The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Jesus Christ on rocketskates....I'm gonna need a lobotomy in order to stop dreaming. Too many days I wake up confused and melanchonic because of dreaming of my ex...this is getting really though...I just woke up and I'm seriously depressed...I know it's just momentary but damn...I wasn'n depressed over her like this in months and now it's coming back like a Kamehameha on my face. This is seriously the worst effect of my break so far. Hope my subconscious will work it out soon :,(

I hear ya bro, i'm not having bad dreams really but at 7 weeks + 2 days (my new record in the past decade) i'm in full REM rebound big time! It's surreal! I achieved my first 7.5 hours of sleep straight in years! Still not sure if i'm "clean" yet, I can barely even see that second line on my test strip so who knows.

Still can't believe how trippy, vivid, and real the dreams feel! Fortunately no nightmares for me. But shit is coming out of stuff in the past, present, but not future! haha

Keep on keeping on bro! :rockon:


Also forgot to mention that I have had NO night sweats for the past 3 days in a row!! Pretty happy about that one. But boy are the dreams something else!

Still feeling slightly medicated here and there, especially when fasted, but it's way better than before and not as annoying. Still don't feel the fog lifting as much as i'd like, but think that will happen with longer term more consistent better quality sleep and REM.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough, everyone has different tolerances for shit, perhaps your sleep isn't impacted as much by your night sweats? Were some of these years cannabis free? If not, what's the longest you've gone without cannabis? What do you think your night sweats are from?
Answering this in here, so we don't derail the Grasshopper Complaint Thread...

I'm pretty sure the night sweats started after vaporizing, but I have been completely Cannabis-Abstinent for >75 Days, so I don't think I have any more of it in my system. I have pretty low BF% (~10-14% at all times, depending on my fitness levels), so I don't think I'd retain THC as long as most people, either. I'm a very quick sweater, though, when working out or hanging out in a hot environment, so I wouldn't be surprised if the night sweats are just a result of that. I tend to get hot at night, and start sweating profusely, but I'll feel freezing cold if I take off the covers. It's not every night, but it's a majority of them.


Dude, we have alot of similarities... it doesn't matter that you are only >75 days free, and metabolites are out of your system. It takes a LONG time, and i'm at the same point you are, minus a couple of weeks. It can take MONTHS, and for the amount of abuse I personally have done to myself, getting back to "baseline" can actually take more than a YEAR, or even years. I've posted links before, but can post links again to forums where people have quit weed, or are trying to quit weed, and even sleep can take about 8 months or so until a huge "turning point" happens, and sleep architecture stabilizes and the sweats go away.

I too am very fit, around 10% body fat, and always was the sweaty type and pour when I workout. That got better by a huge margin after a couple of weeks. The first couple were a nightmare though, super drenched sweats and cold chills, but now I don't freeze every night like when I vaped regularly. I'm actually still getting some sweats at night, but at least 75% better. It will go away in time i'm certain.

Anyways, do you urinate much during the night/morning? You could be retaining water depending on your diet/hormones, and don't forget with cannabis and vaping there is a massive amount of ammonia and other chemicals depending on growing conditions to consider.

Night sweats are NOT normal, and not healthy, and it actually shocks me to hear you say that if that's the only side effect of vaping that you're okay with it since you seem hyper obsessive about your health, especially mental. Which doesn't surprise me considering how "boredom" seems to be such a problem in your life, something I could never ever related to.
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Well-Known Member
Dude, we have alot of similarities... it doesn't matter that you are only >75 days free, and metabolites are out of your system. It takes a LONG time, and i'm at the same point you are, minus a couple of weeks. It can take MONTHS, and for the amount of abuse I personally have done to myself, getting back to "baseline" can actually take more than a YEAR, or even years. I've posted links before, but can post links again to forums where people have quit weed, or are trying to quit weed, and even sleep can take about 8 months or so until a huge "turning point" happens, and sleep architecture stabilizes and the sweats go away.
We do seem to have a lot of similarities. In terms of getting to an actual baseline equal to having never used Cannabis (if that's possible), it doesn't surprise me that it can take a lot longer than it takes to just be free of the Cannabis chemicals in your system. I'm just saying that if it is caused by Cannabis, it's likely not caused by having those chemicals in the system, but rather having some kind of imbalance they've caused, that lasts longer than their presence in your body.

