Hi guys,
I started reading this thread in July of '11 and made the jump on the MFLB in mid August. I was in love with it the first time I used it, showed it to some of my heavy smoker friends and they didn't like it too much because they liked the visual of smoke and just never had faith in it ( converted a non believer with a kief trench and a water bottle bong though

A few months after having it I convinced one of my other friends to buy him for him and his girlfriend and they didn't believe in it before trying it and now their hooked!
I never really bothered to write a raving review of it because there were already SOOOOOO many out there, but I wish I had from the get go because this seems like a great bunch of people here! I've used just about every day since I've had it minus days where I smoke ( yea I know fuck combustion, but theres just something about the feeling of sitting on the beach with a nice J and relaxing ). I've read every single page of this thread and made the jump on the PA just last week after reading everyone great reviews of it, Vitolo and the rest of you guys who made videos are awesome because thats why I got it after seeing them.
Ordered it last weds as a spur of the moment I really need this thing in my life even though I cant afford it purchase, got tracking info on it the next day, it was delivered from CA to FL overnight, sat in West Palm for a day and would have been to me sat morning had the mail not gotten messed up at school, I checked my mailbox 10x a day waiting for it, like a kid on Christmas morning lol.
One hit of the mflb with the PA and I knew I had to come on here and say something...if you ever use your box at home and dont have a PA you are missing out on sooooo much awesomeness...It's completely changed the box and I use it even more now. I live in the dorms at college and I never felt comfortable letting my friends try it because I was afraid they would combust, now though I can set it low on the PA and theres almost no chance of them doing it, it also makes it alot easier to teach willing newbies!
I've just noticed over the past week of having the awesome PA that if you put it to the middle of the dial or higher you get a very head sativa high, mind you I have a very strong sativa strain right now ( blew my mind ) the high was like no other, I played basketball with a friend after us both killing a trench for like 3 hours, I never do stuff like that..it was like adderal weed lol. I just figured I'd try turning it down becasue my herb was still very green but no longer had a good taste, turning it down not only brought the taste back but also has given me more of an indica type high off of the same stuff that got me energized earlier today.
I have always loved my MFLB since day 1, no smell, saves money on product, is just awesome, has a great family working on making it better, everything about it is amazing and I try to get everyone I know to buy one!
I always used to say it was the best $120 I've ever spent, now I say it was the best $200 I've ever spent!!!
P.S. Cleaned my stems last week before seeing Vitolos video on the cotton ball thing, just decided to try it so I got what little resin was on my stem and put it in the box on a little cotton and wooooooooooooow

That's all I think...MFLB thanks for being such an awesome creator of such an awesome product, and thanks FC for being the reason I have both a mflb and a PA!