The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I have noticed pretty annoying withdrawal effects. Very reduced appetite, can barely eat anything. Can't sleep for a day, maybe 4 hours the next day. I actually go kind of hyper and jittery, eventually more clear-headed.
If I quit now, I would probably get depressed as shit. But it may not be so bad if I switch to just CBD?
Ive been a daily, but low dose, vaper for the past 4-1/2 years. I rarely consume more than 0.1gm/day of bud. I just went on a 7 day break while in Canada. Some difficulty going to sleep for a couple of days and had a REM rebound with some crazy dreams. Hardly qualifies as "withdrawal" symptoms. Going off coffee has been harder.


Well-Known Member
It will be 8 weeks this friday. Have to admit, this month was tougher than the 1st. Almost gave in on day 40 & last week, but have stayed the course (still haven't kicked caffeine though :rolleyes:). Feeling very positive about it once again. The intensity of my dreams the last couple weeks has been at a all time high. I'm wonder if this is a sign I'm starting to empty thc completely out of my system ? :hmm:

I'm still not sure how long this will go, but I definitely want to go another month at the very least, maybe even longer. Part of me is like, "Fuck it! You've got 2 months in. Let's try a full year"! :o :lol:


unbearably light in the being....
I quit from ‘71-‘76 (really).

I run out for 1-12 weeks, depending, several times a year, and when I’m not surrounded by insane people, I like to take a month and wean myself of all appetites - starting with no insane people, no sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol, no entheos, no canna, and no processed foods (fresh only). By the end of the month, I’m on water for three days, sometimes hot with a little honey. Then I do a month to reverse it, leaving behind anything I truly feel better without.

That resets *everything*, including my will-power.

If this sounds like my cannabreaks are mostly unannounced and involuntary, welcome to my red-state hell-hole.... my last real interregnum was ironically when I was living in CO (Columbine happened while I was there) before the liberation. I lived alone under those conditions for 15 months, and I learned for good and true that if given (or not prevented) the choice, I will always choose augmentation. I can go without far easier than I can go without sleep, but I wouldn’t choose to give up either.

Probably says something about *how* I use, more than how *much*or how *often* a dedicated one-hitters from WAAAY back, it’s always been my way to achieve a level and remain there. That varies according to tasks, schedule, quality, quantity, opportunity, and company.

Easier to say I augment frequently, but rarely to excess. Beyond what it takes to unlock my body (not much), I’m all over the map, and perfectly capable of handling life in all its messy glory.

Sorry if I’ve wandered too much here, hope my musings are at least interesting, if not useful.
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Well-Known Member
Good for you @ClearBlueLou. You currently breaking ? I live in a illegal red state, but I'm constantly surrounded by it. All my friends smoke (none vape :(). Nothing makes you wanna vape (instead of smoke) like the chorus of 5 people coughing their nutz off in unison for fifteen minutes after doing half gram dabs off a red hot nail! :puke: They can spend hundreds upon hundreds on glass, but a proper e-nail set-up is too much ? :hmm:

A lot of people I know base there whole identity off weed and can't go out and have fun without being high or stoned. I don't wanna be like that.


unbearably light in the being....
Good for you @ClearBlueLou. You currently breaking ? I live in a illegal red state, but I'm constantly surrounded by it. All my friends smoke (none vape :(). Nothing makes you wanna vape (instead of smoke) like the chorus of 5 people coughing their nutz off in unison for fifteen minutes after doing half gram dabs off a red hot nail! :puke: They can spend hundreds upon hundreds on glass, but a proper e-nail set-up is too much ? :hmm:

A lot of people I know base there whole identity off weed and can't go out and have fun without being high or stoned. I don't wanna be like that.
I am involuntarily unelevated, so yes.

I know there’s plenty around, but “soon come, mon” is the rule, not the exception.

I take it in stride: I move slower, eat less, take my time doing yoga, practice breathing and centering, watch my temper, reflect before I speak. It helps, a lot, but I have to DO it a lot, and while I hardly mind, it’s kinda like driving a car with a hole in the crankcase: the engine will seize up if you try to take it too far, and who knows where you’ll be if and when. I use the opportunity to give everything a good, thorough cleaning & reorganize my club room.

