Going on 3 months with Mighty as daily driver now. I'm loving it more all the time.
I use it dry and with water. I leave it around 375f most of the time. Occasionally will bump up to 385f. I use a half a liquid pad, mainly because it keeps the cooling unit clean so much longer.
I love the really open draw, and find the flat mouthpiece more comfortable than any other style of mouthpiece. Using a Pax 2 or a Solo daily would cause me soreness around the cheeks, jaw, and mouth, both from the heavy draw resistance, and the way you have to purse your lips to draw from them. Had the same problem with e-Nano. Not an issue with Mighty.
I think Grasshopper will take a place along side it when it gets here (if it
) but it will have a pretty hard time displacing Mighty as the reigning champion.
The only thing I don't love is that it has developed the internal rattle that others have mentioned. Seems totally harmless whatever it is, but if it leads to any problems at least I know I am covered. As it stands, the way this thing is performing every day has me feeling pretty good about it, even if the structural integrity is its one downfall.