Hi everyone,
So it has been about 3 months of using the Power adapter (pa) and here is my review finally

Blame it on the effectiveness of the pamflb combo
apologies if the following is a bit incoherent and very long

I had 4 units to test. 2 were older (no light) and 2 with the light. With the older models the fit was very tight that I couldn't recommend it to very early models (since the pa is not inexpensive...which doesn't mean it isn't worth it) assuming they all fit that tight which I don't know. All I am saying is that with my 2 early models, the fit was too tight that I'd have to take a wrench to loosen it and to jam it in was painful...although I have never been known for my brawn

. With that said, the pa is so worth it that even if i did have an old unit, the combo is so amazing that I'd just give the old one away and purchase the new one and pa (if finances allow), as the combo is a match made in heaven. Just wanted to get that out of the way since the rest of the review is based on the new models (with light) and the pa.
I was talking with my wife the other day how amazing the journey has been. We started smoking weed only a few years ago (since yes we were totally conditioned in the fear). I remember we started off with bongs in bed and when I singed my hair

I knew it was time for change. After research I used the vapor cannon and wow was that ever a breakthrough...it was like discovering weed again for the first time...we absolutely loved the cannon and how much better than the bong it was. After some time with it we were looking into a portable solution to use in public and the iolite was the only real deal I was seeing and then came this thread...and the rest was history...a totally affordable simple solution that seems very durable say if i dropped it (works on AA) and a company that stands behind with a lifetime warranty?!? .... This was a nobrainer....it was love at first sight and I knew this was going to revolutionize everything...i came upon this thread and joined early in this thread's development (which now has become huge!) it became very apparent quickly that this wasn't your normal company....they actually seemed to care about their customers..and not in a pretend sort of way where they seem to want something from you....they seemed to really stand behind their message of love and so I was very drawn to such an amazing product mirrored by an even greater company....because of that I have always regularly checked back on this thread... It was hard to even think of improvements on the LB and the only thing I could think of at the time was a power adapter and a light and maybe the elastic band could be improved on... Anyways as I've said in other posts, this LB replaced my standalone and beloved cannon completely even though that wasn't the intent with the LB purchase. To go from reloading wands, cleaning them, stirring them, heat up time, bulkiness of the vapor cannon (which I will always cherish) to the simplicity of the LB (instant heat up, shaking the box like a salt shaker instead of stirring, its miniature footprint, no wires (all I need were a few good batteries)...oh the list goes on sometimes at how great this box is...and then now the PA....I am not exaggerating when I feel once again its a quantum leap in the greatness and simplicity of usage...I feel I can't even go back to batteries now (and I've rarely used any since owning the pa)....the joy from each draw to be solid like a fresh battery...almost brings a tear to my eye
so from a bong->cannon->lb->pamflb ...what an evolution in such a short span of time...each jump making the previous stage seem almost stone age...thats how I'd sum up how much I love this pa..it is an engineering marvel...my electrical engineer friend continues to say he can easily make one since its only a pa and the parts are cheap (he owns an LB too)...this was months ago and he hasn't produced anything yet..not through lack of effort
I said I was going to try other herbs at lower temps and report back, but I haven't yet since the green has been so good...but I have no doubt it would work really well as I see the range (judging by the light) is quite substantial.
I'll end this post with thoughts on improvement:
1) auto shutoff? I asked MF, about duration of leaving this thing on since I was curious about doing a power clean with the pa, and also group settings where the pa is continuously on in large settings...and the battery portion does seem to get hot after prolonged usage... I will paste their reply here:
You can leave the Power Adapter on safely for 2 minutes MAX. After
that it does get very hot. (Luckily it only takes 1 minute to cool down.)
I'm not sure if the unit will break after 2mins. but at the price I wasn't going to test that out even as we are in beta testing phase

I use this in group settings often and so if there is possibility of malfunction, and no one will remember to wait 1min after 2mins of usage, an autoshutdown shown by led? may be helpful
2) after some time using it, I noticed it wasn't gettn' as hot (judged by how many hits it took to get high and the stream of vapor)...and it wasn't until I twisted the 'battery' portion of the pa that I noticed all of a sudden the vapor was hot...with the pa i stopped really looking at the light since the light was effective for battery usage in telling me how much juice was left in the battery....with the pa I assumed it was always gonna give me full power....i haven't played with the disc part yet and tightening it...maybe that has part to do with it....all i know is that now i look at the light once in awhile to ensure I have a solid connection, otherwise i just give it a twist and its all good...just something to note if you think your pa is losing juice...i was surprised at the led going from normal to a bright glow with a simply twist....so just make sure you have a good connection when you insert
3) the part that connects the cord to the battery....if there is a way to make that more secure since it seems to look like it may give sometimes especially if you have older models with the fit very tight. new models are fine.
4) the part where the cord detaches....(btw, car adapter highly recommended as well as a great add on...no more batteries in the car either) I would somehow make this more distinguishable since after a good vape session and at the end of the night when packing up...the 2 ends look identical (the thickness is often overlooked in that state

)...and i've pulled on the wrong end a couple of times already...I wasn't sure how sensitive that was..but it still works after a couple of good accidental yankings
5) the dial, aesthetics, foot pads I'm sure in its own pace will evolve itself and to me not that important as the functionality which has surpassed all my expectations...the push button,detachable cord and dial are just genius simple things
6) being a wuss, and using this all day...I wouldn't be against a more gentler push button...you know when there is nothing left to improve on and you guys are bored
7) since I've read that the light in the lb is not led and will eventually die quicker than an led possibly..i wonder if it would be beneficial at all to have a dimming led on the pa somewhere to show how much juice is going through?
8) some engravings on the battery portion would be cool since when you hit it, the msg stares at ya in the face everytime....i can see some people (myself for one), that I'd pay quite a bit extra for custom engravings of say your fav. mantra on that battery portion.....it can be very motivational or inspiring esp. for those that use it on a daily basis...
9) last one...when you guys become ultra bored

...maybe a design that would allow an all in one case for the pa or even the lb box (i guess i take it to many places)...almost like a transformer where the dial region is the body of the caddy...(retractable wire maybe)....this of course is still thinking inside the box...this assumes you guys haven't found a way to be rid of wires permanently in that you've tapped into geothermal or some longer lasting power than the AA...then I guess that'll be the next quantum leap from the wired pa...and I know you guys definitely have the potential

..and so the journey continues!
Thanks MF, you've done it again and my best wishes to your crew and I look forward to the continued evolution of the LB and your company