The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Regarding Nihilism as a Cannabreak symptom. Some dudes in Big Pharma reasoned that since THC enhances appetite, and since THC activates CB1 receptors in the brain, then a CB1 blocker might make a good diet pill. Enter Rimonabant. They started selling it in Europe, there were many reports of weight loss. But then there was trouble, some people got depressed, and they rather suddenly withdrew it, without detailed explanation. In reality for many patients it was blocking ALL perception of pleasure. Ahedonia they call it. Rumor has it there were several hushed up suicides. There ya go, nihilism.


Well-Known Member
FWIW People struggling with Chronic Pain, try Meloxicam, or Mobic, as part of your analgesic barrage. It has no central effect, unlike crap like Gabapentin and Pregabalin. But 15mg daily helps a lot with pain where inflammation is involved. It's a more potent NSAID, with similar precautions required, though I never got any stomach irritation. In Europe it's OTC at 7.5 mg, in the US you need a regular prescription.


Well-Known Member
I am just shy of a year on my T break. It wasn’t intentional but it is what it is. I figure another month and I should be good to go again. Fingers crossed
I had been using for about 35 years with daily consumption between 1 & 2 g’s.
Prior to the break I was slightly anxious as to how I would handle abstinence but when the time came it was a walk in the park. The main issue was more to do with boredom,I would find myself wanting to go through the motions more so than for the effect.
I am still looking forward to breaking the drought and seeing how high I can get with so little product. Just like when I first started.


Research Geek, Mad Scientist
I am just shy of a year on my T break. It wasn’t intentional but it is what it is. I figure another month and I should be good to go again. Fingers crossed
I had been using for about 35 years with daily consumption between 1 & 2 g’s.
Prior to the break I was slightly anxious as to how I would handle abstinence but when the time came it was a walk in the park. The main issue was more to do with boredom,I would find myself wanting to go through the motions more so than for the effect.
I am still looking forward to breaking the drought and seeing how high I can get with so little product. Just like when I first started.

no edibles! :)

nice and slow.

hope your roll is sweet for a long time!

longest break of last year was 5 weeks for the flu, otherwise I did 4-7 day breaks at intervals during the year. no withdrawals. last one didn't reset my tolerance quite as much, but I've bumped it up rather high to fight the cancer... so who knows.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I am just shy of a year on my T break. It wasn’t intentional but it is what it is. I figure another month and I should be good to go again. Fingers crossed
I had been using for about 35 years with daily consumption between 1 & 2 g’s.
Prior to the break I was slightly anxious as to how I would handle abstinence but when the time came it was a walk in the park. The main issue was more to do with boredom,I would find myself wanting to go through the motions more so than for the effect.
I am still looking forward to breaking the drought and seeing how high I can get with so little product. Just like when I first started.
I just got off a 5 month t-break a few weeks ago. Man, my first session was great. Took a few hits off my mighty and was feeling great. It took me a few dabs and a fully packed mighty to get to that point before the t-break, so I would take it slow


Glass Addict
Its that time of the year again, joking...had some health problems due to ( I guess) too much and hard coughing in the last
weeks/months so I decided its time to take a break for now...since I bought some pee tests I decided to stay sober until I get negative on those what should take several weeks I guess (2g +/- per day)

*grabs a chair*


Well-Known Member
I personally don’t do breaks nor have an interest in doing so. T breaks defeat my purpose of using cannabis. I may need to consume more to get the “same high”, but it doesn’t change the fact I’m still calm relaxed anxiety free etc if anything I think not getting rediculously high during day time has its benefits when u need to function. I may not feel the body and head high as strong but I still get the medical effects even with my cbd I don’t get high but I still get relief. I’m happy with consuming more and more it doesn’t. Bother me. If I had to take a tolerance break then I would be going back to pills but honestly don’t think a break would even be possible in fact i smoke as much as I can anymore. It’s helping with my anxiety and a little bit of pain to an extent and the bad thoughts that I get are kept at bay. I feel like I can function better stoned then sober to a point if I actually go out without worrying about stupid things like someone’s plotting to commit a crime or I’m so unlucky this bridge will collapse when I hit the middle of it or wind will. BLow me off. Little stupid things like that cannabis really has helped with. Same thing with stress. I may not always be in pain but I kind of think now cannabis is helping me so much more with anxiety then it does with pain but I’m a patient for chronic pain so I’ll just vape or smoke even when I’m not in much pain just so I can feel normal if it makes sense.


