You're not alone! Loads of us here have successfully used the LB to cut off our medications. I myself have 5 active prescriptions right now, and medical helped me cut down to 2, maybe 3 if I really need it. Other than that, .125 of delicious dank indica in the trench seems to fix me up for a few hours.Just wanted to say hello.
I just signed up here & just got my box. Now all I need is for my state to pass MMJ since they tabled the bills in early 2012. But NORMAL thinks it looks promising since the Nov elections have changed things. New to vaping and loving it. Also new to medicating and amazed I havent tried it sooner. I needed it for the past ten years of suffering. I was a fairly regular smoker many years ago in college and for about 8 -10 years after but gave it up due to family & career. Rediscovering it has been a lot of fun & medically beneficial. Still have to keep it from my kids though. Although i think they might see the benefit vs the deadly narcotics Ive been prescribed like candy for the past 10 years. Here's to not needing them as much and hopefully rid of them for good.
Great forum!
The wood is nice but you really only need the whip..
Nice, How much is it ?
The wood is nice but you really only need the whip..
If you you read this in time, you might get one for free. (...) Just fill out the attached form with your mailing information and FC username to be included in this giveaway. The form is set to automatically close after 25 submissions, so if the form is accessible, you're still in the running! Good luck!
-- Magic-Flight
I read this first graph as taking 22.5 seconds not 5 seconds as you state or if im going from right to left 7.5 secs is that right thank you.Hi,
It is possible to use the Box to try to separate out different components while in use. However, the Box itself was not really designed for that process -- actually the opposite is somewhat more the case. To get just one component at a time, a desktop unit would probably be a better choice, even though there are none on the market now that have anywhere near the accuracy that would be needed. To really do this right, you would need lab gear.
In regards to your other questions, I have included some information below which I think will be particularly helpful. I have been wanting to post the following information/graphs for some while now. I was finally able to get the legal release necessary since the following test results are usually considered to be for "internal use only" within our company.
Note: All tests below were performed with a freshly charged stock battery. The graphs were taken from our unit calibration test bench PC which is fitted with an infrared imaging system specific to our manufacturing process. The measured temperature is that which would be found at the exact contact surface of the very bottom of the screen trough, and thus represents the real operating conditions within the Box chamber while in use.
This first graph shows how quickly the Launch Box heats up and cools off. In this test, power is applied to a fully cold box for exactly 5 seconds under no draw conditions. You can see how quickly the unit rises to the required temperature. These measurements, typical to our units, is the physical basis of our claim "From cold to 385F in under 5 seconds!".
I read this first graph as taking 22.5 seconds not 5 seconds as you state or if im going from right to left 7.5 secs is that right thank you.
Trying desperately to get the hang of this product.
Yes, this is correct.
In regards to the graphs, there is one very important note I forgot to mention -- read the graphs from right to left! Something I can see when the graphs are dynamically generated but which does not actually appear in a static image is that the red dot on the left is the "current" temperature and the entire trace moves towards the right. The X axis is the measurement at a certain "time ago" -- exactly backwards what most people might expect. Also, the time on the graph should be read as relative -- the image capture was not synchronized with the calibration clock.
My apologies for forgetting to mention this! I am sure that it makes quite a difference to understanding -- it should clear up your questions. If you still have questions after that, restate them and I will do my best to answer.
The way to look at the graphs is to take the time of power being applied as being where the curve makes a sharp increase on the rightmost side of the graph, and then to consider the "progress" of what happens as you move towards the left from there.
Steady state drawing from T=0 results in the same basic shape as the first three graphs but with the self titration temperature being moved down proportionally to the draw rate. As such, there is no real problem with not waiting and starting the draw right away once you have already experimented enough so as to have determined the correct draw rate for your unit. We advise new users to wait for the vapor by looking down the draw hole (rather than waiting for the lid to fog) so as to 1) reassure them that the unit does actually work, and 2) so that they at least have a chance of tasting a little vapor if they happen to start out by drawing too fast. At least that way, people have a chance to learn what is required, rather than never seeing the unit work in the first place by drawing too fast right from the onset.
-- Magic-Flight
I think I should get credit for the whip adapter. OF's been getting a lot of attention lately, same with Vicki. Q, well... that's a given. Paka, Vito...
I'm like the odd man out lately. So dammit. It was my idea!![]()
If you you read this in time, you might get one for free. As part of a giveaway we're running on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit we allocated 25 Water Pipe Whips to be given away to the members of Fuck Combustion. Just fill out the attached form with your mailing information and FC username to be included in this giveaway. The form is set to automatically close after 25 submissions, so if the form is accessible, you're still in the running! Good luck!
-- Magic-Flight
This is the link: