Thank OF

. Great tip about the cloth i have alot fo those microfiber screen wipes that would be just perfect.
Thanks Horst

im learning alot along the way but im not well versed in electricity.
Im a born night owl. From infancy i never had the typical sleep schedule still dont.
You're welcome. The cloth bit is simple and effective, rattles and other random noises bug me sometimes. Quiet is good for the soul.
Electricity is fun and given a little respect in the right places safe and useful. You know the "magic smoke' theory of electricity/electronic parts? The work because of magic smoke inside you see. If some thing happens and the magic smoke gets out, it doesn't work any more........
Lots of folks don't seem to fit traditional '8 hours every night' (and the same 8). Others get that biorhythm thing going and suffer jet lag and other nonsense when disturbed. A shift change can make some literally sick. Did you know Edison is widely held to have run 20 plus years on an average 2 hours sleep a day? Used to take cat naps when the urge came on a handy cot. The guy was kind of a tyrant anyway it seems but can you imagine working for a serious type A boss who not only slept at work but was guaranteed to be around the shop anytime you were?
I too find it best as I get older to eat when hungry, sleep when tired and not let the clock make up my routine (I stopped wearing a watch when I retired, it's very liberating in a way......tool of the devil, watches).
Thank OF

. The only metal i carry in that area of my purse are my glasses and they dont have much real metal on them so chances were slim if one popped free they would make contact but im a bit paranoid (lol at the irony).
You know I'll probably get into trouble for this one, pick up some extra time in Purgatory perhaps, but I just can't get the thought of the second or third best one liner of all time out of my head. You brought it to mind with the above, so I figure it's your fault.....
It's attributed to Marlena Dietrich. Seems as the Priest went by, swinging his incense burner, she leaned over the rail and in a stage whisper loud enough to be clearly heard in the Choir Loft sad, "Darling, I love your gown, but your purse is on fire....".