Out to lunch
You don't have to feel vapor hits in your throat and lungs, and exhale vapor that's easy to see in any light, in order to get high. When you feel vapor hit your throat and expand in your lungs, and see vapor when you exhale, you know you got a good hit. That's fine if you want to do it that way, but it's not really efficient as far as stretching your herb. You'll go through it faster. Same with a full sized vape. That's why people love the Puple-Days for efficiency. The bowl is the smallest size on the market. It has a fixed temp so you're not going to get into the higher vaping temps (which will mean the heat process vaporizes more quickly). It just makes efficiency easy to obtain. A full size vape has a bigger bowl so you tend to load more, take big hits, and it's easy (with an analog whip model) to move up in temp, either with the dial setting or using an easy, slow draw. And your draw speed does affect the vaping temp with a convection unit. The LB is mostly conduction, so draw speed is less important, but still a factor.
So even though it's small, the LB works like a full size whip vape. Even more so since continuing to make battery contact keeps increasing the temp. I, like most, find myself wanting to feel the hit in my throat and lungs (like you do with smoke), and see visible vapor on exhale. But if you limit your battery contact, which keeps the temp under control, you can get hits that you don't really feel, and see no vapor on exhale. But if you take a few of these 'no feel, no visible vapor' hits and just sit back and wait, you'll feel the effect, as in getting high. It's not as satisfying to vape this way, but it's mostly psychological and just takes a little discipline. It's like the difference between sipping beer or wine, and tossing down shots of hard liquor one after the other. Sipping gives you measured doses while some quick shots will get you drunk in a hurry. You can go either way with the Launch Box, depending on how you use it.
So even though it's small, the LB works like a full size whip vape. Even more so since continuing to make battery contact keeps increasing the temp. I, like most, find myself wanting to feel the hit in my throat and lungs (like you do with smoke), and see visible vapor on exhale. But if you limit your battery contact, which keeps the temp under control, you can get hits that you don't really feel, and see no vapor on exhale. But if you take a few of these 'no feel, no visible vapor' hits and just sit back and wait, you'll feel the effect, as in getting high. It's not as satisfying to vape this way, but it's mostly psychological and just takes a little discipline. It's like the difference between sipping beer or wine, and tossing down shots of hard liquor one after the other. Sipping gives you measured doses while some quick shots will get you drunk in a hurry. You can go either way with the Launch Box, depending on how you use it.

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