I never really used more than a gram/day on avg., but I didn't take breaks for more than a couple days, either, and those were extremely infrequent.
I too am very fit, around 10% body fat, and always was the sweaty type and pour when I workout. That got better by a huge margin after a couple of weeks. The first couple were a nightmare though, super drenched sweats and cold chills, but now I don't freeze every night like when I vaped regularly. I'm actually still getting some sweats at night, but at least 75% better. It will go away in time i'm certain.
I've always been a quick sweater, in terms of getting hot easily and sweating as a result, or working out and sweating quickly. The night sweats are more recent (a few years, I believe). I don't have any plans to get back into daily use, for the time being, so I should still be noticing changes, if there are going to be any going on in my body.

Anyways, do you urinate much during the night/morning? You could be retaining water depending on your diet/hormones, and don't forget with cannabis and vaping there is a massive amount of ammonia and other chemicals depending on growing conditions to consider.
I think I do retain a decent amount of water due to the carbs I eat, but my weight stays pretty much within a few lbs on any given day (and especially if you take the avg. of a few days).

\\Night sweats are NOT normal, and not healthy, and it actually shocks me to hear you say that if that's the only side effect of vaping that you're okay with it since you seem hyper obsessive about your health, especially mental. Which doesn't surprise me considering how "boredom" seems to be such a problem in your life, something I could never ever related to.
What exactly is it that scares you about night sweats? I've mentioned it to doctors without them seeming too concerned? Is there something specific that you're worried about, or is it just that it's a sign of something being off?


What exactly is it that scares you about night sweats? I've mentioned it to doctors without them seeming too concerned? Is there something specific that you're worried about, or is it just that it's a sign of something being off?

It wouldn't surprise me that doctors slough it off and aren't concerned about it. It could be a sign of something more serious, but chances are it's from what you said about the chemicals in weed or the lasting effects from changes in the brain/body/hormones, etc. The hypothalamus comes to mind which is the thermostat IIRC. A healthy organism isn't supposed to have severe night sweats at night, your body is purging something IMO. It could be something serious, but it probably isn't it. Last night I think I had my true first night sweat free. I'm not passing the piss test, but there is a threshold there so it doesn't mean i'm clear of chemicals completely, and the body is trying to get back to homeostasis which will take a very long time in my case. I still can't sleep more than about 3-4 hours, and feel extremely unrested when I do get up. The REM rebound is still intense, but things are getting better and evening out.

I've been on alot of support forums, and many long term chronic users like me actually have PAWS around this 2 month mark, with good days and bad, and weeks, but around 4 months things seem to turn around with sleep and just general well being, and at 8 months it's like 90% there. Good thing for neuroplasticity, but it's a very slow and long process.

I also feel that your boredom will change, and you will change if you give it more time. Speaking of which, how long are you planning on going? Or do you see the light at the end of the tunnel? I really thought i'd be ahead of the game alot quicker than 2 months, especially from what I saw after the first couple of weeks in the honeymoon period, but that clarity, etc has passed. Feeling more brain/mental fog now, as the brain tries to rewire itself.

Fortunately I never have problems falling asleep, it's staying asleep for more than 3 hours at a time that's the main issue. This is the only way i'll be able to know for certain if my health issues are not related to cannabis. I've gone this far, might as well keep going. Thanks for your input!
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chris 71

Well-Known Member
just thought id make a little post here again because im still not using , and its been almost 2 months . like i said i did try and start back up , but i just was having too much trouble with anxity when i did . i probably used less then a gram . more like half a gram when i was trying to use it again after my innitial week break .

anyway just reporting my experience because .. why not . anyway i feel great , i did have a few vivvid dreams , nightmares even . that caused me to not beable to go back to sleep but just a few . i had experienced these in the past too so i cant say it was definatly from stoping the cannabis but most likly .

also im probably feeling alot better because my thyriod levels have been stabilizesd for a while . im still taking more of the meds for that but thats ok too .

anyway all in all , my experience with stoping cannabis after decades of use and many years of those everyday seems to be no big deal as far as withdrall. in my experience cannabis is not a very addictive drug at all . and stopping has not caused any big withdrall symptoms . no night sweats or any other crazy stuff and my brain feels fine lol. my sleeping is not to bad but i have always had trouble with sleeping but its more to do with eveyday stress crap then any connection to cannabis .
i do look foward to enjoying a nice vape or joint sometime soon but for now i dont seem to care one way or the other when that will be


Well-Known Member
Day 91 here, and I'll say that I am definitely somewhat bothered by extra nervous energy (not nervous as in worried, but like it's white noise in my nervous system), and having a harder time falling asleep at a decent hour due to needing to be absolutely exhausted to pass out in a reasonable amount of time. I also miss feeling music as much as you do when you're buzzed.

