I rec'd my Launch Box this afternoon. I was awash in anticipation waiting for the batteries to charge! It was well worth the wait. :D

This thing rips, and it so cool and functional without being overcomplicated. Very, very happy with my purchase! Only thing I haven't tried yet is the waterpipe adapter, I want to "deep clean" the ol' bong before giving it a go.

So glad I found this site and from there, the MFLB! :peace:


I got my warranty replacement a couple days ago; hats off to MF's great service and quick shipping.

It's time to send my old, horribly damaged box back. There's a ton of resin-y/waxy buildup under the screen, and I tried getting it out with a paperclip and toothpick, but it's just waaaay too sticky. It just doesn't come out; it's practically glued on. I'd like to get some of it off so I could test it out, but also because I don't want to send it back with a lot of residue.

Any idea on how to get this stuff off, or does it not really matter?


Apprentice Daydreamer
If its horribly damaged I think they're not going to reuse it and you can scrape it off or clean it with iso.


troughs said:
Any idea on how to get this stuff off, or does it not really matter?

I think you definitely should email them and see if you can get a replacement.

Another option is alcohol.
Not the good stuff you drink, but Oxy (or meths, if you're in Europe).

If the shit is underneath the screen, then you might need to rig a straw-like device with oxy-soaked cotton on the end, which goes through the mouthpiece and cleans the screen from underneath.

The oxy dissolves the resin on the rods of my MFLB easily.


The screen need not be intact on the return unit... try removing it and scrape up your "stuff"


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Vapemeister said:
troughs said:
Any idea on how to get this stuff off, or does it not really matter?

I think you definitely should email them and see if you can get a replacement.

Another option is alcohol.
Not the good stuff you drink, but Oxy (or meths, if you're in Europe).

If the shit is underneath the screen, then you might need to rig a straw-like device with oxy-soaked cotton on the end, which goes through the mouthpiece and cleans the screen from underneath.

The oxy dissolves the resin on the rods of my MFLB easily.

He has his replacement. Aside from that, I second your advice about alcohol. It's a return and Magic-Fight won't reuse it. No need to scrape either. Just give it a 60 second soak in ISO and make QWISO.


matthend said:
... They are a small company and are working as quickly as they possibly can to meet demand of a growing customer base.

Hi Matthend,

Thanks for understanding! Our overall intent is to have others 'breath easier' because of what we do, hence the warranty process. We genuinely want people to have working units wherever possible -- a notion consistent with the idea of 'that which enables choice'.

Since mention of our process has come up a lot of late, I figure it may be helpful for me to describe how it works in general so that people can have a better idea of what to expect, if there is ever a need to contact us. All of our warranty requests are processed via the CustomerService@magic-flight.com email (the web form provided on our website for that purpose sends to that address). Currently we do not have a call center (we are not a large corporation) and the one phone that we do use is mostly for outgoing calls -- hence we are not really able to easily receive/answer warranty requests by phone. What messages we do get are processed in the order they are received (first in, first out).

We do attempt to at least respond to all incoming messages within one business day (Monday thru Friday). Sometimes this is not always possible as things can get especially busy around here (phases of the moon perhaps). Even though we are occasionally unable to respond to all incoming messages as quickly as we would like, we do have a very firm commitment to respond to everyone within 48 working hours at the very latest. This is to at least let you know that we have received your request and have made at least an attempt at determining next steps. While we will sometimes work late into the night and even through some weekends to generate replies, we ask that you do not expect a response from us during weekends or holidays, even if you happen to receive (or hear of someone receiving) such a reply from us on occasion (we are a small crew that happens to believe in sane working conditions and "having a life").

Since each warranty message is different, and reflecting of a unique situation, there is sometimes a need for a diagnosis period. Since there are a number of distinct things that can be meant by the general description "not working", we sometimes need to ask additional questions so that we can at least take a guess as to the root cause. This is for *your* benefit, even if it adds time to the warranty processing. For example, consider what happens if we issue the wrong item even at your request -- for example, sending a unit when a replacement battery or charger is what is actually required -- it does not actually help anyone. In many cases, people may describe something as "not working" may be due to side effects of the usage technique, or perhaps even because of misplaced hope that the Box will do something completely outside of its range of function (eg, "be usable with a lighter"). The good news in such educational situations is that since the results of an improved practice are immediately available, there no waiting for something to be sent through the mail!

In an effort to make things easier, we strongly recommend and request that people be as clear and complete as possible in any warranty message. When sending us an email, you are our eyes and ears -- we need you to actually tell us and provide clear details of what you have observed and what diagnostic tests you have done yourself. Unfortunately, people often forget to tell us something important (which is perfectly obvious to them, but not to us) leading to a lot of unnecessary delays and confusion in warranty processing. Occasionally, we may need you to perform some specific tests on the unit on our behalf so that we can better understand what is the best 'next step' towards getting it fixed. For this to really work as it should, we need your patience and open mindedness.

For a number of reasons, we also usually need some clear and up close photographs of the unit, particularly showing the damaged area (if there is one) and the serial number on the back. Usually, we request that these be attached to a reply email (if they have not already been sent). Any email sent to us must naturally include the serial number of the unit in question (Box or PA) and a postal shipping address. You would be surprised at how many people forget to include this vital and necessary information, or even any description of their observations/diagnosis at all, necessitating us to reply asking for these details.