Well-Known Member
I personally don’t do breaks nor have an interest in doing so. T breaks defeat my purpose of using cannabis. I may need to consume more to get the “same high”, but it doesn’t change the fact I’m still calm relaxed anxiety free etc if anything I think not getting rediculously high during day time has its benefits when u need to function. I may not feel the body and head high as strong but I still get the medical effects even with my cbd I don’t get high but I still get relief. I’m happy with consuming more and more it doesn’t. Bother me. If I had to take a tolerance break then I would be going back to pills but honestly don’t think a break would even be possible in fact i smoke as much as I can anymore. It’s helping with my anxiety and a little bit of pain to an extent and the bad thoughts that I get are kept at bay. I feel like I can function better stoned then sober to a point if I actually go out without worrying about stupid things like someone’s plotting to commit a crime or I’m so unlucky this bridge will collapse when I hit the middle of it or wind will. BLow me off. Little stupid things like that cannabis really has helped with. Same thing with stress. I may not always be in pain but I kind of think now cannabis is helping me so much more with anxiety then it does with pain but I’m a patient for chronic pain so I’ll just vape or smoke even when I’m not in much pain just so I can feel normal if it makes sense.
Has your tolerance hit a plateau yet, or does it continue to rise? If it is still rising, do you plan on eventually having to vape ridiculous amounts?

There are a few things to consider when it comes to rising tolerances:
1. Money - This matters more to some people than others.
2. Time - If you can take a few hits and be satisfyingly buzzed for a few hours, you will spend less time vaping than if you have to smoke for half an hour only to lose the buzz a half an hour later. This may have an affect on one's ability to function productively.
3. Health - Anything can be overdone. Cannabis is no exception. We haven't been able to thoroughly study the full range of effects that Cannabis use has on the human body, and we should be mindful of that. Also, there is the hot/dry air hitting the throat, to consider, as well.
4. Perceptual Effects: A person with a very low tolerance will be able to feel a much more intense buzz if they choose, than someone who has a very high tolerance. However, both users should be able to achieve a very mild buzz by adjusting their doses. Also, the perceptual effects wear off faster for someone with a high tolerance.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I’m just smoking as much as I vape now slowly turning to smoking more. Smoking I get a good hour of relief where vaping it’s a solid 20-30 minutes before wearing off eventually being completely gone around the 40 minute mark yet I still have the head high going so I wind up just getting incredibly high by the time I’m ready for bed. If I could make a high last a good 2-3 hours I gladly would but smoking high seems to be better then a vape high. May have a longer lasting groggy come down, but the pain relief seems to last a little longer and is stronger. I’ll still vape though, but vaping won’t put me to sleep. My eyes are more heavy relaxed and shut when I smoke. Even when I hit a point with vaping im so high I know it’s time for bed I still have to toss and turn or if I fall asleep I’ll be good for an hour tops then wide awake the rest of the night where smoking I can fall asleep Easier. Even with smoking though I’ll smoke maybe every 2 hours but usually small bowls as I wake up just the effects are stronger. I even tried a butane powered vape and they can’t compete with smokings effects unless I can get their but vaping i need to consume more then I would with smoking. Plus smoking feels so much better in my throat, but ONLY WITH A WATER PIPE. I don’t even realize how big of a hit I’m taken until the exhale. If I feel the high like it’s going to hit hard 1-2 minutes after the exhale then I know I’m going to get a good high going.

If pain wasn’t my issue then I could most likely stretch even vaping to 2 hours maybe 3, but unfortunately with vaping if I want to stay out of pain I just got used to being so stoned and I’m fine with vaping on the hour. Honestly just wish pot could compare to opioids I would be so happy if smoking or vaping could get me a solid 3 hours. The extra effect I love with the heavy body buzz is amazing so that’s a plus and even though the relief doesn’t last as long. I consume cbd as well.

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
After going through about 4 or 5 different vapes I still get chest pains that set in after vaping and it can continue the next morning/day. I think it's the hot air and possibly something else too (chemistry of vaping) because water filtration doesn't help much. I wish there was more science on the how's and why's of dry herb vaping but I spend a great deal of time researching here and my problem is not uncommon as I see other people have had issues with vaping and like myself they have bought vaporizer after vaporizer to try to solve their problem to no avail. I almost bought the Arizer II a few days ago but didn't make the impulsive buy. I'm considering trying the Dynavap thinking it might be similar to smoking since you have to ignite the end of the piece for a bit prior to vaping (maybe this helps the smoothness factor?)