I don't really notice any difference since the first month off, so I'm not convinced that I am going through any more noticeable changes. I wasn't a micro-doser, but I wasn't nearly as heavy a user as many others. The first 3 weeks were by far the most difficult, but after weeks 4-5, nothing seems to have changed.

just thought id make a little post here again because im still not using , and its been almost 2 months . like i said i did try and start back up , but i just was having too much trouble with anxity when i did . i probably used less then a gram . more like half a gram when i was trying to use it again after my innitial week break .

anyway just reporting my experience because .. why not . anyway i feel great , i did have a few vivvid dreams , nightmares even . that caused me to not beable to go back to sleep but just a few . i had experienced these in the past too so i cant say it was definatly from stoping the cannabis but most likly .

also im probably feeling alot better because my thyriod levels have been stabilizesd for a while . im still taking more of the meds for that but thats ok too .

anyway all in all , my experience with stoping cannabis after decades of use and many years of those everyday seems to be no big deal as far as withdrall. in my experience cannabis is not a very addictive drug at all . and stopping has not caused any big withdrall symptoms . no night sweats or any other crazy stuff and my brain feels fine lol. my sleeping is not to bad but i have always had trouble with sleeping but its more to do with eveyday stress crap then any connection to cannabis .
i do look foward to enjoying a nice vape or joint sometime soon but for now i dont seem to care one way or the other when that will be
Hey @chris 71. Glad to hear you're feeling a lot better. I think the initial shock from the cannabinoids leaving and not reentering your system, might've had something to do with your initial bad experience (not sure though).

I noticed a lot more negatively themed dreams, when I entered the break. They lasted for a while, but now they are pretty normal again. There are still some negative ones, but not as many as in the beginning. I never lost my dreams, though, like some people do when using Cannabis (especially right before sleeping).


Cloud Master
I am a little over the one month mark, last ten days have been quite stable, dreaming has balanced. I still have dreams but in a more normal way, not so crazy or regarding my past. Focus during the day is also good. Last weekend I indulged in 2 small puffs because I was a little drunk and felt like it...and it hit in my face like a trainwreck lol...way to optimize the high, minimal amount, huge effect. But then I stayed clear again all week, I guess I'll try from now on to keep minimal amounts in situations I like and when I have no serious tasks or work the day after. I hope to manage and find a good balance to keep enjoying the herb without becoming mentally dependent on it again on a daily basis. Will let you know how this will work out eventually. I must admit I feel more enpowered though, seeing it's possible to keep me away from using, while having the stash always available has made me more aware. Let's hope I can carry on with this awareness in the future too! Good vibes to everyone guys.


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
I'm 3 days into my break. Gonna do 1 or two weeks. I'm doing it as I feel breaks from anything you do a lot is probably a good thing. I usually take a month or two off coffee a year. Month of dairy etc etc. Just feel it's really the chronic exposure to things that really challenges our body. In the same way I like to get out of the city for a few days every couple of months.

I haven't had more than a 2 day break in 3 years so it's quite a jump. I did 2 weeks three years ago and didn't really notice any difference but maybe that's cos it wasn't long enough. TBH most of the reasons in the poll don't really apply to me. I control my tolerance fairly well and don't see canna as a negative impact on me in any way. I am lucky tho as my work is fairly bland and I don't exactly have to use my brain much.

Anyway that's my reason wish me luck. I've got about 5 jars of lovely weed and keeping my nose out of them is gonna be hard lol.


Well-Known Member
Well done @Smokey , @EverythingsHazy , and @chris 71 , and good luck @davesmith .
@chris 71 I wonder of the anxiety you experienced was a direct result of your thyroid levels becoming suddenly so unstable after you suddenly stopped using for a break?

It makes sense as a possibility. Im not meaning to encourage you tomuse again, but I wonder if you may be surprised at the lack of anxiety now if you did, due to your more stabilised thryroid levels.

Im sure you will find out at some point in time. Well done for getting things under control again, and for generating a more positive outlook after such a frightening ride. Like cannget really rocky at times, we just have to ride it out. Often, it doesnt even pay to try and understand why or how, we juct have to flow with it.

