Well-Known Member
magicflight said:The 'dim' aspect may be because we have had to change light vendors and the new ones are not as bright (we don't have the equipment to make the lights, and the brightness varies a bit from batch to batch). However, your report of the light flickering but the unit otherwise working fine seems to indicate that this issue might bear more looking into on our part. How recent was the purchase? While the kind of light we are required to use does not last forever (it is like most lights in that respect -- hence the policy), it is possible that may be other things going on. Give me a few days to see if I can check into it so I can get back to you.
-- Magic-Flight
well i got it nov. 21st. and the light seems to be as bright as my friends box's once in a while, but usually even with fresh batts it will flicker going between bright, dim, and off and sometimes no light at all while still producing vapors but then it will just flick back on and off randomly.
i joke with my friends that my box is the stereotypical stoner, and just too damn lazy to keep that light goin all the time