I saw a MFLB in person for the first time yesterday. So simple but nice. There was a deal going and I could get it for $80. I already have an IOLite and an Extreme-Q.
Because of both of these, I guess I am timid on any Vaporizer purchase these days. The Exterme-q is freaking awesome, zero complaints at all except I wish it got to full temperature faster. While the IOlite is cool for it's portability, I really dislike vaping on it after the first two puffs on a fresh bowl. It starts to have a STRONG popcorny taste, but in a really bad flavor.
Though, one of the things I like about the IOLite is that it can be transported while the bowl is packed. This is one of my concerns with the MFLB. It looks like your herb can fly everywhere in that thing and make a mess. Also, having to use that brush to clean it out. Looks like it would annoying while out and about.
Another thing I have been telling myself for about a year now, is that the next portable Vape I get will have variable temperature that I can set. This is one of the best things about the Extreme-q. My personal preference is a temp of 215C. The IOLite only goes to 180-190C. This is too low for my taste. I know the MFLB has a variable temp based on how long you press on the battery, but that seems so inaccurate. From the experience on the Extreme-q, it feels like accurate temps are important.
I just seen on these boards that the Arizer Solo is just released. But wow, so expensive! It seems it has all the features I am looking for. Though, I feel the price is way to high. The thing has a glass bowl (fragile, but glass really is the best I think). Though, it doesn't come with a carrying case that would protect the glass etc. You would think for that price it would include a case at least. The IOLite does. Lastly, the battery (which is LION) is not user replaceable. That seems like a major problem. LION batteries last a maximum of 2-3 years. Arizer says they will replace the battery for $99 plus shipping and handling, but who is going to ship their resin coated device through the mail? Not I.
I keep waiting for the perfect portable vape, but I just don't get why the manufactures can get so close but so far. So far, the Arizer Solo looks like the most promising if I can find a decent 3rd party case. Though, this thing would have to be just as good as my Extreme-q to even be considered at the $300 price tag.