Hey guys, just saying hello, been lurking for some time and all that

I'm a Swedish guy that just got into vaping. I currently vape quite a lot since I discovered it helps me with a severe sleep apnea condition that I have. For anyone not familiar with apnea, it's a condition where you repeatedly stop breathing completely for shorter or longer periods during sleep, resulting in a non-effective sleep. In my case I normally only have about 3 moderately awake days per week. The rest of the time I either sleep or am in a hazy condition (no weed involved of course).
I have avoided alcohol and weed for the most part since I got my sleeping disorder a couple of years ago, as regarding alcohol it's a really bad idea for anyone with severe sleep apnea. Alcohol reportedly dulls the reflex to start breathing again. I figured the same goes for weed, but at one time this winter I went to Copenhagen and smoked some good weed, some Pineapple Express. Although I was fairly tired from my apnea at the time, throughout the evening i felt energetic and somehow normalized. The sleep that night was the best in a long time, no haunting vivid crazy dreams, just slept like a baby and woke up fairly rested. Since then I have successfully experimented with various strains and quantities, and in order to give my lungs and oxygen uptake a better chance also started vaping.
Important note: For anyone else that have severe sleep apnea, I would not recommend following my advice above without consulting with your physician. I do not know if marijuana in any way same as alcohol also dulls the reflexes to start breathing again. Although I feel much more rested after a regular nights sleep being baked, my condition might not be exactly the same as yours.
I got my first MFLB a while ago and have been using it daily since. It's absolute wonderful! I haven't quit smoking my herbs entirely 'cos I still enjoy the hit from a smoke, but i plan to quit that more or less. My first MFLB had a faulty O-ring, but Magic Flight sent me a new unit in a matter of days, despite international shipments. Superb customer service, very friendly and, well, just great
Now after this hopefully not too lengthy introduction I would like to ask if there's any way to search this thread that I'm missing, it's kinda hard to read through 671 pages... although I admit to have read probably hundreds already lol. Just like to be able to do a search before I ask any questions.
Edit: Never mind my note above

I just found this
http://www.scholaruniverse.com/prof...nnabinoids respiratory stability during sleep