Or, trow the ring away ,and put a new one on.
The Mighty comes with those spare o-rings, and when you already have used all of them, just order a maintenance set.

I forgot the price but I thought, that they weren't that expensive to go all the trouble to get them clean and like new.
Just my personal thoughts..

yeah but I meant the ring from resin that develops around the plastic housing of the chamber. If it would be just that oring I would not care less

Yeah and mighty comes with spare o ring/ maintenance set so it would not be a problem at all I just wish that would be the issue
From reading this thread it seems you can get gunk inside when using it upside down on glass. If you have been doing that there could be plenty of stuff inside.
I have mine opened Im doing deep cleaning aswell and similar shit happened to me, please check the small air intake hole from bottom of the heating rod cover( the grey thing) I found a small piece of what it seemed like resin that turned into almost charcoal substance. What shocked me the most is the fact that I never used this device upside down and I always kept it in case when possible. So the clogging from dust is not possible. Same shit happened to my older device, but it was causing real draw resistance problems. I got to pull like crazy and got very little vapour, back then I did not know how to cleaned it well but I managed to pop it off with needle, it was a completely different device.
Btw one tip, clean your chamber with warm iso and baking soda on paper towel, it helped me a lot. Previously I put the whole chamber in boiling iso and it did not remove the resin just bits of it. Also soak the grey heating rod cover thingy in iso too. There is sometimes a film that develops around there on the inner side and it ofgasses. My device was used very sparingly and is less than half year old so I gotta learn and NEVER use reclaim or concentrate again to see if it would make a difference.
Nail polish remover is ACETONE, very hazardous, and can MELT plastic even more then ISO. Try Dark Crystal cleaner, otherwise you may have to live with it.
yeah acetone I meant, I know its a harsh chemical, I cant imagine not being able to get rid off that awful smell so I leave it away and I will source dark crystal cleaner
I think they were on about the brown staining ring on plastic bowl edge?
That's staining from the oil, can't think how if that dark crystal didn't work.
Pity they wouldn't sell the replacement parts alright, when Whirlpool make a vape they will sell all that stuff seperate!
exactly that one, in my case its stained from the reclaim, I will give it a try and when I will have new mighty I would never use reclaim/wax again in it to see if the ring would develops. I believe dark crystal would work if it will be original, I have seen some bad feedback from people, all of them bought it from amazon and the seller sold them dilluted solution so it did not have such cleaning power. If you guys have any negative feedback and you bought it directly from the company or someone certified, please let me know to save few bucks. But I believe it will work
Exactly with the spare parts ! I think it would be best vape ever made if it would offer easily replacable parts, like chamber cover, housing and all the other parts. I dont think it would made the device complicated. Reminds of playing with lego when I was kid