in a few days.

I have had days that i vaped maybe 0.75 grams a day. But my tolerance was higher back then.
I decided this can no longer go on like that for both health and financial reasons, and just did a t-break for 5 days. For me 5 days is more than enough to do a very good reset.

After those 5 days i definately could not handle 0.75 gram daily anymore. I could not even finish a mighty bowl, i had to toss out the abv and vape it later because 1/2 a mighty bowl whooped my ass. 1 extreme Q big-bag also just whooped my ass.

I try to keep my tolerance low by doing a strict medical regimen of 0,2 gram in the afternoon and 0,2 gram in the evening (that seems to be the optimal dose for me). I make vaping part of my daily routine and my routine dictates my life, and i don't let the vape habit take over control of my life. But people should do what they like. I just say what i do.

And when that regimen does not work for me anymore i just skip the afternoon dose and only vape in the evening so i still sleep well and get my tolerance reset at the same time. I usually notice a difference after skipping two afternoons. When i have a busy day or when i just don't feel like it i skip the afternoon dose anyway, so i reset the tolerance by accident.

So yes 48 hours can be enough to reset. But this also depends on how much you medicated before that and how your body works in general.
Last edited:

delta hotel

Well-Known Member
Still on my break, thinking I'll break it tonight or tomorrow with the slowly easing back in. I was only doing about 1/3 of the Pax loading tool at a time (so .03-.04g?) three times a day easing into the break, so I'll start real real real small when I do go back in.

I've said it a few times, but in all sincerity, thank you to everyone in this thread. Breaks had been something I saw as way too difficult and a real monkey on my back to do, if you will, but the guidance and support has helped immensely and gotten me through what before I thought would be very difficult. I was excited last night when I hit 48, and my partner noted she was happy to see how well I'd done so far, as she thought I was going to be a nightmare to be around based off of my previous attempt to break where I was really cranky and waking up from nightmares covered in sweat. No nightmares, but I do wake up multiple times a night, which I almost never do at all. It's been easy to just go back to sleep though. So thanks again guys! I've got a new lease on my hobby and my medicine!


Tokin' Away Since 1968
Broke down after 20 days without vaping, final 13 without edibles. The weather was just too fabulous here in the usually cold grey wet north. Today is our fourth out of five days that's sunny and 60F or higher, which usually doesn't happen 'til May. I feel great straight(not stoned!) and feel great stoned. Lungs feel so much better--that was my primary reason for taking a break. On Monday after one puff on my Crafty of some Amnesia Haze, I rode an hour on my first day off the wagon, up and down the mountainous roads around here. Couldn't believe how good that one hit was. By day three I'd switched to my new ebike and had two hours of hard pedaling. This was my first time getting high on the ebike, but I was on roads that I've biked hundreds of times and I'm now getting more comfortable on the ebike. Still won't get high before going in the woods with it though. Things scary fast and powerful. In the evenings I've spun the 4mm pearls around my core banger with Pineapple Express wax and spun the 6mm rubys around the round bottom on my Rio with some lovely sauce and shatter. Got high as a kite! Big smiles! Other than the hard time sleeping, my cannabreak wasn't that bad. I'm glad I did it.

I've also gotten my second vaccine shot. So today I'm headed out for only my second visit in a year to my favorite brewpub and then, after a toke or two, an ebike ride up Crawford Notch to Mt. Washington.


sigma vape enjoyer
I've gotten this down to a science... that I never follow myself. Listen to the science though, it's good.

So being a self admitted addict with no intention of ever stopping, I wanted to find a viable way of using weed regularly without bleeding my wallet dry. In addition I wanted to bring back the experience of getting properly stoned to the point where you look at the clock after an hour and it's only been 15 minutes. And finally I needed to stop overconsuming, like we say in Greece "να το πίνεις, να μην σε πίνει".

What I came up with was a three day (Fri/Sat/Sun) vape week. Lowers your tolerance enough to get reaaaaly high on Friday and doesn't restrict you too much so you can enjoy the weekend. A kSafe timer lock box can certainly help with keeping you honest.
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