I own two other LBs (w/out the new air intake) and I seem to get great hits from them.
I feel like the smoother hit is smoother because your inhaling more air than you do vapor. My older models allow me to inhale at a somewhat medium-fast pace, and still get some thick vapor.
I actually cant remember how the vapor escapes, haha.

I'll pay attention next time to try and remember what I was talking about.
About the whistling.. I use my LB for public medicating and while the launch box might not sound like a football whistle, some one standing near me could hear some sort of inhaling-- meanwhile, with my old box I could draw hard to get my herb to jump around like wind storm and I'd hear minimal noise.
Let me clarify, I don't draw that hard at all, really.. I just feel that when I do inhale, there's a distinct noise that I never heard from my old LB.
EDIT: As I'm writing this, I remember what I meant by loss of stray vapor-- I misspoke. I had intended to say loss of stray herb. After I pull my LB out of the velvet case, I can immediately see pieces of small ground herb making its way out of the unit through that air intake. (i carry my LB in my pocket or bag around all day long, so this really is a problem)
Also, let me emphasize this a little more.. My unit may actually be somewhat defective. I use brand new PowerEx batteries with this new unit and the "on light" still doesn't illuminate as bright as I'd assume it's possible. In fact, my older LB, with older standard batteries illuminates brighter than this one..
Do you think if I messaged
magicflight about getting a replacement, they would send me an older unit as my replacement?
P.S. Vaporpedia is beautiful, it's all your work?