I have no dog in this fight, but maybe my 2-cents will give Dan an idea.
I have the Splinter (which I believe holds true for the Milaana, too). There's a fixed screen above the heater & the basket screen that goes in the stem joint. You can either use a rimless or rimmed basket screen (which sits on the rim of the stem joint in the stem. I believe that the rimmed screen, which I use, uses around .1 gram --if I'm wrong,
@Shit Snacks can correct me.) Then if you tamp the herb down lightly in the basket, no herb falls out from the stem onto the fixed screen above the heater in the vape. Naturally, after your first draw, the herb condenses & coagulates (for lack of a better word) so you don't have to worry anymore about herb falling onto the heater. Occasionally, I will get 1 tiny piece of herb when initially inserting the stem that does fall onto the heater screen (which always seems to get stuck between the screen rim & glass insert), so when I remove the stem, I'll use a cheap Elf eye brush from the $1 store to brush is out.
I also have the e-nano with has a fixed screen above the heating element. I use the fixed-screen glass stem with it because I hate using stem screens. (I find the Ghost MV-1's crucible system a joy to use compared to having to fuss with stem screens -- big, ungraceful paws.) I don't use an upper stem screen to prevent herb inhalation on the initial draw (before the herb condensing/coalgulating), but if I did, the screen would not have to be removed frequently.
I'm guessing that the advantage of using a double stem screen option is that it allows a larger herb load if desired?
Dan, I think the Nomad is a beautiful work of art. Congrats!