The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel


"I heard from @ChooChooCharlie 's Mighty during it's travels, it wanted us all to know that he is having fun, and will be home soon"
Here's the information on the updated Mighty directly from Jake at

Hey hey Tony! The newest Mightys have an increased auto-shutoff timer and a boost mode that can be activated by pressing the power button twice in a row. The boost mode kicks the temperature up a set amount which is completely user adjustable. Outside of those two changes we have also heard user reports of improved battery life and the body being made of a harder plastic compared to the previous generation though we do not have official confirmation on those changes. I hope that info helps and if you're curious about anything else feel free to ask! =)


So there you have it. I'm still ordering a Ghost MV-1 when I get my order email, but if it doesn't live up to the hype, would this be the next best thing?

My daily drivers are an Arizer Air, Volcano Digit (solid valve, so no reducer =/), Yocan NYX, and a flat coil titanium enail with the 16" double percolator rig from Amazon for $26.

I've also got the OG DaVinci, the Ascent, iolite, silver surfer, mflb, a diy mflb style concentrate vape, source nail xl, atmos rx, whisper, solo, whole host of Chinese knockoffs, some custom devices I've designed, and some others.

None of them tick off my needs, and if the Ghost delivers, it'll be what I've been waiting for. I know there are other on demand convection vapes, but Bud says 0.12g in that device goes as far as 0.2-0.3g in any other. That cost reduction in consumables is a huge deal for me, as is the ability to take a strong, 15 second hit while standing by the backdoor so I can blow all vapor outside so that I can keep watch over my young daughter while achieving pain relief (Crohn's disease) without exposing her to a single molecule.

This post summarises the updates, I’m still waiting on confirmation from S&B, it will be interesting to know if all of the above updates were rolled out together or separately and at what production dates.


Well-Known Member
@Boxman the capsules make that much easier - insert after heat up, take some draws and dump the capsule out, cools much quicker than the oven and no gumping up ;)

Vaporcussion said:
Thank you! 12 was my guess...

While you are being efficient with the "turn off, then take hit concept" the bowl is still hot enough afterward that you are wasting material for sure. Why not try super micro doses in the bowl with the full size liquid pad on top. Then you can finish each mini session in 3 hits or so...

Funnily enough @Boxman , this here above (except I do it in capsules) is what I also settled on for when you only have a minute or need to be more discreet.
You can heat the device before you "nip off",
and put the temperature up to maybe even 200C / 392F to speed up and improve the output.
Take about two good draws, turn it off and take another.

For what it's worth, I thought I would share my technique for micro dosing with the Mighty. I prefer to use the capsules exclusively and removed the screen from my cooling unit.

What I do is put a small amount of herb in the capsule and place a flat screen on top of the small load. I then place a domed screen on top of the flat screen to fill in the unused space (and help hold the flat screen down) and screw on the cap. Not sure if this technique will suit everyone but it works beautifully for me. Most likely adds a bit more conduction but I'm fine with that.

The Mighty is a great vaporizer with only one drawback for me: I wish the temperature would go higher. But aside from that, it's a beast with consistent results every time. I like that. I usually end up eating my ABV anyhow.

Unfortunately, I cannot share pictures as my beloved Mighty is in Canada and I am in Myanmar. Chose to bring my Solo II instead but it was a tough decision!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Mighty. :)

Great tips, guys - thank you. I will try that approach (microdosing by using the pad). I may even get some of those capsules again (tried them before and found them too much hassle).

BTW blackstone ... WTF? How did you get a Solo into Myanmar? And what the hell are you doing there? You can't drop a bombshell like that and not expect any questions! :)


I go where the thrills are
Thank you! 12 was my guess...

