yeah, i know unfortunately what you mean, with destroying those tiny tiny tabs of the heather.
but once you know you know and I have done several cleans on mighty's after that and thank the vapelord ,never broke them again.
And I also have been surprised , and shocked about the dirt and filth amounting around the airinlet.
and after a while(when it's time to put other batteries in)in all my mighty's it was serious grouse.

the inlet gets yuck, quickly if you leave the mighty on your bong between hit's, it's in my experience very much worth the effort to take her(I love her so must be a she

)of the bong/water tool just before ending ending your pull on the bong..(only delta 3 studios adaptors last years..)and with doing that the air inlet stay's way more clean for way longer

and as other tip ,and off course that also is for the crafty, never blow in your bowl, all that dust and whatever is now clued (resin is sticky)to your heating element, and will make me bark and cough badly .
Trough the years S&B made small changes to this powerhouse, and I found that after having opened 3 mighty's(so yes I destroyed the first one..

.)I again destroyed a housing (to swap in new batteries)on the 4 th, mighty in my possession, because they changed how the body opens.first only sliding, now introduced having to wobble it open too(if not you destroy the tiny tiny(0,5 mm)pins they placed.
And then I discover on number 8 in my possession they fucking changed again

I havent been able to find what was changed, but it definitely, did come apart in a different way again.

but sounds with Taffee on the block , there IS finally competition.

Sorry by the way of not been able to help you over the last week,i could read but not write, because of being in the middle of shit , so coverage very poor.(besides that I don't post often, besides likes, because I am badly dyslexic, and writing a reply like this cost's me seriously nearly two hours

one last but totally not relevant thing,: that you tube link, man I doo miss listening in person (and mumbling a few word's I suddenly remembered back

), to that beautiful French language.
so , how shall I say sophisticated, so nice, etc........
peace and health to all