I see the folks you refer to on IG particularly, but I don’t know any. The heaviest user I ever knew was a fine man, an excellent cook, a truly first-rate programmer, and a martial artist. And mellow ALL the time. And he’d typically go thru a zee or more a month


Well-Known Member
i went something like 40 hours, because i went running to the weed store without having eaten anything prior and I ended up feeling nauseated and uncomfortable (I have a habit of skipping breakfast..). Much better now! Best high in a long while. It was hard to sleep at all last night, maybe I should have taken a lot more CBD and melatonin, and covered that damn screen from the start


Well-Known Member
Almost through day 8 now. The worst symptoms of a t-break (for me) is insomnia, or at least waking up super early. For instance, fell asleep last night around 1am and woke today around 5am, tried to fall back asleep but just couldn't. About 6:30am I decided - screw this, I'm gonna go shoot some hoops. Shot around and did some calisthenics in the park. I've taken 2 20 minutes nap today, not allowing myself to sleep anymore than that because I really hope that I just sleep a full night and wake up refreshed for a change.

Enough of the negative stuff! Let's talk about positive changes: 1) more motivated to exercise 2) more motivated to call friends 3) when exercising endurance way up, not half-assing my workout or ending it early 4) more aware, more in the moment (this past year I just felt like life was passing me by even when I wasn't stoned BECAUSE I had gotten to the point of abusing marijuana, felt like it was always in my system even if I hadn't vaped that day) 5) picked up reading again 6) picked up guitar again 7) mental focus to do those things! 8) more energy 9) WAY LESS IRRITABLE MY GOD

#9 is important to me because I wasn't sure if weed was helping my mood or causing it to be difficult to control. Girlfriend told me I've been a lot more enjoyable to be around - THAT'S HUGE!

Ugh. I hate that I let myself get as deep as I did over the past year, working from home is part of it. And I don't want to blame the device but ever since purchasing a Glass Symphony I've been pushing my tolerance way up, I stopped microdosing and just went balls to the wall. No! Don't blame the vaporizer, it's just a tool, SELF CONTROL is my problem.

Sorry this is getting long-winded, just a final thought: marijuana itself is not addictive but the effects on your brain chemistry CAN BE. I'm sure we are aware of the effects on natural dopamine levels and, anecdotally, it seems true: I had lost all meaning to life. I'd travel to beautiful parts of the world and exclaim, "wow it's so beautiful!" but inside I'd just feel empty, like I couldn't naturally be happy, and the whole time I never figured out that my usage had gotten to a ridiculous place because, well, the culture and the literature doesn't like to admit some of the downsides of constant and habitual use.

The good news is: the reset is fast, and even in a week I can feel myself basically coming back to life. The goal was Sept 1 but I'm not sure anymore, might go longer. To anyone who is attempting to take a break or is on a break, my message is one of triumph, that you can push through the painful moments and come out more aware and hopefully learn something from the experience. And no, your brain isn't damaged, you aren't fucked, it's just going to take time but you'll be ok!


Well-Known Member
I confess, I find pawing through my stash to be extraordinarily rewarding. Paw, open, sniff, close, open another. Then close the stash and do something else. Mix up some nicotine liquid. Order some glass. Check out what the local dispensaries have on sale. I'm on a Cannabreak. I'd dab a little GG#4 but it's getting late.


Well-Known Member
Interesting to hear everyone's experiences here. You got will power Morty!

I have been medicating for most of my life and stopped over a decade ago. But now my medical issues are getting worse and I do not want to be addicted to pain meds. So after starting using again back almost 3 years ago....after a year and a throat just could not handle combusting.....then last year July I started vaping 100%.

I took a 30 break to do a wee test. Then 6 months later I did a week break. Now it is 6 months later and I have had the worst time just going 1 day without. Every time I tried I would break down and grab my vapes.....I just could not handle the non sleep and pain/irritations of spinal problems.

After several medication changes from my doc......I found some of the stuff I had to take make me totally un able to drive or work. Gabapentin is like a evil pill for me....made me depressed and feeling like i was living in a bad dizzy dream.....but it worked....but I could not use it.

So....I am left with either getting an expensive surgery which my insurance wont cover and I do not have the money to do it. So, I go to a pain clinic and they just shot some stuff into my lower spin around 3 disks to help with my massive sciatica issues. So far it is nice with the temp stuff...but will wear off soon and it takes 2-3 weeks for the longer acting steroid to kick in. It temporary and I do not know how long it will last after a month or so. So I have decided to try CDB oil for relief soon. Up to this point I have only done flowers/kief. on my 3rd day of my break after getting the shots.....I am jones'in for my vape lol

I don't expect I will get the CDB oil before another 3 is super hard for me to go that long now. I still have nerve irritation and massive muscle cramps in my legs still making it hard to sleep, though better now with the shots.

