Hey JeeSee ,
Why are you in India ?
Job related ? School ?
Try and get a transfer to North America

It's " One " of the best places to live if you LOVE MJ .
Yes, BC bud was some of the most bombing crop I've tasted, I have to agree. The problem in Amsterdam is that sometimes you literally are spoiled for choice - there's so many options, recommendations and your own hope for a bargain/aversion to being cheated coming into play that it's often difficult to know what would be best unless you've stayed in that city over a period of time and sampled many things. I don't imagine I'd have picked up anywhere near the best green in the 'Dam if I'd been there for say, three or four days. Sometimes even the best Coffeeshops have weak batches (in my experience) for one reason or the other, so it's a bit of a patient waiting game to see what suits you most (because I really think that it comes down to personal taste after a point).
I've lived in India all my life, I was only in Amsterdam on scholarship to study film and culture. I'm done studying for now, I freelance write about electronic music (including in the Rolling Stone here

) and am moving to Goa to work on my first novel. You guys should come visit.

I'm looking for film schools to go to at the end of the year, suggest me a couple good ones in America and maybe I can come!

I might be applying to the Australian national film school though, so there's a chance I'll end up in Sydney.
JeeSee, how is india?... i have to get out there some time... it's one of the places i really want to visit. now i know when i go i'll have to bring my own herb ha... or some seeds and stay long enough ha.. whats the climate like out there? and the herb/psychedelic law.
Haha you get some great herb down South actually, famous strain called Idiki Gold after the town in Kerala where it originates. A lot of fake Idiki strains going around though, people selling you shit for top prices because they claim to have some Gold. Also, edible marijuana (bhang) is legal in a couple of our states. but that shit will fuck you up haha.
Otherwise, if you have a hash vape or don't mind combusting for a trip, our country is famous for what is probably the world's best charas. That alone, way up in the Northern mountains, is worth ten trips to the country. As for the climate, I'd recommend coming any time but the rain if you want to go there, but that's because I abhor rain personally. I guess Feb-March would be the best time to come.
Whoops, I didn't see the modhammer there. Sorry man! You hadn't posted when I started typing this long reply. It won't happen again.
EDIT: Please don't delete it though, it took a while for me to type! Plus it's kind of informative.
mod note: Please avoid back-to-back posts, use Edit instead. Two posts merged. Clemency granted, but your Hammer Dodge buff has been removed.