Looked at concentrate rigs and just am not feeling like getting into something new and messy. So I'm on an inhalation break right now. Haven't combusted since NYE so I'm on week 2 of F-ing combustion, the live resin carts I bought work very nice but I don't trust carts yet because they are so new without any long term studies on what their possible long term health effects are going to be. I'm a bit frustrated as I believe in the superiority of vaping vs. combusting but a break from inhalation methods is something I've been looking forward to for quite a the ole Moody Blues song goes something like....Breathe in......(ride my seasaw song)
Truth Seeker,


After going through about 4 or 5 different vapes I still get chest pains that set in after vaping and it can continue the next morning/day. I think it's the hot air and possibly something else too (chemistry of vaping) because water filtration doesn't help much. I wish there was more science on the how's and why's of dry herb vaping but I spend a great deal of time researching here and my problem is not uncommon as I see other people have had issues with vaping and like myself they have bought vaporizer after vaporizer to try to solve their problem to no avail. I almost bought the Arizer II a few days ago but didn't make the impulsive buy. I'm considering trying the Dynavap thinking it might be similar to smoking since you have to ignite the end of the piece for a bit prior to vaping (maybe this helps the smoothness factor?)

Looked at concentrate rigs and just am not feeling like getting into something new and messy. So I'm on an inhalation break right now. Haven't combusted since NYE so I'm on week 2 of F-ing combustion, the live resin carts I bought work very nice but I don't trust carts yet because they are so new without any long term studies on what their possible long term health effects are going to be. I'm a bit frustrated as I believe in the superiority of vaping vs. combusting but a break from inhalation methods is something I've been looking forward to for quite a the ole Moody Blues song goes something like....Breathe in......(ride my seasaw song)

If your looking for long term studies combustion has thousands of years of history and no deaths so it's gonna be hard to topo that.

If you have no problems smoking might as well stick to it. I can't handle the scorching hot temperatures used for combustion at all anymore so I stick to vaping. I know I would use way less weed if I still combusted but it's not for me.

I vape rosin and co2 oil these days. Flower is kind of harsh to me, better off vaping kief for sure (less plant material to vaporize) Only problem with kief is it's definitely possible that the terpenes from vaping are affecting you, nearly all are burnt off in a combustion hit. Pinene and kushy terps can be harsh. Also flower/hash is traditionally cured for at least a year before inhaling in most traditional producing countries, the whole high terp thing is very new. Could be why combustion works for you?

Have you tried rosin? Maybe make some rosin shatter with a hair straightener, it will still be pretty tasty without being overly terpy. No studies on rosin but its a mechanical separation so not much to worry about IMO. It's hash juice.


Well-Known Member
After going through about 4 or 5 different vapes I still get chest pains that set in after vaping and it can continue the next morning/day. I think it's the hot air and possibly something else too (chemistry of vaping) because water filtration doesn't help much. I wish there was more science on the how's and why's of dry herb vaping but I spend a great deal of time researching here and my problem is not uncommon as I see other people have had issues with vaping and like myself they have bought vaporizer after vaporizer to try to solve their problem to no avail. I almost bought the Arizer II a few days ago but didn't make the impulsive buy. I'm considering trying the Dynavap thinking it might be similar to smoking since you have to ignite the end of the piece for a bit prior to vaping (maybe this helps the smoothness factor?)

Looked at concentrate rigs and just am not feeling like getting into something new and messy. So I'm on an inhalation break right now. Haven't combusted since NYE so I'm on week 2 of F-ing combustion, the live resin carts I bought work very nice but I don't trust carts yet because they are so new without any long term studies on what their possible long term health effects are going to be. I'm a bit frustrated as I believe in the superiority of vaping vs. combusting but a break from inhalation methods is something I've been looking forward to for quite a the ole Moody Blues song goes something like....Breathe in......(ride my seasaw song)

I’m very curious because same thing happens to me but I just assumed it was anxiety like I am calm but at same time when I get really stoned it hurts to try and sit up I assumed it was my body’s way of freaking out because of it, but have you tried a bong or bubbler?

