i also find my tolerance is a bit high to use my MFLB as my daily driver. However, if i go about a month or so without using my LB on the regular and use it again, WHOA, this thing makes me take flight! sometimes this happens when i haven't used it in a few weeks and i take it for a portable type of situation and i get a little more vaked than i planned

but hey i'm not complaining.
i have a feeling its probably connected to something i learned in my Drugs & Behavior course in college, a type of behavioral pattern 'tolerance.' my professor actually used this example concerning cannabis,
if you smoke out of your 'bong' everyday on the couch in your living room you'll get high but get 'used to' getting high on your couch in your living. although, if you go smoke your 'bong' in your room, you might get higher because its a different environment and a change in behavioral pattern. this is why although you normally get a certain level high off of a joint in your house you get much more high when you smoke a joint at your buddies.
(this psych prof. was truly an entertaining character with hilarious examples such as this

so sometimes maybe it's not your MJ tolerance is getting too high but you're just getting too used to the same behavioral patterns. this is why i like to take periods to cycle between my UD and my MFLB as well as different ways to use them such as native with the MFLB, with the stem, or with a water pipe, etc. and same with my UD. i find that it does make a bit of difference from time to time.