That boost is cool! I thought a '+10' button would be good or plus 12. but that solves that!
And mine doesn't seem to have it

I wonder if they can fit it to any Mighty that comes back for batteries or service.
Also in this Mighty I now doubt if they'll bother putting the bluetooth, app, or any advances on oven temp ramping, as is becoming common now.
The boost alone seems adequate in this beast!
Might be nice to cancel the haptic and screen lights now and again but it's not a big deal.
Question; how do you physically change the boost min/max amount?
From what I read, and going on other devices, I'd imagine you double-click to bring up boost mode flashing temp, and as this flashes.. If you input nothing further it will go directly to boost but if you adjust temp while the numbers flash, it will be the boost temp you're adjusting then.
If so, genius.
If not, they should give me a job!
can someone explain how exactly the boost feature work ? I got a recent replacement and I like to check if it has this feature.
How I tried to check mine:
Turn on Mighty, set to 40C to save heat time, or whatever temp you like.
After it reaches temp, take a fake puff or two, wait a while.
Then double click your power button. If it has the feature, some numbers should flash.
Mine doesn't have it or else I'm doing this wrong!
First it was the reinforced casing and two minute shutoff, now they've added boost.
And don't forget, not too long ago some lucky customers also spoke of an added few end of sesh vibrations so you can now decide about standby mode kicking in or not.
And could that clean bowl top
@cloudsosmoke mentioned be another stealth materials upgrade, or maybe it is just keeping the temperature down does it.
Does it also prevent/lessen the line of brown in the seam on the bowl top? That used to annoy me a little but it's a small trade off for what this thing is!