You forgot to add one important fact Q-man .
The serial # on the back of the box , is what MF wants to verify .
Each box has it's own serial ID # and cannot be warrantied twice.
O there I go again , with the serial #'s ...

( sorry )
If that last bit is a reference to the model number conflict on Solo (or the similar but lesser one on Ascent) it's an apples and oranges thing I think?
Serial and
model numbers are different. The first identifies a unique individual unit (regardless of model), the second membership in a model group (without identifying the individual in that group). Serial numbers need only be unique to be useful.
MF is being very trusting here IMO. No doubt in response to all those who cry foul at having to send a bad one back when it's not convenient for them (like they live overseas). Some will fake that part (or bluff their way into having MF 'trust them'). Such folks are not above taking a stranger's money by reselling what's basically contraband (they failed to live up with their contract with MF to destroy and discard it). Pretty sad, really, IMO.
I think the advice about verifying the S/N of a used unit from an unknown party is solid. In the end you're responsible for making the purchase but I guess that's obvious if often avoided? I can see no way MF is to blame for not replacing the box a second time for
a stranger they have no prior agreement with. From a legal sense you (as a second hand buyer) have no enforceable contract (warranty) with MF at all, since you had no 'quid pro quo' with MF, you gave them nothing, they owe you nothing. Your only enforceable claim is with they guy you exchanged stuff with (have a contract there), the guy on CL that ripped you off. He, in turn, has the only possible claim with MF.
Strictly speaking I don't think MF has any obligation to do anything for the new buyer (no contract with him) under any conditions. All they are liable for is dealing with
the original buyer. It's by their good will alone it's extended directly to second hand buyers.
In the end it's about contracts, not entitlement. The original buyer is the one that guarantees the second buyer warranty service, he cannot legally obligate a third party (MF) for that without their participation. MF has 'no skin in the game' for the second contract (no quid pro quo there) I seriously doubt your chances even if MF had agreed. When push came to shove. The law says to get something of value (warranty) you must give the other fellow something of value.....not evident here. MF gets naught from the second sale.
It takes a special exemption, spelled out in the original contract (like you see with new cars around smog related stuff for instance) to get automatic extensions without the original buyer taking part. That's the way the law works as I understand it.
Your only legal recourse is with the guy that ripped you off.
Buyer be ware. It actually is in the addition to good advice.