It's a simple 120-240v transformer (so I guess it's a regulated 12v output?), and so all you need is a simple US-UK adaptor- I got mine for about 1. Otherwise you could even find a UK transformer 12v 1250mA pretty cheap for a couple of quid, which might look bit more tidy in the wall socket (and I prefer our chunky plug pins... somehow they feel 'safer' to me.. lord knows why- as if that much metal isn't going to let me down and fry me

. I think they stay in the socket firmer as well), but I don't know if it needs to be a regulated supply- the cheaper ones are normally unregulated. But you get one with the PA anyway, so not really needed.
When I got my PA I had it shipped over in 2 seperate packages- that way the value of each package was below the VAT import threshold. I had to pay double international postage, but at least I didn't have to pay the 20% VAT and extortionate extra 'handling' fees charged by Royal Mail and Parcelforce (robbers). The net result I think was almost 5 in my favour versus if I had got caught with customs fees and handling

. Even if you're above the tax threshold there's always the chance that you're package will get through and won't get taxed by customs, but I've never been that lucky yet
Can't help you with the charger or batteries - whe I got my LB they didn't seem to market these advanced chargers in the UK- i looked, but couldn't find- and it was going to be daft expensive to run a 110v unit (as you testify), so I just made do with a standard gentle 4-6h charger and spent the balance on loads of batts. Since then I've figured that for me it's going to be a long time before an advanced charger can pay for itself in terms of extended battery lifespan. And when they do start to tail off in performance, I stocked up on so many batteries when I first got my MFLB that that I won't be to worried for a while. But for me the LB isn't my main vape and so I don't get through enough batts to worry- I can see how for someone who only has this vape and charges their batts every day it might bring benefits. But then I'd recommend a PA instead
But seeing the link FLskwat gave, I can't help but still want one
For me the batts are now just for portable mode, and I like the dependebility of Eneloops to remain charged and ready for going out- the same four have been happily serving me for 6 months now (with the help of my PA of course!)
PS. So where abouts in Kent Wilf?, from Whitstable myself but living away at the moment...