thank you for finally clearify me!

Anyway no, the mflb in warrancy comes without batteries.
My old one, used for YEARS, now stopped working. It's weird how normally I read on threads that people use them for 3 max 4 months.. Mine works great for like 2 years! the duracell ones too, a bit less.
I would use a new couple of classic batteries, but right now i m in australia and normally in supermarkets there are just duracell and energizer (I'll try on cameras shop). Maybe i should try with them, because as i said i really appreciate them, but normally on threads no one talks about Duracell. Are these so bad?
Anyway the experience right now is like low power for long time.
Batteries last longer but i have to wait from 10 to 15 seconds for seeing a bit of vapour inside the box (with other batteries - duracell and mflb ones in 5-6 seconds started producing a lot), very few, so for every puff i wait like 10-15 seconds. The hit is very low. But at the end it still work, meaning that i m a bit stoned with 4-6 shots, but not enough. Normally i get stoned with 2-3 shots with my own tecnique: doing 3 closed puffs keeping the vapour from the first one(without exhaling), and keeping all for 20-30 sec after the third puff.
I recommend this quicker stronger way for getting stoned: everything is based on keeping the vapour in the lumbs more time.
But now with the energizer I'm half stoned, in the double of time (so i have to smoke a bit, and i HATE that) -.-