My throat needed a break as well....and that is my main break issue that I want to fix.

Funny what fernand said as I do the same...still sort of play with my vape and parts....but not using them...smelling checking on my flowers....and visiting the forums. I can hold off from starting up my vapes....but wonder if it would be as hard if I took a total hard line and eliminated anything about flower/vaping in my day to day doings?

I will be taking my first vacation in about 10 years after working my butt off.....I do not expect to be able to refrain from friend that I will be visiting has back issues that makes me look like a sissy man lol He has lots of screws and rods in his back and he is addicted to oxy now for pain. But he also grows and loves making kief pucks well as combusting daily. I will try to convert him to more vaping as he actually has one...but I think he does not understand how to use it......and funny cause I think it is a cloud evo. One vape I have always wanted to try!

I feel jealous of you all that don't have serious health issues and it seems easier to take breaks....but it is half mental too...but my physical issues keep holding my brain back from that temptation.

Anyway.....T breaks are needed and just keep at them even if you fail after one day....just do not give up and do as much as you can do. Good Luck All :tup:


Well-Known Member
@LabPong Fuck!!!!!!! Your the one w/ will power bro! I'm not dealing w/ any physical pain symptoms. Damn man, sorry to hear about all your going through. If it helps take away or diminish your pain level, vape away my friend.

If your throats giving you problems, I always found placing a piece of cotton in the downstem or mouthpiece of my bubbler helped smooth things out for me.

I'm not sure if your in a legal/med state or not but CBD from flower & not hemp is the way to go if your able. I've been really into high CBD strains for awhile, but currently have no access to them. Anyways, awhile back I was reading up on some different CBD strains on Leafly, & a woman who had intense back problems/pain & was bed ridden alot, talked about how Harlequin killed the pain in her back to the point she was able to bend, stoop, clean & do things around the house she hadn't previously been able to do in a good long while. So much so, she over did it & fucked up her back in a different area! :doh: Just some food for thought. All the best LP! Hope your able to find some relief, soon!


Well-Known Member
Interesting to hear everyone's experiences here. You got will power Morty!

I have been medicating for most of my life and stopped over a decade ago. But now my medical issues are getting worse and I do not want to be addicted to pain meds. So after starting using again back almost 3 years ago....after a year and a throat just could not handle combusting.....then last year July I started vaping 100%.

I took a 30 break to do a wee test. Then 6 months later I did a week break. Now it is 6 months later and I have had the worst time just going 1 day without. Every time I tried I would break down and grab my vapes.....I just could not handle the non sleep and pain/irritations of spinal problems.

After several medication changes from my doc......I found some of the stuff I had to take make me totally un able to drive or work. Gabapentin is like a evil pill for me....made me depressed and feeling like i was living in a bad dizzy dream.....but it worked....but I could not use it.

So....I am left with either getting an expensive surgery which my insurance wont cover and I do not have the money to do it. So, I go to a pain clinic and they just shot some stuff into my lower spin around 3 disks to help with my massive sciatica issues. So far it is nice with the temp stuff...but will wear off soon and it takes 2-3 weeks for the longer acting steroid to kick in. It temporary and I do not know how long it will last after a month or so. So I have decided to try CDB oil for relief soon. Up to this point I have only done flowers/kief. on my 3rd day of my break after getting the shots.....I am jones'in for my vape lol

I don't expect I will get the CDB oil before another 3 is super hard for me to go that long now. I still have nerve irritation and massive muscle cramps in my legs still making it hard to sleep, though better now with the shots.

My throat needed a break as well....and that is my main break issue that I want to fix.

Funny what fernand said as I do the same...still sort of play with my vape and parts....but not using them...smelling checking on my flowers....and visiting the forums. I can hold off from starting up my vapes....but wonder if it would be as hard if I took a total hard line and eliminated anything about flower/vaping in my day to day doings?

I will be taking my first vacation in about 10 years after working my butt off.....I do not expect to be able to refrain from friend that I will be visiting has back issues that makes me look like a sissy man lol He has lots of screws and rods in his back and he is addicted to oxy now for pain. But he also grows and loves making kief pucks well as combusting daily. I will try to convert him to more vaping as he actually has one...but I think he does not understand how to use it......and funny cause I think it is a cloud evo. One vape I have always wanted to try!