It honestly seems like my body prefers smoke or maybe a better word is filtered/water pipes but I have not tried a vape through a waterbed pipe yet. Just feels like the smoke is so much cooler then the vape and it’s easy to not realize how much smoke I am inhaling u til the exhale where vaping it’s harsh half the time and irritates my throat. I get more sore throats from vaping then I do with a water pipe. It’s probably comparable to smoking joints so I just been using water pipes lately and when I go back to vaping that chest pain does come and hit me almost like my body’s screaming heart attack. It hurts even more to try and get up and walk it off but it’s always the same area and pressure type feeling in my chest along with feeling heavy and getting a relief from laying back down still hurts but just feels better if I don’t try to move. Cbd does not help so that’s why I don’t think it’s really anxiety because I’m also very calm and relaxed while it’s going on. I have heard the term couch lock several times, and maybe I misunderstood the meaning but I was always told indica indacouch paralyzed and u really can’t move period nothing about hurting to move. Assumed true couch lock is basically that heavy we body feeling like when getting out of a pool after u been swimming awhile because I feel like that often but the chest pain I get that too just seems like I feel so much better if I smoke through a water pipe.
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Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
If your looking for long term studies combustion has thousands of years of history and no deaths so it's gonna be hard to topo that.

If you have no problems smoking might as well stick to it. I can't handle the scorching hot temperatures used for combustion at all anymore so I stick to vaping. I know I would use way less weed if I still combusted but it's not for me.

I vape rosin and co2 oil these days. Flower is kind of harsh to me, better off vaping kief for sure (less plant material to vaporize) Only problem with kief is it's definitely possible that the terpenes from vaping are affecting you, nearly all are burnt off in a combustion hit. Pinene and kushy terps can be harsh. Also flower/hash is traditionally cured for at least a year before inhaling in most traditional producing countries, the whole high terp thing is very new. Could be why combustion works for you?

Have you tried rosin? Maybe make some rosin shatter with a hair straightener, it will still be pretty tasty without being overly terpy. No studies on rosin but its a mechanical separation so not much to worry about IMO. It's hash juice.

I think concentrate vaping is a very good idea due to the fact that one can reach proper dosage with less inhalations and at the end of the day that's my goal....less inhalations. Combustion does pose problems with upper respiratory symptoms for long term daily smokers so we do have data on that. How many of us who luv our medicine can really discipline ourselves to a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly sessions?

I figure if I go that long than I'll just not inhale at (Right said Fred! no it was Bill in 92')

I do have a few bottles of tinctures and a stock of edibles to get me through my no inhalation period if I so desire but right now I'm on day 2 of no thc/cdb and kind of wanting to do a little detox as I feel it's about time.

The Canna break periods do seem vital as it helps put everything in perspective as overdoing it just comes too easy.......especially these days with dispensaries on practically every corner!


I think concentrate vaping is a very good idea due to the fact that one can reach proper dosage with less inhalations and at the end of the day that's my goal....less inhalations. Combustion does pose problems with upper respiratory symptoms for long term daily smokers so we do have data on that. How many of us who luv our medicine can really discipline ourselves to a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly sessions?

I figure if I go that long than I'll just not inhale at (Right said Fred! no it was Bill in 92')

I do have a few bottles of tinctures and a stock of edibles to get me through my no inhalation period if I so desire but right now I'm on day 2 of no thc/cdb and kind of wanting to do a little detox as I feel it's about time.

The Canna break periods do seem vital as it helps put everything in perspective as overdoing it just comes too easy.......especially these days with dispensaries on practically every corner!
I tried a T-break and nearly died?


Well-Known Member
And so begins my 2nd t-break for employment. I expect this time around it should go a bit easier since I know what to expect from the last 90 day break of herbless existence. The vivid dreams have already started, 2 days in. I already tend to dream way too much for my liking, so this part of the break will be the toughest. I have invested in massive amounts of CBD and I have several great vapes to use with it. I was jonesing a bit yesterday and a few drops on the hot STRAW took away much of the desire for my darling Mary. Honestly, I have become somewhat of a pro at passing urine tests, but it feels so much easier on the mind to submit your own sample and know that it is clean. I struggle with rationalizing away my t-break due to the ease of substitution........Stay the course if you are struggling. I never took a break in something like 25 years of consumption. After my last one, I understand that I am stronger than my monkey brain allows me to think I am. I also plan on making my own concoction of vapeable herbage that will help me in my quest. It will include: Indian Warrior, wild lettuce, white sage, Kanna, and lots of tasty CBD extract as a topper. Old habits die hard. Break on!


