20 going on 60
Nice! That was my setup exactly but put a Launch Box, or an E-Nano in place of that pen.
Thanks man. I've never actually used my MFLB through the Orbiter as I'm not a fan of the silicone tubing but I have used a Woodscents log vape with it.
You are right to call out the size of the Orbiter as well, it is smaller than one thinks. That's what I love about it, fits in the palm of my hand.
I recently got into mason jars as bubblers due to breaking my Orbiter.
I've been considering a Mason Jar bubbler. All I would need is to get the down stem.
Sorry to hear about your Orbiter, if I broke mine I'd immediately replace it. I have other glass but I use my Orbiter 95% of the time. It just suits my use case.
How would you make a mason jar as a bubbler?

"I present to thee, my DIY Mason Jar Oil Rig!"
Basically, buy:
- Down stem that suits you. I'd go for 14mm
- I'd use a 18mm Male GonG to 14mm Female GonG adapter
- Make holes in jar lid and use O-rings to seal