While you are being efficient with the "turn off, then take hit concept" the bowl is still hot enough afterward that you are wasting material for sure. Why not try super micro doses in the bowl with the full size liquid pad on top. Then you can finish each mini session in 3 hits or so...
Just keep hitting it! I let it get to temp, take a hit, power off. Then I take two or three more hits while the bowl and the air in the chamber is still hot. Three or four hits, no wasted vapor. Works every time! :rockon:


Well-Known Member
I use the 18mm version of this adapter:
Well after vaping though water the clouds usually are a bit smaller, I am experiencing the very same. Once the vape reaches the water and cools down it already begins to condensate. Nonetheless it definitely gets me way higher when I use my bong, because the vape gets pretty concentrated if you pull long enough + of course it hits faster. I would recommend this way to vape but I do not like the water adapter itself, what I have mentioned some posts ago, although I own the same one^^.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

First time post here. I have been reading this forum a lot but haven't read all 480 pages of this thread.

I have a few observations and a few questions.

I currently own a Mighty ( newer model with boost and 2 minute shutdown) absolutely loving it. I also have a flowermate aura (not hybrid) and an airistech Nokiva.

My first observation. I purchased an additional cooling unit I'm guessing this was old stock as the plastic definitely feels different from the original (what came with my mighty) I'm not sure if it's more durable as the comment above says but there's definitely a difference in feel/texture and if I'm honest it does feel a little cheaper. Not dissing the material at all just an observation.

I've owned my mighty for a few weeks and am trying to fine tune my usage. As you will see above this is my first 'big boy vape' I read for days and when I realised there was an improved model available I bit the bullet and went for it.

The other vapes were OK but did leave me quite dissatisfied. I think I had been spoilt by a friend giving me a balloon of his volcano years ago.

One thing I have noticed is that the Nokiva will seemingly produce clouds forever where the mighty I get considerably less. I do use higher temperatures with the Nokiva -420 f. With the mighty I'm varying my usage, either using full bowls or half with the concentrate pad. I ha e also used dosing pods with concentrate pads. My favourite temperature range for the mighty is 330f at first - tasting all those lovely flavours and then creeping my way up to around 380. I'll sometimes creep a little higher if I'm feeling brave.

So with a dosing pod with a pad and the mighty I'm getting 7-12 good hits in the 330-380 temp range increasing when I feel that things are dropping off. With the Nokiva and flowermate I'm getting constant vapour production at temperatures above 400f (usually 420 as I saw a review by dabspot on yt and just sort of went along with what she said) I can still get nice flavours for a bit at lower temps but nothing close to what the mighty gives me.

Here is my question - is this normal for the mighty that's it's just that efficient that it's giving me a more concentrated hit. Sometimes I notice if I keep the temperature low, below 350 and then go up to 370/380 I get very little vapour maybe a couple of hits and then I just sort of feel that it's depleted. I have read that the avb is definitely a lot lighter with the mighty and this is true with my experience.

I know we won't always see vapour when exhaling. I know different bud will also produce different vapour quantity/quality.

Am I just noticing the difference between convection and conduction along with the effects of going to a considerably higher temperature and the mighty being more efficient.

What I'm finding is that I'm comparing the cheaper conduction units to a joint where the mighty is a super delicious creamy bong. Really curious about people's thoughts as I'm really happy with the mighty. It is like a portable volcano. First time I tried it I got giggles like a giddy child.

I'm just interested in other people's experience and looking for more pointers/advice. I was originally looking at a davinci iq. My major gripe with the cheaper vapes was battery life and the idea of a replaceable battery seemed like a good work around. Really glad I went for the mighty but I do feel like I'm going through more material. I'm feeling stronger effects but I can put a smaller amount in the conduction vapes and they seem to last a lot longer.

Thanks for your help so far and sorry for the massive first post


Waistband Optimizer
Staff member
I have realized that none of my backups are suitable for when my mighty goes down. Im almost to the point of just ordering another mighty so i have a backup mighty..ive spent all my vas efforts looking for a backup and all alomg its right in front of me..

