Most common is to finish the bowl you have started with Mighty. The conduction type aspect of the chamber continues after you turn it off, so there is some loss and it's not that great to come back to.
If a full bowl, you can turn off and come back later; it's just not the most efficient use.k.
I second vapviking. the mighty's a 'session vape' - put in what you plan to use. the good news is that it's fine with small loads. a lot of people seem to think all that 'cooking' that goes on when you're not actually sucking on the thing is problematic, but my experience is that it actually delivers better hits if allowed to cook for something like 30 sec.that being said, there are better options if you want to fill 'er up and take single hits at a time, e.g. grasshopper, firefly 2, even vapcap.
Interesting that this has come up recently. I've always thought of the Mighty as more of a session vape myself....and using the dosing capsules pretty much exclusively for several months kept me in this mindset, as each one holds really just about enough for a full session for me.
About a month ago I just got really fed up spending a half hour every few days filling tons of capsules. I decided to go back to using the bowl "native", but, unlike in the past when I've done this, I didn't use the liquid pad to eat up half the space in the bowl. I just started cramming like .25 g's in the bowl directly.
I've been using my Mightys like this for at least the past month. And I gotta tell's been working great, not just as a session vape, but also for something closer to "on demand" (though that's not really accurate). I find I can fill the Mighty, consume half the bowl, come back to it the next day, and still get great hits and great vapor and finish off the bowl without any degradation in performance. One trick is to let it really heat up, and take a few hits...a partially-vaped bowl relies on convection as much as conduction, and the weed needs to be primed a bit by a few hot hits before giving up the vapor.
I still love the capsules, but the Mighty works really well native too, and for me, it's session orientation doesn't prevent it from still being a great one-person on-demand vape. It helps to make sure you "carb out" the last hit or two after you shut it off, to keep it from wasting any final vapor. But anyone looking for an all-purpose vape that really can do just about anything....once again the Mighty fits the bill. I still think this is the greatest all-around portable I've ever used.