I understand. And certainly can't prove anything one way or the other. But native, my Mighty issues AVB much like my Volcano while with the liquid pad I get darker and more even AVB.
Did I get more cannbinoids or did I just boil off the chlorophyll and further oxidize the plant material....can't really say, tbh.
Some days it seems all roads lead us back to the "convection/conduction" conversation.
Makes sense, because as mentioned ad nauseum, I find the more conduction that is at work, the darker and more even my ABV looks. I totally concur....with the pads I get darker, more even ABV. I can achieve this without pads, but it usually requires at least one stir, as the native approach relies more on convection, which almost always requires some kind of movement of the weed in order to get it all evenly in the path of the hot air.
Both approaches seem to extract fully, and I've never tried to count hits, so to me there is less of an efficiency difference, and more of a visible ABV effect difference.