My brother-in-law brought up this idea last week, "what if your Mighty breaks and you have to wait weeks to get it back". That question scared me. I do not want or desire to use combustion to fill in. I also considered getting another Mighty, still am considering it.

What I did do was buy one of those OmniVap things. They seem pretty high on them in the DynaVap thread. I've had it for a few days. Still waiting on butane to arrive so I can use a proper lighter with it. I have used it off my stove and a candle. I think it is a decent fill in for when my Mighty is charging or if something horrific happened to it. I think if I had gotten another battery powered device and it wasn't up to the Mighty's abilities it would just end up as another unused device in my house. This Omni is so much different than the Mighty that it makes it a fun alternative.


Well-Known Member
If my Mighty went down, I would order another that day with expedited delivery.

I have a good number of vapes, but aside from using desktops, when I want a portable my hand first goes to the Mighty for ease of use and complete and utter consistency without any technique or body english required.

I am a fan of hybrid heating, at least how S&B did it in the Mighty. I almost always top my loads with a liquid pad that adds to that end of session conduction part of the heating and my AVB comes out a very consistent coffee brown and fully extracted.

Great device, IMO.


Well-Known Member
As a followup to my earlier complaints about water vaping through this WPA:


... I went back to using my old one from Delta 3D Studios:


... and no longer had any complaints about the clouds or the potency at all! If it's being degraded, it is now to a low enough degree as to be unnoticeable. I'm very pleased. The problem with my glass adapter must have been a less than perfect seal with the bong (or something). I only stopped using the Delta3D adapter because it kept slipping off during a session when it would heat up, but their new version features a screw-on design that appears to solve that problem. It totally replaces the CU:


So I think I'll buy that one. Anyone already using it?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had issues with their new Mighty having a strong smell when doing burnoffs? I got my 3rd Mighty in yesterday (sold the other 2) and while doing burnoffs I noticed a strong smell almost chemical-like. I don't remember having this issue on my previous Mighty's but who knows maybe once I used it the smell got covered up. I took some dry pulls with it on max temp and could also taste what I have been smelling. I'm up to about 4 or 5 burnoffs and the smell is still there. I am going to do about 5 more before giving up and trying to return it. The smell is not coming from the cooling unit it is coming from inside the Mighty. Has anyone had this issue with a recently bought Mighty?


Old & In the Way
That’s the best one available..
I've never used this one, but I tend to agree with you, having used the muzzmod A LOT. Thanks @elmomuzz! And thanks to delta3dstudios for finally filling this need. Users here have given this piece very good reviews.

Hey that looks pretty good. Someone finally is producing a proper muzzmod. I wonder how many he has sold? :)
Maybe we could ask him, or at least get a feel for his sales rate fro this adapteer? How is it going @Ratchett?

Unfortunately the shipping costs for this tiny winy adapter are ridiculously high ._.
He's a very small shop and I think he really does try to be fair. Even this adapter may seem a little pricey, but considering that just to make a muzzmod you need the glass piece and you have to cannibalize a cooling unit, it's not so bad.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Maybe we could ask him, or at least get a feel for his sales rate fro this adapteer? How is it going @Ratchett?

Hey all! These Mighty adapters are doing great, I have sold quite a few worldwide. I myself used one daily with my Crafty until I killed the poor battery in that Crafty (just couldn't handle my back-to-back vaporbonging seshs lol).

After about a year on the market, I think I might have finally paid off the total cost to produce the single mold for these adapters (what an expensive investment :argh: ) although the production costs per batch are still quite high (that's a price I pay for keeping my manufacturing in America, I refuse to outsource to China). Still working on distribution, I've got retail partners in Brazil, Canada, The Netherlands, and New Zealand currently stocking these mighty adapters, signing more wholesale partners monthly. I know international shipping rates suck from my store so hopefully these new retail partners will help reduce those shipping rates for far off places. (Although if your favorite vape shop isn't stocking my products - please feel free to show them my store, I'm still accepting new wholesale applications).