Well-Known Member
Honestly I’m just smoking as much as I vape now slowly turning to smoking more. Smoking I get a good hour of relief where vaping it’s a solid 20-30 minutes before wearing off eventually being completely gone around the 40 minute mark yet I still have the head high going so I wind up just getting incredibly high by the time I’m ready for bed. If I could make a high last a good 2-3 hours I gladly would but smoking high seems to be better then a vape high. May have a longer lasting groggy come down, but the pain relief seems to last a little longer and is stronger. I’ll still vape though, but vaping won’t put me to sleep. My eyes are more heavy relaxed and shut when I smoke. Even when I hit a point with vaping im so high I know it’s time for bed I still have to toss and turn or if I fall asleep I’ll be good for an hour tops then wide awake the rest of the night where smoking I can fall asleep Easier. Even with smoking though I’ll smoke maybe every 2 hours but usually small bowls as I wake up just the effects are stronger. I even tried a butane powered vape and they can’t compete with smokings effects unless I can get their but vaping i need to consume more then I would with smoking. Plus smoking feels so much better in my throat, but ONLY WITH A WATER PIPE. I don’t even realize how big of a hit I’m taken until the exhale. If I feel the high like it’s going to hit hard 1-2 minutes after the exhale then I know I’m going to get a good high going.

If pain wasn’t my issue then I could most likely stretch even vaping to 2 hours maybe 3, but unfortunately with vaping if I want to stay out of pain I just got used to being so stoned and I’m fine with vaping on the hour. Honestly just wish pot could compare to opioids I would be so happy if smoking or vaping could get me a solid 3 hours. The extra effect I love with the heavy body buzz is amazing so that’s a plus and even though the relief doesn’t last as long. I consume cbd as well.
Perhaps, the reason you can't maintain a strong enough buzz for more than 30-60 minutes, is that you have a high tolerance?

Web people think their doctors?
Too many, unfortunately! :lol: (not directed at Madri-Gal lol)

I tried a T-break and nearly died?
How did you almost die?


Perhaps, the reason you can't maintain a strong enough buzz for more than 30-60 minutes, is that you have a high tolerance?

Too many, unfortunately! :lol: (not directed at Madri-Gal lol)

How did you almost die?
Sorry 2 jump in however this is a subject that piss’s me off!
T break’s R fine 4 people that abuse CANNABIS?
I now unfortunately am MEDICAL.
T-break 4 Medically depend patient of CANNABIS should be advised by a professional.
T-break 4 my condition of SCA made me depressed and life was gray?

4 me a T-break is not nice 2 someone with a MEDICAL need!

This maybe an option of mine?
I’ll shut up!


Child Of The Revolution
Sorry 2 jump in however this is a subject that piss’s me off!
T break’s R fine 4 people that abuse CANNABIS?
I now unfortunately am MEDICAL.
T-break 4 Medically depend patient of CANNABIS should be advised by a professional.
T-break 4 my condition of SCA made me depressed and life was gray?

4 me a T-break is not nice 2 someone with a MEDICAL need!

This maybe an option of mine?
I’ll shut up!
You need to do what is best for you, and for your health and happiness. T breaks are not required, and no kind person would ever want you to put your health at risk. It's is enough to bear the burden of ill health without being advised to give up the very medication that helps you. You deserve every happiness and comfort, @ataxian , and I wish that for you.


You need to do what is best for you, and for your health and happiness. T breaks are not required, and no kind person would ever want you to put your health at risk. It's is enough to bear the burden of ill health without being advised to give up the very medication that helps you. You deserve every happiness and comfort, @ataxian , and I wish that for you.
All kidding aside I ❤️ CANNABIS & we need 2 vape it 2 feel better MEDICAL/RECREATIONAL?

T-BREAK is scary 4 me?

If U need one fine!
I won’t tell U2!

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
I'm on day 4 and really enjoying this T break I'm thinking of not consuming the edibles or tinctures and taking my body detox to another level. The medicine really helps me focus on things like creating music but I want to be just as happy and content without it as I am with took a while to build up to this state of mind it almost takes a militant attitude and one must really mean business but your body and mind will tell when to hold em and when to fold em!
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