I feel jealous of you all that don't have serious health issues and it seems easier to take breaks....but it is half mental too...but my physical issues keep holding my brain back from that temptation.

Anyway.....T breaks are needed and just keep at them even if you fail after one day....just do not give up and do as much as you can do. Good Luck All :tup:
Firstly, wow @Morty Im amazed at how you keep digging this motivation and conviction up out of nowhere. And talk about extremes! From the hardest, most excessive vape/body-abuse-porn to prolongued voluntary abstinence.
I just couldnt do it myself, but you always SEEM to be quite happy in yourself without much of a tussle in yourself if any. Not sure what to think or to say but best wishes for your health and happiness whatever you are doing in life.:tup:
And to all the others- I see it ain't easy for anyone, some struggle more and we all suffer to varying degrees whether we vape or break, only it is when breaking that this can be just too difficult for some, even if they get through it. Well done to all of you though for giving it the best shot wishing you all the best.

@LabPong have you ever tried ascorbic acid powder for throat irritation? It is one of my essential remedies to manage respiratory symptoms. It is amazing at instantly and rapidly dissolving and thinning mucus in the upper respiratiry tract, mouth and throat.

It is the first thing I do every time immediately after a meal to begin treating my excessive mucus symptoms and it works brilliantly I stand over the toilet after dropping the vitamin C powder just behind my tongue with a teaspoon and suck it to the back of my mouth to keep it off my palate because it is pretty sour.

Depending on my symptoms and how much mucus there is it can take up to 2 minutes before I can swallow the ascorbic acid as it dissolves thick mucus. Once the mucus has dissolved I swallow the ascorbic acid and lean over the lavatory allowing mucus to pull out of my mouth and throat for up to 90 seconds.

At other times when there is less mucus and symptoms are better I can swallow the ascorbic acid almost immediately.
It is simply amazing at soothing and rejuvenating the rawness one can feel in the throat from whatever cause. Be it allergy, infection or just plain hard core vaping!:cool:

Vitamin C is directly wound healing as well, so it instantly gets to work on sore, irritated areas of the throat. Of course it is necessary to get the powder for this use not capsules. But I honestly could not live without ascorbic acid powder and I dread to think what my throat would feel like let alone my lungs. I would not survive for long seriously, I would be choking and suffocating on mucus if unable to keep very strictly managing things the way I do evert single day.

Also have you ever tried Oregano Oil? This is another vital remedy I just could not live without and I mean that literally again I would be dead without this I take it every single day many times a day as a vital management for my respiratory symptoms.
I use it multiple times always after meals and always after vapor and at other specific times during the day. But for my allergy to vaporized cannabis if I did not have oil of oregano to take I will simply would not be able to vaporize I would not even be able to think about it because without that amazing remedy to reduce irritation, open airways, expectorate (is that a word?) mucus and just generally miraculously soothe those inflamed, irritated passages I wouldnt be able to tolerate and manage my allergies.

Oil of oregano is also a proven pain killer, as is peppermint. Inhaling peppermint essential oil can actually make a noticeable difference in how much you perceive and are bothered by pain. Which is handy because I use the peppermint oil in my steam inhalations every day and boy oh heck is that the most painful thing I've ever known when those lungs are really full of mucus?! :o

It takes a while for the peppermint to kick in in that circumstance, but I always notice that if I take my shower immediately following the steam inhalation I can handle the hot water on my skin at max temp without it bothering me at all due to the peppermint having dimmed pain sensations down quite effectively.

But I know that you are dealing with very severe pain issues which will need serious remedies to make any worthwhile difference. But that doesn't mean that something like peppermint or oregano oil would not help in addition.
I mentioned this primarily though because I do seriously think that if you were to give either or both of these remedies ago you would find substantially more relief from your throat irritation and be able to keep things much more comfortable around the clock and tolerate your vaporizers much better.

If you want to try the oregano, its cheap nowadays. Get Zane Hellas one off of ebay. It must be at least 50/50 with olive oil to take internally but 60/40 or 55/45 will make it noticeably less fiery it can be a little hot when you first start taking it because it is reacting with all of the oxidants which have built up oregano oil has one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants of anything in the world.

