Jesus Christ on rocketskates....I'm gonna need a lobotomy in order to stop dreaming. Too many days I wake up confused and melanchonic because of dreaming of my ex...this is getting really though...I just woke up and I'm seriously depressed...I know it's just momentary but damn...I wasn'n depressed over her like this in months and now it's coming back like a Kamehameha on my face. This is seriously the worst effect of my break so far. Hope my subconscious will work it out soon :,(
I hear ya bro, i'm not having bad dreams really but at 7 weeks + 2 days (my new record in the past decade) i'm in full REM rebound big time! It's surreal! I achieved my first 7.5 hours of sleep straight in years! Still not sure if i'm "clean" yet, I can barely even see that second line on my test strip so who knows.
Still can't believe how trippy, vivid, and real the dreams feel! Fortunately no nightmares for me. But shit is coming out of stuff in the past, present, but not future! haha
Keep on keeping on bro!