Nicely toasted off the newly arrived MFLB, and I've got to say how much I love this thing. First, because memory isn't my strongest attribute right now, let me immediately say that yes, MFLB guys, you have my permission to use this for a testimonial on your site! I'm a Vapor Genie apostate, having ditched the thing in an ill-conceived fit of zealous straight-edging. After realizing my folly, I decided a better vaporizer was in order, too.
The VG isn't terrible. I recommend it if you really, truly only have sixty dollars to spend (if that's still what they go for). That's because everything that's less than the VG seems to be garbage, and the VG certainly isn't that.
Excuse the interruption to the review, but I just can't resist saying how much I love vaping up after a tough workout. Do you have any idea how much easier it is to torture my body when I know what's coming after? And do you have any idea how much better the body high is when combined with post-workout endorphins? You all should tryyyyyyyyyy iiiiiiiiiiit...
Obviously, the MFLB has taken me to quite a peak, but I'll admit the VG got me just as high. What it didn't do was take me there without making me burn my fingers and taste something lighter-y, which it did all the time.
That's not to say stoners don't exist who can use consistently use the VG without burning themselves--I've heard of them, I think I even met one once but forgot to get his autograph, and you may be such an animal. Maybe, in other words, you have the ability to deal properly with an open flame when it seems the laws of physics have been altered in your disfavor because God was bored. That's how muggles affects me and most people I know, and if you're different, great, but I firmly hold that fire and our form of intoxication do not mix.
As for the VG's lighter-y smell--it was always there, even when I was sure I got the technique right. It's possible that I was just smelling something that was being burned off by the lighter, not inhaling it through the pipe, but whatever it was still diminished the overall taste-and-smell experience. For me, that's a deal-breaker.
The VG did get the job done, meaning it consistently vaporized my stuff without burning it, and I'd estimate--if I may estimate after having only vaped one trench with the MFLB--that the two devices are equally conservative.
So on to the MFLB. If you're a convert from the VG, you'll be delighted on your very first hit to realize that the old ritual of "hold flame at proper distance and draw constantly" has been pared down to the much easier "hold battery in and draw at your leisure." If you stop sucking on the VG even for an instant while the flame is going, it flies up and burns your fingers. This means you have to be ready to take a long, slow inhalation the moment you flick the lighter. If you're a skilled VG user and don't think that's a big deal, try the Launch Box and see how much easier life becomes when you don't have to worry about it.
To be continued later! Stoned yoga is seducing me. By the time I get back, I'll have learned a little more about the Launch Box.