Wishing you all the best man.
Congrats and well wishes for all you other breakers!:clap::tup:


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
First thing I've really noticed is I'm constipated lol. Canna had always helped keep
Me regular but the past 3-4 days have been pretty blocked up haha. Sorry to share something gross but it's true. Cannapoos ftw maybe it'll settle backmout by the end of the week I'll keep you poosted
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Well-Known Member
First thing I've really noticed is I'm constipated lol. Canna had always helped keep
Me regular but the past 3-4 days have been pretty blocked up haha. Sorry to share something gross but it's true. Cannapoos ftw maybe it'll settle backmout by the end of the week I'll keep you poosted
Share away Dave. I also am having bowel sluggshness. I am on a vaoor break only right now to take homeopathy to treat multiple infections, includong Lyme. I am suffering like hell, not sleeping much with my chest being a nightmare from the intense infection die off.

I am very very depressed, mainly due to physical conditions and brain chemistry from the infections. So Im jusy not mentally strong enough to break completely. A minute is like an hour in this ragged state, so Im still using my abv coconut oil, which my chest can tolerate at this time, but cant tolerate vapor.

While I was vaping my bowels were emptying. The edibles normally do the trick, but after stopping vapiing I have been severely blocked up the past week. Just got things going again yestereday.

Weed def helps with digestion and bowels. Partly because it helps you "let go".
So important to keep bowles movong or you get toxic build up, and this affects mental, and physical state, and can be a cause of suffering and agitation, anxiety, sleep trouble, fatigue, depression etc, which can easily be blamed on withdrawals.

So if you can use some natural rmedies or supplements, foods etc to keep system moving you will be in much better health and cope a lot smoother.

Like lemon, probiotics, aloe vera etc etc.
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Well-Known Member
First thing I've really noticed is I'm constipated lol. Canna had always helped keep
Me regular but the past 3-4 days have been pretty blocked up haha. Sorry to share something gross but it's true. Cannapoos ftw maybe it'll settle backmout by the end of the week I'll keep you poosted
Fiber brother ! Lots of people don't get anywhere near enough

--inteResting way to start my first post here but here I am !

Taking a indefinite break from all things cannabis related .
It's been 7 days so far ...never had any issues stopping and this time doesn't seem to be any different .it has been a year or so since I did take any break beyond a day or two .
I am feeling great ! No problem getting to sleep
--side tip for any that do have trouble getting there --I sometimes mix lavender oil with organic coconut oil and that is very calming and relaxing way to end the day and get to sleep .
Thinking it could be months or even years before I start again IF I do.
Feeling very positive about the experience as a whole ....only one problem...what will I do with all these contraptions :laughing:
Oh me ! How is everyone else doing ??
Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
Fiber brother ! Lots of people don't get anywhere near enough

--inteResting way to start my first post here but here I am !

Taking a indefinite break from all things cannabis related .
It's been 7 days so far ...never had any issues stopping and this time doesn't seem to be any different .it has been a year or so since I did take any break beyond a day or two .
I am feeling great ! No problem getting to sleep
--side tip for any that do have trouble getting there --I sometimes mix lavender oil with organic coconut oil and that is very calming and relaxing way to end the day and get to sleep .
Thinking it could be months or even years before I start again IF I do.
Feeling very positive about the experience as a whole ....only one problem...what will I do with all these contraptions :laughing:
Oh me ! How is everyone else doing ??
Cheers :)
Hi my friend, I can't help but be rather curious as to what prompted you to make this decision and bring it to fruition. Next time you feel like posting and updating on your experience here maybe you could give us a little clue as to what motivated you, but only if you feel like it.

Good point about the lavender, personally I'm allergic to the stuff, along with lemon those two essential oils I have to avoid.
I use other essential oils religiously to manage really severe allergy and infection symptoms to clear excessive mucus from my respiratory tract every single day simply to survive.
The best ones are peppermint, eucalyptus radiata, and one by Young Living called "Thieves".

