Congratulations on getting your Nomad ZC

I'm glad to hear that Dan's wooden capsules are working out.
Something I plan to try when I get mine is to install the 'body' screen, then use the stem with a single screen like the regular 18mm stems we're used to, but instead of just loading loose herb, using pre packed wood capsules.
Have you by chance tried this?
It might provide easy loading/unloading, whilst also placing the load a little closer to the heater?

I'm glad that you're enjoying your new vape

, any chance of a pic' or two?
(blackwood stem

Its great that so many of you are finding success with differing approaches, versatility is definitely a prime quality for a vape IMO.
I had been assuming that the Nomad would require the same looong, slow draw that many other convection vapes demand, so I'm looking forward to trying short mouth pulls (I've never had much success with these via my Milaana's), and fast draws (again, this has always been problematic, causing 'tunnelling' hotspots with the 18mm stem vapes I've tried).
Can I just check that you are finding that its the MED/HIGH heater that works well for the pre-heat/fast draw method
@RelaxedNow ?
Dan has really been bending over backwards to accommodate my custom sleeve lunacy, and showing great enthusiasm whilst doing so!

I've gone all-in with my Nomad and requested both a custom sleeve, and collar (cocobolo collar,box elder body).
I can't wait to see the finished vape, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of sleeves Dan's other custom customers have gone for (or that Dan has come up with in the case of those who have elected to hand him the reins).

to all!