You can buy the oil pre diluted at various concentrations or you can buy it neat as I do and mix it up yourself once you have an empty bottle. It is completely safe and the only potential side effect that im aware of (apart from possibly interfering with iron absorption) is that there is the possibility that it can harm healthy intestinal flora as well as bad bacteria in which case one would benefit from a probiotic regime. But I am not sure about this and I've never been able to get a definitive answer on this it has been postulated that oregano oil will kill beneficial gut microbes but has not been confirmed and has been disputed as well.

Anyway there is the idea just something for you to consider. Sorry you have such pain I feel for you man and commendations to another great member who puts out only positivity optimism and high spirit despite high level of physical suffering. Good luck with this break I hope you get some unexpected and helpful benefits and find ways to handle and minimise the pain levels. Hang in there man.
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Well-Known Member
Alexis...thanks bro for all that info! I do have a high amount of mucus with friends always ask me why i have a cold all the

After the spine injections yesterday....I got good relief and sort of over did it exercising today....but holly crap my lungs are weak....I got so winded from little cardio work. I did not think I was in that bad of shape with my lungs until now. My throat is def something I want to address for sure....I think maybe the ascorbic acid acid might be helpful for both.

How are you supposed to ingest the mentioned you let it sit way back in your mouth for a bit...then swallow. Are you supposed to slowly let it drip into the throat for a bit first? Or is it ok to mix with some water and just gargle or slow swallow it?

@LabPong Fuck!!!!!!! Your the one w/ will power bro! I'm not dealing w/ any physical pain symptoms. Damn man, sorry to hear about all your going through. If it helps take away or diminish your pain level, vape away my friend.

If your throats giving you problems, I always found placing a piece of cotton in the downstem or mouthpiece of my bubbler helped smooth things out for me.

Morty, yea I will use a medical card to get the CBD oil. I just have not touched any of the oil vapes and such as I really was scared of all the ingredients. But after doing some research quickly and talking to a couple people....I have decent choices a some dispensary's not too far away.

Oh....yea I got the harlequin recommended to me on a few occasions. I am going to try procuring some of that for sure now. I have used cotton and found it helpful as well.
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Well-Known Member
@LabPong you are very welcome for the few suggestions you go out of your way constantly trying your hardest to help others it has to come willingly back when requested.

How I take the vitamin C powder- this will be a personal thing. For my own symptoms, mixing it in water and swallowing does not work the same. What I am kind of doing is letting the ascorbic acid go down, at the same moment or just before the mucus that has just been dissolved flows over like a burst dam.

There is a line to draw too. I could let most of the ascorbic acid run out with the mucus and it would work to kind of quickly "pull" it out.

But the C is also a supplement- it costs me money and high dose vitamin C is a kind of refimen I am on anyway, it has a lot of merits. So I have mastered away of taking the majority of the vitamin C down without swallowing the mucus and letting the mucus immediately flow out.

However when I tried this by mixing the ascorbic acid with water first I ended up swallowing the mucus and did not dissolve it by physical contact with the ascorbic acid before simply swallowing it all down. And I just never got the same level of relief this way but my own mucus symptoms are very unique and other people will be taking it in water without any problems so you could certainly try that.

But what I do is just kind of chuck it into my mouth may be to the side of my tongue I can't even be sure it's just a natural thing now but I instinctively suck it to the back of my mouth and keep sucking to keep it from the tip of my tongue so that I do not experience that sharp sensation.

Just until it dissolves the mucus at the back of my mouth and throat and can be swallowed as described. It sounds complicated but it's actually pretty natural and intuitive just put some in your mouth and see what I mean and then see if you can make it more palatable LOL!

I didn't mention about the oregano oil the absolute number one thing to recommend it for is the lungs and respiratory system it has been shown to be an absolute godsend miraculous hailer for the lungs for people who have written their lives off with smoking, given no hope by doctors they have taken this stuff and amazed the specialists by turning the clock back literally years.

The oil of oregano is one of the most amazing remedies for supporting lung health and function and relieving discomfort and suffering as well as fighting microbes. It works on the whole respiratory system including the sinuses to relieve mucus and inflammation. So definitely look into this one not just for the throat but largely for lung health and healing. I guarantee you'll either or both of these remedies will make a very worthwhile difference to how you tolerate your vaporizers and medicine.