Rosemary is also good. It is always wise to use the best quality and purest essential oils money can buy. Many people are using inferior quality oils which are like low-grade have compared to the proper stuff, which defeats the point of it's really without them even realising that their goods are no good.
So I found this amazing place in the USA to get my essential oils from. They have the absolute best stuff you can find, pure, organic and wonderfully fragrance and also the best value for money for such excellent oils.
Here is their site:
They have the proper shit believe me!
So yeah I'm really surprised at your sudden decision to abandon cannabis related pursuits, after your joy and satisfaction at discovering the Flowerpot recently. But hey as long as you happy man and it sounds like you are so that's great.
I look forward to hearing more next time you post here. Have a great weekend bro, and stay awake ( I'm sure I don't need to tell you that though;)) :tup:
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Well-Known Member
Hey Alexis ! I'd rather not get into here but feel free to pm me ! Thanks for that link I'm sure I will be using it soon ! Eucalyptus is wondrous ! Tea tree is a favorite smell good of mine . Reminds me that I must get a diffuser , topical is great but I'd like to explore other methods ..on that note if you, haven't tried Dr bronners soap and other products I highly suggest looking into ! All organic , mostly fair trade, high quality ingredients! We are All-one or none as it says on the bottle :)
I have lots of rosemary I transplanted from far off to my land and I love it ! So fragrant and great addition to food .I enjoy walking by and rubbing my hands over it and breathing in ! Nature is so healing and really has everything we could want :)
It was a personal decision that motivated me but like I said don't want to get into too much least for now..still going through it and such .
You are a kind soul and I'm glad to be able to interact with you even if it's not face to face .
I'm woke ;) :)
Never going back to sheep ...I mean sleep hehe
Much love :peace:
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Cloud Master
I'm using again atm, but way way less. Like, I reduced consumption by 70% or so. I sometimes still combust with friends, but mainly I'm using my Launchbox since it's so efficient and can deliver either small or nice tokes, depending on my mood. Cooling the vapor with the bottle rocket is also a pleasure when I'm at the park outdoors. Anyway I think I found a new balance and thinking to keep things like this for a while. Using a bit when I skate and in the weekend, then pause in the weekdays, with few exceptions when I meet with my mates. The nice thing is I really cut down my consumption and my stash is lasting forever, compared to what I used regularly before. With this amount I'm also able to sleep properly and still dream, although my dreams are way too much about my ex, still...meh I guess I need to get used to it until my subconscious takes care of it.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I use cannabis medically and it's sometimes hard to go on a break but I do every other month or so. Yes I do use cannabis recreationally as well. I just go for 48 to 72 hours without any bud and that seems to reboot everything. Cannabis feels new again.

Others I know must go on a break longer due to job restrictions. It takes a long time for your urine to be clean. My heart goes out to all you that need to do that. A month or 2 is a long time.

I did read something just lately that 48 hours is a good amount of time to help with tolerance levels. It was in another vaporizing discussion forum. I think it was an article regarding tolerance.

I use a lot less now than when I combusted, by about half.
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Well-Known Member
For anyone who took an extended break, did you feel like your quality of life got any better or worse? If you use medically, please note that, and if your condition is not one that is primarily relieved due to the calming effect of Cannabis, please note that as well.


Govrnmnt fund adult circumcision & frenuloplasty!
Every time Ive planned for a break ive given myself like a rush type feeling thinking what might I do in the meantime..then I vape all of what i have left and start getting fed up with boredom on the second day of detox and start making plans to get some weed by he third day. I'm hooked, not addicted. When I smoked I would use a lot more but less often. I once went like month and a half without just to pass a test but I spent that time sampling synthetics which I wouldn't suggest doing at all so I turned to liquor and nicotine for a couple weeks..the thought of all that makes me want to vomit I think but I suppose it's valuable enough experience for my era

chris 71

Well-Known Member
I mentioned here or somewere eles about after first trying a break of a week i got sicker with graves disease . that was back in april since then i had tried a bunch of times to get back into using cannabis both for medical reasons and just pleasure. But after that break it just wasnt the same almost always just an anxity rush even with CBD strains . anyway its now been 14 days straight since my last little tiny vape of about .03 grams of cbd only strain.

And anyway i feel fine other then the sickness im getting used to from the graves disease . im curretly on a taper of of some benzodiazépines and that is going very well down to a prettty low doae now and hope to be off that crap to in a few weeks . iv decided to not even bother with the cannabis till i can say i went like a couple weeks straight without any benzo . at least thtas how i feel right now and who knows i could change my mind .

How about you hazy you still not using ?
In my opinon if you still are not and havnt been for like you were sayi g over a hundred days .

I dont think you need to worry about any damage and you prob are just a worrier and any syptoms that you are thinking is from damage is probably just all in your head . and i dont mean damage in your head lol more like your imagination
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C No Ego

Well-Known Member
Every time Ive planned for a break ive given myself like a rush type feeling thinking what might I do in the meantime..then I vape all of what i have left and start getting fed up with boredom on the second day of detox and start making plans to get some weed by he third day. I'm hooked, not addicted. When I smoked I would use a lot more but less often. I once went like month and a half without just to pass a test but I spent that time sampling synthetics which I wouldn't suggest doing at all so I turned to liquor and nicotine for a couple weeks..the thought of all that makes me want to vomit I think but I suppose it's valuable enough experience for my era

happy thoughts! happy thoughts make us warm inside and content... your mind is driving parts of your body man and most people do not examine the mind and what it's output parameters are LOL
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