The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel


Well-Known Member
How much material did you run thorough to collect that much reclaim? @lapsda00

@subway13029 did get a plastic grinder, it's ahhh.... ok. Would be pretty cool if it had a magnetic closer.

The filling tool is freaking rad! Completely un-nessisary IMO but really cool.seems as though it will hold your herbal mix and does make spill proof filing a synch.

Speaking honestly, all the plastic does really feel kinda.... a bit cheap...
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Well-Known Member
I REALLY need to do my first cleaning soon.....did you use Iso or anything, or is that soly through picking/scrapeing with a dabber?
How much material did you run thorough to collect that much reclaim?

"You really need to do.. ? " How long are u using your device? Vape a session and open the cooling unit scrape as much as you can and then vape another bowl and repeat the process
. Then wash in iso end evaporate if your cooling unit is clogged up .:) Imo the time for cleaning is after one week or after 5 grams. If you´re vaping high potent material in big quantity you´re able to scrape that much every day. Just vape some weed use about 3 grams and after session open up your cooling unit - use dab tool - or screwdriver and gently scrape the cooling unit anywhere where you´re able to see some oils. After each small place where you scrape -wipe oil at baking paper. Then full a bowl again when you want and repeat the session and scrape some "gold" again - wipe your "tool" at baking paper. After each session you can get bit of oils so patience is really important, just collect and collect and collect and then you have 0.4 of high potent oil- and then RECYCLE that oil in Mighty once again. Huge never ending sessions. I prefer to do an iso wash time by time and then evaporate the iso to get reclaim but that stuff is never so beautifully gold clear as on the pic. I hope this pic above inspire people how to get free oil if you haven´t access to it - in places where weed is illegal - this opportunity to scrape oil just from spending weed is brilliant! Free dabs - nature gifts :D
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's what makes the Mighty/Crafty so fkin ingenious.A thing that lets you produce your own tiny amount of oil without the fear of blowing up your house?

(Repeating some pages back)

You can fill up a bowl of abv, vape it and then scrape out the oil for another quick and huge cloud - maybe the next day. Even on a basically clean CU.
Or you can wait until there is no more airdraw and get out a shitload of oil and abv-crumbs. basically crunchy, basically sticky.

I started scraping with a screwdriver, putting the oily end of the screwdriver into an abv container, to cover the sticky stuff with plant particles, then scrape the whole shit with a scissor into another free container to store my oil/abv mix (maybe try it with oil/fresh weed. oh my Oh my mighty).

2nd edition was using the oilpad, ripping it almost in half so that you have a pac-man looking pad. Then wipe the screwdriver into the mouth of pacman, close the mouth, press on the pad and wipe the oil off. everything should be inside of the pad now. Super nice if you order a pack of oilpads and fill them up with oils. Great for on the go nuggets. And these things produce fkin clouds.

3rd installment was using a q-tip for cleaning ears (I hope you have clean ones). Just turn the mighty to max temperature, take some draws to let hot air go through the CU and make the oil warm and more liquid. Then open the CU quickly (get it off your mighty first) and wipe the oil away with the q-tip. It will turn brown instantly, even on a Unit that was clean before the last session. Rip the brown stuff of the q-tip stick and put it into a container for one of those days when you're out of weed and need a huge cloud within seconds.

BTW: I'm out of my mighty for 35 hours now. My mind being plagued by craving tried to sell me to combust using an old solo-stem, cook the abv in some oil, cook the CU in milk, cook the solo-stem in milk or get a MFLB as a backup for the days which would be my 6th vape. I stayed strong.
Funnily, the hot day made me tired as hell, even without vaping at too high temperatures (in and out). Maybe it's just amount of THC build up in my system from 15 years of tokin.


Well-Known Member
This thing is mighty awesome!

Heats up fast, has a perfect bowl size i think. Very efficient for a portable! Much power.

Just so huge! Lol. Hope it stays charged for days like it looks like it should. :p
It's also very light too.

The auto off "feature" feels super intrusive, IMO. I think maybe giving one more minute and buzz to remind you to tap powet button, and then buzz to shut off... would be MUCH less annoying and in your (my) face feeling. But still pretty awesome, bacause it probably wouldn't really be noticed much next time. So is it really that bad?

I'm not sure if maybe this over kill, and shuld ave gotten her a crafty, but i think she'll be super impressed when she gets off work and its all charged up and waiting, ready to go. *fingers crossed*

I think this awesome gift.


I go where the thrills are
If you got the FC discount on your Mighty, you better be joking about that grinder. I tell him to keep them these days. :nod:

Anyhow, lets hear more thoughts on the Mighty.

Im also interested in my buddies @mitchgo61 and @SSVUN~YAH opinions when they get their Mightys.

Kinda bummed...Randy was lightning-quick sending it out on Monday, but despite an estimated delivery date of today, it's not here. Hasn't really tracked since it left Reno, but USPS tracking is notoriously bad.

