I think you're looking for howardforums.com![]()
Was mighty drunk when i wrote that

I think you're looking for howardforums.com![]()
I was cruising around the site a couple of days ago and saw it. Not easy, you are correct about that.Hey everyone! Was wondering if anyone could help me? Trying to send my Mighty in for a SECOND time this year.. another plastic piece around the heater melted off.. I guess? Anyways they re did their website and I couldn't find out where to log in or create a Repair, I also emailed america@storz-bickel.com for the last three weeks asking how I can inquire about a Repair. My question is do you guys know something I don't know about a easier way to get in touch with this company? I'm thinking of just buying a airizer air and being DONE with this vape and company. I'm tired of sending my Mighty in and contacting this company.
No stirring necessary. Sorry I can't help with your other questions.well it arrived! just wanted to say i feel like i got top notch customer service from planet vape. charged it up, looked though the manual (will read it fully later tonight) and took it for a spin. seems to work well!
does it benefit from stirring like most vapes?
I see you guys seem to be big fans of the little caps that go inside rather than just filling it directly. may I ask why? what are the major benefits of using them?
lastly where can i buy them inside canada? I read about the brokerage/importing fees and I would like to avoid them if at all possible.
lastly where can i buy them inside canada? I read about the brokerage/importing fees and I would like to avoid them if at all possible.
I see you guys seem to be big fans of the little caps that go inside rather than just filling it directly.
lastly where can i buy them inside canada? I read about the brokerage/importing fees and I would like to avoid them if at all possible.
so I gave it a full cleaning
Check @Vaporcussion's good suggestion first.My Might's draw resistance has increased slightly over the past 3 days so I gave it a full cleaning but there was no change. When I cleaned the Mighty I was able to confirm that the CU is functioning as it should and is air tight. Since last night I'm barely getting visible vapor and my ABV comes out light brown even on max temp. The air inlet on the bottom appears to sound louder when taking a draw but not 100% sure. Anyone have any ideas before I RMA this unit? Thanks!
I ordered my capsules last thursday from vaporizers.ca they're a canadian vender in ottawa ontario. all fees included in the price tag
Sorry i messed up my quote guy haha @weedemon also i would like to say the sandwich method works amazing for DMT on 180c
Anyone else running without screens with the capsules? I find the CU screens gunk up easily and going without is much preferred. Been running without a screen in the bowl too but not sure if that has been better for clouds or not.
Personal, just a question for who got their MIGHT for the warranty of crafty, S & B sent the new might to you with the toast capsules?
Mine will take a long time to arrive because a friend will bring me from USA, since my country does not accept vaporizers by mail.
New Mighty comes with normal filling tool and one capsule I believe!
I think the Mighty Medic might come with 8 capsules in the magazine?
One capsule is enough to get a feel for how they work, but a good use for them is to fill a few so you don't have to do anything fiddly for a while/can lie in bed or conquer the world, just change caps.
But like some others, I too have gone back to other ways of just using the normal big bowl. Even though I use small amounts efficiently, and only fill it completely full some weekend nights for a treat! And I can flip back to capsules if needed.
Capsules can be a little bit more fiddly than the normal bowl in some cases.
Also I'm glad I got my Mighty just before capsules came out, so I didn't have the dilemma of never using the big normal bowl!
I couldn't imagine forking out for this premium vape and not getting the exact experience that all the OG Mighty crew sang praises about!
The bonus is the bowl doesn't get that dirty, and magic eraser is easy to use on it.
Although, even partly filled, the capsules are not far from a normal bowl experience, if not the same. And by heck a full capsule would knock some sense into you.
PS. toast capsules sounds kinda funny, but true!
It's horrible that your country does not accept vaporizers, you should petition the government on the grounds they are preventing people improving their health and quitting combustion and tobacco too.
Although I fully understand that it could be too scary to even get your name or email involved.
Given that you have logistical/distance challenge, you might consider one or two 'sets' of eight caps with 'magazine' (holder). Capsules are re-usable. There are separate oil pads for both the bowl and the capsules' size, you might want some of those. I think that for oils in a flower sandwich (or pad, though I have less experience with this) you'll keep bowl much cleaner by using the capsules.Thanks for the answer, it would be great to have all the capsules, but come a help already, I think of using it when using oil with herb, which always ends up dirtying a lot the big bow
My crafty I abused a lot, 245 hours of use, with might pretend to be kinder, now I have other vaporizers to alternate