Why don't you give your vape a little massage? (I don't know if it belongs here...the NEO is deeply involved! ...Let me know.)
Just a few thoughts:
- Big clouds! - What a waste! I guess... about 90% of the goodies leave your lung unused.
- Atomizer! So let him do his job! I wondered what temp is, while I draw and the lights go down by the Neo (the little dim of the glow). Short puffing all the way would come closer to "atomising"... otherwise we are baking.
Correct me if I am wrong: If I have big clouds, I decorated my environment more than my lungs inside. Atomizing would be if we had about 1000°C (what ever...) for a fraction of a second. And again and again....Atomizing the resins, not enough time to combust the fibres.
I work in the medical business. Some day years ago a little freaky tool showed up. Breath therapy.
The Flutter. It can help with obstructive lung diseases. You blow slowly in, the heavy ball inside starts to wiggle and hop and a vibrato in the airstream evolves deep down to your lungs.
My idea is to turn that physics around. Inhale and let the ball hop and wiggle so your airstream is vibrating. Now the coil gets that fraction of time to keep the temp.
It works so far...
View attachment 6172
While using different angles you can adjust the withdraw. Pulsing the airstream.
It seems to be that the weed discolours more evenly. The dim in the Neo is almost gone.
And don't get me wrong, the pic up there is just the proof of concept 5 minutes after the idea. There should be improvements.
I call it Flutter-Reverse.
Let me invite you to try something:
Extremely short puffs all the way through. Possibly no cloud or at least no big clouds. While doing this, try to discolour your weed as much as you can. Compare the "effects" with your other experiences.
... I love big clouds too. But the bang goes first!
Have a nice Weekend!