Still working on moving into my new studio so I can continue to expand the business. I've got a few dozen accessories (including a few new ones for the Mighty) coming out this Spring/Summer time. Can't wait to share all the latest developments once the dust settles. :science:
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Well-Known Member
That WPA is indeed the best option you have. I didn't went with the everywhere sold glass adapter because that thing just straight up breaks your Mighty in the long run. I don't want to take that chance.

The WPA is good, but it's not perfect, although I am not sure if perfect can be achieved, because you have to think of a 1000 things.

The WPA fits very well, but it's not solid, which is in my opinion good, because you cannot break your device using the WPA ever, trust me, you can't, but that can give a problem of not sitting sealtight. I solve this by "pressing" the Mighty into my water pipe so it fits perfect.

Cleaning is super easy, I just stick a toothpick in it and scrape out the gunk, really easy. I did threw it in the ISO but I found the gunk to be good useable still so I didn't want to "waste" that.

All in all, best bet is to get the WPA. Like Delta stated, he is trying to expand, but I had to get it straight from him. Bonus I got a free Mighty stand with it, which is really damn helpful.

Definitely was worth the extra shipping costs. Definitely.


Well-Known Member
He's a very small shop and I think he really does try to be fair. Even this adapter may seem a little pricey, but considering that just to make a muzzmod you need the glass piece and you have to cannibalize a cooling unit, it's not so bad.
Tbh I don't even think the prices for his adapters are too high, the products seem solid and thoughtful and the prices are appropiate in my opinion.
It is just hard to understand, why every asian shop offers low shipping costs while I would had to pay 14.80$ at Delta3DStudios. They could just use a padded envelope and ship it for 2$.
The Grand Total is $39.30 for the water adapter + shipping to Germany and that is just way too high, at least in my opinion. Well since I am not forced to buy Delta3D products its just a personal opinion and I am happy for every one of their customers who can afford their products. I am very sure they offer the best adapters on the market.
Here is the mighty my friend has decided to gift to me upon upgrading to a new model, he said to play around with it and figure out how to use it and clean it etc before grabbing the new model.

I removed the CU, screens and cleaned the housing and oven with some iso as it was really really dirty.

Upon cleaning the mighty I noticed the plastic housing is coming apart, the two half’s which stick together to make up the unit, please see pictures for details, given this is an older model and that more than likely the warranty has already expired also being that it is a hand me down, me being the second owner, do you think there is any chance of me being able to get S&B to fix the damaged housing or let me trade it in, giving me some discount off of a new model and letting me pay the remainding balance towards the new unit?

Apparently the mighty holds a really poor charge now also, but I have yet to use it as I still have a lot more cleaning to do first, if there is anyone who is experienced with S&B customer service, could you please advise me on how and who to contact along with what I would be best saying
to them, i don’t know if I even have any leg to stand on atall
in regards to getting it sorted out.
So if anyone knows the best route for me to take to find a resolution to this
or has any advice atall it would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Production date is 11-2014 blue and orange box. I have the box and serial number but not the original purchase receipt.






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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
It is just hard to understand, why every asian shop offers low shipping costs while I would had to pay 14.80$ at Delta3DStudios. They could just use a padded envelope and ship it for 2$.

Sadly, due to the size of my store, USPS will reject all shipments which are not identified properly as merchandise and with the proper dimensions. Three years ago international shipments cost around $10 USD minimum, somehow USPS continues to raise the price exponentially I really wish there was a cheaper method to ship out of the USA but I have yet to find anything (Fedex/UPS/DHL were more expensive previously but I may have to circle back to them for a revised quote).

This is why I've been trying to partner with international retailers worldwide - ship my partners bulk inventory so my customers can opt for a more affordable regional shipping option. If your preferred retailer is not on my list of Authorized Resellers, please have them contact me for more information about wholesale opportunities.

If anyone has any suggestions for how my business could lower my international shipping rates from the USA, please PM me, I'm all ears.
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