I will!First we need someone (anyone) or manufacturer to make a PROPER Muzzmod, that never comes apart. Kinda like the easyflow vapefiend adapter, but much better!
As for Muzzmod, The issue i personally have is the glue/resin/epoxy are a no no for me. Either proper graded plastic like S&B use and American boro or no sale. I have the Vapefiend one for this reason over muzzmod why do people not like it? Not a perfect seal or is it this ability to damage the vape? If you come up with a better quality non breakage vapefiend adapter i will buy one for sure!
I do know that you don't have to send the cooling unit, so that's one less thing to clean. I can't speak to the customs issue...Has anyone had issues with sending their mighty to repair? I mean my mighty is so damn filthy with resin clogged _everywhere_ and little dust that I'm paranoid that I will get it clean enough to send through customs lol?Or am I just paranoid?
btw I have more than 1 year left warranty so I guess it still has 1 year left after I get it back from first repair?
I love it!For the German CS i got my Mighty and the filling aid was missing the plastic center plug, One email asking for a 10p bit of plastic got me a second filling aid albeit without the plug but i can still use it sort of.
As for Muzzmod, The issue i personally have is the glue/resin/epoxy are a no no for me. Either proper graded plastic like S&B use and American boro or no sale. I have the Vapefiend one for this reason over muzzmod why do people not like it? Not a perfect seal or is it this ability to damage the vape? If you come up with a better quality non breakage vapefiend adapter i will buy one for sure!
mothegoons it is i believe.(what does it mean???)one day i will be able to post pic's of this mod......
Sorry i'm such a moron so far posting pic's.
or to activated ,my account(sorry ,mongoptts,or something)
Well im about a hair away from buying one, the consistent comments on performance are making me seriously consider it as a mobile home vape for when I have pain flareups. when I have a flareup I move between my room and my basement den, and it would be nice to take around the house without setting something up each time.
The one thing that is making me not instantly buy it is the reports of breaking and returns, is it really THAT common? I dont want to shell out that much only to have to return it. for those in the US, how easy is the return process if it DOES happen? I plan on buying it from puffitup, will they handle the return for me? ive heard thats the case on some threads in r/vaporents but wanted confirmation.
I already have an AIR, ENANO, FW3 (sending in for repair, ironically) but the mightys ability for really quck extraction and on demand vapor is VERY enticing. sometimes when im in pain, i dont have the luxury to sit a whole session to get effects, I just want a few strong hits of good medicine so I can lay back down lol
thanks in advance!
Hey There,Well im about a hair away from buying one, the consistent comments on performance are making me seriously consider it as a mobile home vape for when I have pain flareups. when I have a flareup I move between my room and my basement den, and it would be nice to take around the house without setting something up each time.
The one thing that is making me not instantly buy it is the reports of breaking and returns, is it really THAT common? I dont want to shell out that much only to have to return it. for those in the US, how easy is the return process if it DOES happen? I plan on buying it from puffitup, will they handle the return for me? ive heard thats the case on some threads in r/vaporents but wanted confirmation.
I already have an AIR, ENANO, FW3 (sending in for repair, ironically) but the mightys ability for really quck extraction and on demand vapor is VERY enticing. sometimes when im in pain, i dont have the luxury to sit a whole session to get effects, I just want a few strong hits of good medicine so I can lay back down lol
thanks in advance!
I don't mean to make light of your condition, but in my experience the buyer's remorse from Mighty purchase is alleviated within hours of it's arrival.I own the firewood 3 but it has never given me quality vapor, and just 2 days ago it died completely, spoke to Marc at FW and he told me to send it in for repair
I think you are right about the mighty though, waiting isnt going to do anything, I would buy the grasshopper this second but its on a lengthy backorder and their have been a significant number of device failures so far, Ill give them another 6 months to work out the kinks
I guess when you think in the long run, $340 isnt too much, even if the unit does only last 12 months, thats less then $30 a month basically and with the bud saved by vaping, you earn that back quickly
I don't mean to make light of your condition, but in my experience the buyer's remorse from Mighty purchase is alleviated within hours of it's arrival.
thats VERY good to know! thank you, Im getting closer and closer to buying one, will probably pick one up from randy @piu this week
@Vapetrees - you really should try the dome screen mod in the CU. Game changer for me - no pad - no cut screen scratching up the sides....no trying to fish it out.... just an awesome way to keep the load tight! I've never gone back! I also know you will love the Mighty still, even after your GH arrives! Time and a place for both!
I also have never once removed any o-rings (some may remember me always ruining the small one with the latch catching it)... I just take the CU apart for cleaning and toss in a ziplock with ISO and put that in a bowl of hot water, then rinse. Never an issue with the seal leaking....and no fussing to "roll" the little o-ring back on properly. And most importantly, no little o-rings down the sink drain!