I received a reply 2 business days after submitting my warranty claim. After I respond with pictures, to their email, I will update everyone on how long it takes from there. So far, they are holding to their high standards of customer service.
You'll most likely get a warranty/shipped email tomorrow. IME, they haven't taken more than a day to respond after pics are sent. I'm on my 3rd box after I broke the 1st one (lid snapped) and logged the second one (bong tipped, water went through the whip). They've been consistently good to me about shipping times.
Got my MFLB in the mail today. Batteries are charging as I type this and I should have my first session with it in about 3 hours. I love how small it is. For some reason when I unboxed it the thing smelled like someone dumped poison all over it. Horrible smell. Anyways, reading the instructions they make it sound like if I have 2 batteries in one pocket or if a battery comes in contact with a key in my pocket I'll go kaboom. What's the deal? Why do they make the batteries sound so dangerous?
What's the deal? Why do they make the batteries sound so dangerous?
so as long as I keep the caps on em I don't have to worry?
so as long as I keep the caps on em I don't have to worry?
I think they are, and I've used both. The logo batteries are strong, and they don't seem to drain as fast.
Thanks for your answer, I'll order a pair asap. Just wondering, are these sold on other websites than magic flight's website? MF charges 20$ for a basic USPS shipping to Canada which is twice the price of a battery set
I tried searching for them but do these new batteries even have a name? Like the old ones were the powerex 2400.
Oh wow, I'm not sure. I'm in the US, and got mine directly from Magic Flight. Does anyone else know who else is selling the logo batteries besides MF?
well I just bought a pair off ebay, it's the only place I found some with a fair shipping price to canada.
It was from a legit seller, hopefully they'll be just as reliable as those directly from MF.
So i was at a LHS yesterday and picked up a concentrate tray. Now i just need to get me some new batteries, i have about $30 to spend here's what i've thought about getting so fa (listed in random order)
#1- 3 sets of the new logo bats from magicflight $30 for 6 batteries.
#2- would these work? If so i would get 2 packs of 4 batteries. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=851035&Q=&is=REG&A=details
#3 the trusty old powerex's http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817355002
Im looking for input and advice on which set to get, which would you pick, 6 logo's or 8 powerex 2700's
I went with the 6 new ones
Just wanted to comment saying I'm impressed as hell with magic flights customer service. 24 hour turn around and my box is already on its way.