Managing respiratory symptoms is a way of life for me from the moment I wake to sleep literally I use many other methods and measures I have ingeniously discovered over the years. I also use spices in large medicinal quantities everyday to manage respiratory symptoms but also as superfood health support and anti-aging medicine power houses.

Before I do my steam inhalation in the mornings I begin with a shot of turmeric and cayenne pepper in water between half and one teaspoon of each
Cayenne is absolutely amazing at thinning mucus in the respiratory tract and lungs and making it easier for elimination. Turmeric is also astounding for mucus and respiratory symptoms and is especially relieving to the throat area. Try it out you just want a little shot glass with half to one teaspoon of turmeric and you can add some cayenne pepper if you like as well. Just NIC it back and I always take another mouthful of water to wash it down with. The relief and refreshment is instant and quite remarkable.

But if you want the best results you really want organic spices all of our spices are organic and they really are very affordable and we would not even consider having non organic spices because they just don't touch the sides in any capacity most of all aroma, flavour and effects.

And an excellent method to relieve general congestion especially the sinuses and head which can be very helpful just before going to bed at night is to rub Vicks VapoRub on the soles of your feet around the ball of the feet area and underneath the toes and just below the ball of the foot in the centre. This will basically keep your nose from being stuffy at night and in most cases will completely stop a night cough.

Aloe vera juice is also excellent at relieving throat irritation.
One thing to consider Labong- is all of your herb grown organically? I know for a fact that chemical fertilizers are particularly irritating to the throat and the vocal cords. I have struggled with a speech problem since my lyme disease began which is caused by the physical presence of excessive mucus in my throat and vocal cords like water in a trumpet.

I had to heavily restrict my diet and avoid to this day the vast majority of consumable items or my excessive mucus symptoms will be completely unbearable and I manageable and specifically my speech is so badly affected I just cannot live a normal life or attempt to communicate. I cope very well speech wise these days because I have my symptom management down to a fine art and I understand exactly what to avoid to keep things under control but if I was to take a single bytes of banana, or the juice of half a lemon, or a teaspoon of vinegar, or a trillion other things... I would completely lose the ability to speak fluently.

In the past when I would vape weed growing with chemical fertilizers my speech would be so badly affected as well as my whole respiratory system and my throat in particular would be raw and irritated and take a really long time to recover.
I assume you have access to high-quality organic strains though but definitely something to consider.

That's all I can think of for the mo. Hope somwthing helps and good luck makong progress with your current break. Whatever happens you will only gain from it and what you have achieved already will pay off for months to come even if you go back to vaping daily again tomorrow. So no pressure hopefully and a sense of achievement with each hour and day that passes, but of course it's all about looking to the future and the long game and making life better overall.


Well-Known Member
I had to switch to concentrates to minimize throat irritation. I pretty much squish everything on the rosin press these days. Otherwise it takes more heat to vape through all that plant material, and that dry air definitely takes its toll over time.

I think I hit that point of needing something like you describe in rosin use now.

I am going to try to offset my dry herb vaping with some oils and rosin.


Well-Known Member
I had to switch to concentrates to minimize throat irritation. I pretty much squish everything on the rosin press these days. Otherwise it takes more heat to vape through all that plant material, and that dry air definitely takes its toll over time.
Any idea if/how much the ratio of THC:CBD varies between your buds and the rosin pressed from them?


Well-Known Member
Need a break for multiple reasons but really don't want to. Lol I also won't sleep a wink for 3 days without it.
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Well-Known Member
I wonder if anyone has tried replacing a normal THC-containing vape with something like CBD infused with terpene dabs, like these

@asdf420 yeah, but if we're saturating our endocannabinoid systems with strong oils, it rather stops working anyway. It's a miracle we don't get hideous rebound on quitting, like with pain meds, but it's sure to shift things around behind the scenes. Microdabbing's good, if it's not even noticeable, time to cannabreak, no?
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Well-Known Member
@fernand it sure felt good to do the highest dose of dabs I was comfortable doing, though it does increase my tolerance. it still feels good to hit a CCELL distillate cart the next day
once I can't get "high enough" anymore, I'll stick to small doses and cbd.

i tried mixing terpenes w cbd isolate. it recrystallyzed later. it was fine w/ a longmada motar. definitely helped me break for 2 days
also had some BHO of sour tsunami that was around 70% CBD and 5% THC. Felt a bit different, more of a cloudy mind effect? different taste
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