Tomorrow's my birthday (not that the universe cares) so.....fingers crossed. :p:uhoh:


Full Steam Ahead
Kinda bummed...Randy was lightning-quick sending it out on Monday, but despite an estimated delivery date of today, it's not here. Hasn't really tracked since it left Reno, but USPS tracking is notoriously bad.

Tomorrow's my birthday (not that the universe cares) so.....fingers crossed. :p:uhoh:
USPS can suck sometimes. My last order from Randy got hung up in TN for a week (not his fault). But, after a few days, the tracking updates, and everything showed up just as ordered. Still going back to puffitup for my next purchase if possible.


Dharma Initiate
@lapsda00 I've used it about a month now, and have probably put around 3 grams through it. It, just needs cleaned lol I can tell, the mouthpiece sticks when it's not hot and my draw is a bit more restrictive.

Was mostly curious if you got that amazing looking reclaim using solvent, or just doing some diligent pick work. Personally, and I know it's safe and everything, but I always find it hard to get rid of that artificial/weird taste after cleaning with Iso (Underdog Stems, PAX, Firefly)...I mean it's gone after a bowl usually, but those first handful of hits always taste weird to me, despite rinsing and making sure it's clean. So, knowing I'd be able to do it just picking away at it, that's good to know.

Appreciate the thorough and indepth response :) I'm off Friday so I'll probably just do it then. Got some new nuggets that are dying to be tasted in this thing.
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Well-Known Member
@lapsda00 I've used it about a month now, and have probably put around 3 grams through it. It, just needs cleaned lol I can tell, the mouthpiece sticks when it's not hot and my draw is a bit more restrictive.

Was mostly curious if you got that amazing looking reclaim using solvent, or just doing some diligent pick work. Personally, and I know it's safe and everything, but I always find it hard to get rid of that artificial/weird taste after cleaning with Iso (Underdog Stems, PAX, Firefly)...I mean it's gone after a bowl usually, but those first handful of hits always taste weird to me, despite rinsing and making sure it's clean. So, knowing I'd be able to do it just picking away at it, that's good to know.

Appreciate the thorough and indepth response :) I'm off Friday so I'll probably just do it then. Got some new nuggets that are dying to be tasted in this thing.

The reclaim I get from the Mighty is not amazing looking unfortunately. It is really dark in colour and tastes pretty nasty. I was expecting it to be a lot nicer after reading the way some people describe it as being like shatter.


Dharma Initiate
Everclear is actually very difficult to find in PA, you need a special permit to sell it, and many liquor stores don't even bother, they just go up to 151. Though, I could order online easily enough.


Well-Known Member
What would be the most effective way of vaping some kief?

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I have about 0.1g of AVB so I'm thinking I just line the bottom of the bowl with that, then sprinkle the kief over that and top it off with the liquid pad. I don't have much kief, maybe a couple pinches worth.

Would anyone suggest I do something different to vape it more effectively?


Staff member
What would be the most effective way of vaping some kief?

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I have about 0.1g of AVB so I'm thinking I just line the bottom of the bowl with that, then sprinkle the kief over that and top it off with the liquid pad. I don't have much kief, maybe a couple pinches worth.

Would anyone suggest I do something different to vape it more effectively?
Sounds like a solid plan to me. Hopefully your drought won't last for too long. Our drought here in California is bad enough...



Well-Known Member
I never did an iso wash, the mighty is back to S&B but I will keep on using that CU. I rather buy a new one I guess :D


You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
If you got the FC discount on your Mighty, you better be joking about that grinder. I tell him to keep them these days. :nod:

Anyhow, lets hear more thoughts on the Mighty.

Im also interested in my buddies @mitchgo61 and @SSVUN~YAH opinions when they get their Mightys.
still in the works but stoked about the possibilities! Happy bday @mitchgo61 :rockon:


Well-Known Member
One thing I have noticed with the new mighty is that it is much harder to drop the my first unit it was nothing to take a rip and it drop from 10 to 12 degrees but now I'm guessing that's why they added a minute to make it a 2 min auto shutoff because when I take a rip it will go down two or 3 degrees but always climbs back up before I'm done..and it seems to affect my hits..they are huge..which they were in my first unit but thus one seems way more efficient. And the heater is powerful
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VapeLife X
One thing I have noticed with the new mighty is that it is much harder to drop the my first unit it was nothing to take a rip and it drop from 10 to 12 degrees but now I'm guessing that's why they added a minute to make it a 2 min auto shutoff because when I take a rip it will go down two or 3 degrees but always climbs back up before I'm done..and it seems to affect my hits..they are huge..which they were in my first unit but thus one seems way more efficient. And the heater is powerful

While it does maintain heat better, have you been experiencing a drastic drop in battery life compared to your older mighty?

I have and it fucking sucks!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've noticed after a session it'll drop by 3 bars often, my old one would drop by 2 maximum.
Yep it use to be the 2 bars of death , now 3 bars of death, maybe this was the true reason Ive moved to plugging it in for heat up to 180 regardless of battery being full. I still like the new unit over old one......
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