I have been using the NEO with a glass pipe and getting pretty decent results. I was hoping CDXX would drop some more pipes but I think he is still working on them because I haven't come across any new ones on his shops page. Anyways I became impatient and ordered a couple of pipes from different makers along with the TB potter+ for the pots.
I got the pipes before the weekend and 2 fit great but the bowls are drilled almost all the way through to the bottom I haven't been able to use them. I did put in an 18mm to 14mm reducer with some o rings and have been using them with other vapes with great results. I got the TB pots today and got my pipes out and I am getting the best results I've had with the NEO to date. The difference a perfect seal and the pots make is amazing. Really enjoying the NEO.
Edit: Just dropped it

. Guess I'm going to do the chimney repair. Super bummed but still happy that I found a combo that works really well.