I just tried a Lobo capsule and it's too wide for the Nomad glass stem.
Thanks man, but I didn't mean for the capsule to go into the stem.
Can the capsule just be dropped into the Nomad to rest on the bottom (on your heater screen if you have one fitted), with the stem then inserted enough to hold the capsule in place at the bottom of the 'stem hole'?
I think this is how folk are using the Mighty capsules in the TM. They also don't fit in the TM stem, but the stem is just used to keep the capsule located while vaping.
I confess that had someone described this method to me I would have had some doubts it would work well, but there seem to be multiple folk using it with success in the TM.
The Nomad/Toad stems are 14mm, and the Lobo capsules are 12.5mm (or so I've read) so as long as the capsules aren't so small they drop right through the lip which the stem abuts, to touch the heater, this should work. (shouldn't be a problem if your Nomad or Toad has a heater screen fitted, might work even without one)
Forseeable issues:
1. Without a heater screen fitted, if the capsule is smaller than the hole (the hole above the heater/at the bottom of the stem) it would just touch the heater probably shorting the coil. Don't fire up your Nomad if the Lobo capsule is small enough to drop right through the whole device when the heater and bottom cap aren't fitted! This would indicate a need for a heater screen, or bigger capsule.
2. Capsule may be tricky to remove 'on-the-go' if it's a snug fit to get past the O-rings which hold the stem in. (If this were to happen, removing the bottom plate and heater should give easy access to push the capsule out from below with a dowel or something). I don't yet have a convenient solution for this on the go, other than carrying a short piece of wire with a hook bent into the end to facilitate removal (wire would have to be small enough dia' to fit through the holes in the end of the capsule for this to work).
The Lobo capsules will likely be a loose fit in the (15mm-ish?) hole for the stem, but this shouldn't matter much as the stem will provide a seal once inserted and hopefully all the hot air from the heater will pass through the load as long as the stem is seated against the capsule. Some may make it's way past the outside of the capsule if the seal is very poor, but I'm thinking that If this were to happen I'd try turning another wooden stem with a short recess to fit the Lobo capsule on one end (say-12.6x3mm).
I'd just buy some Lobo capsules (they're the biggest I can find dimensions for, other than the Mighty, which I'm pretty sure would be too big) to try for myself, but shipping seems to be very high to me here in Scotland.
Obviously please don't try anything which might damage your device! I'm fairly certain what I describe is very low risk though, no need to force anything, or adapt anything, just drop the capsule into the Nomad to see if it falls out the bottom!
I do appreciate you taking a look though as I'd love a capsule system that would work with my Nomad/Toad out and about.