If a message is particularly unclear or we notice some ambiguity that needs clarification, we may also request a phone number where you can be reached (timezone is good to know too). If there is a possibility that the mutual schedule/timing can work out *and* it is believed that it may be helpful, we may initiate a call to the number you gave us. The only reason we might call is to more quickly resolve what warranty support is actually best and most helpful. We would like everyone to become "expert" in the Art of a Good Launch and so therefore, with your permission, we generally like to offer usage tips and suggestions that may be helpful to your specific needs.

For fastest warranty processing, it is best that all of the important info be included with as clear and complete a description as possible, as early on as possible. This will minimize the diagnosis time, which in particularly complex cases can take many days (and a number of communications) to resolve correctly. Given that there is also sometimes a backlog of things to ship out -- that can add some days of delay as well -- and then add to that the postal delivery time, we ask that people have a reasonable expectation that it might take as long as two weeks for a warranty request to be fully completed with satisfaction. If you live in another country, shipping of a warranty unit can take significantly longer, due to customs processing delays (we have no control over that). Therefore, it is very important that people have patience with our process (be polite!) so that we mutually have the best chance of getting it right on the first try.

-- Magic-Flight

Bon Dog

Well-Known Member
Thanks for that info magicflight! i have been savin up for a vape and am really close to the 120 mark... you have completed the swing back to the mflb for me (opposed to the solo). one question though, in your post you mentioned about sending an email with a description of the state of the box and pics of the damage and of the serial number, does that mean that we don't have to send it back to y'all to get it replaced? (tbh i hope so because I'm not a big fan of the idea of sending drug paraphernalia through the post lol)
Bon Dog,

natural farmer

Well-Known Member
Hey guys! After a long time of delays, my PA was ordered and arrived yesterday in my postal box. I didn't want to admit it before but it completely transforms the Box!!! Before, even with almost new Immedions, the hits were not so consistent or so fast. The odd moment of me having to talk to someone but still being in the middle of a toke happened quite often! Now the hits are 3-5 secs long, the vapor tastier and thicker and the bud browns more uniformly. I get to have more tokes now out of my weed and the whole experience became even better.
The splendid guys at Magic Flight also included a european adapter with the PA!!! Thanks people!!!
I was thinking about a log vape for home but this will be delayed now and maybe for long... ;)
natural farmer,


Apprentice Daydreamer
ili: Oh, I've bought my MFLB because of thousands of oversatisfied reviews. Now I have to do it with PA too :D The shop where I orderer the PA is not responding, they told be more than month ago that they are getting them in a month, but still nothing. I am geting suspicious they will never. Hearing that MF included the EU adapter is also good. It's been almost impossibru to obtain that here. Also, am I undestanding the warranty right, that if it's approved, they send replacement and wait for the damaged one to renew the warranty? That could push me to send that e-mail if I know that I will not live a few weeks without a vape.


Getting Lost
Seek, in my experience they sent me my new launch box before I had to send the old one back. I've read many times that this the standard policy but i'm not sure what the policy is for European send backs since a used box would have to go through customs. Although as of late it seems MF is a asking in high risk situations for you to destroy the box and send them a picture of what's left instead of sending it back.


Apprentice Daydreamer
That could be best, better to destroy it myself and prove it, than sending it to other side of Earth only for someone else to destroy it.


Noob Saibot
I dropped my glass tube today, shaking the box, to mix it.


I picked up a few shards to reclaim the oil I was building...so much for that experiment



Apprentice Daydreamer
That had to be unlucky, I find my glass stem very sturdy. It had fallen a lot from height and never broke. Also I've dropped a cyclone bowl on concrete while running. It bounced and bounced and also survived it. I guess I have some kind of luck on glass.


Noob Saibot
It was a marble staircase lol it bouncing a few times, but not before it shattered.

Marble VS MFLB Glass tube = Marble wins :(

natural farmer

Well-Known Member
Seek said:
ili: Oh, I've bought my MFLB because of thousands of oversatisfied reviews. Now I have to do it with PA too :D The shop where I orderer the PA is not responding, they told be more than month ago that they are getting them in a month, but still nothing. I am geting suspicious they will never. Hearing that MF included the EU adapter is also good. It's been almost impossibru to obtain that here. Also, am I undestanding the warranty right, that if it's approved, they send replacement and wait for the damaged one to renew the warranty? That could push me to send that e-mail if I know that I will not live a few weeks without a vape.

Seek, I had the misfortune to have to use the warranty three times in a year and Magic Flight only asked for the old boxes back the third time. I sent all three of them after I got my third replacement.
I also want to add to my previous post about the PA that the build quality is just amazing. This thing is build to last! Qudos to MF!
natural farmer,
Seek said:
That had to be unlucky, I find my glass stem very sturdy. It had fallen a lot from height and never broke. Also I've dropped a cyclone bowl on concrete while running. It bounced and bounced and also survived it. I guess I have some kind of luck on glass.

Yes mine is very sturdy as well, i remember dropping it countless times. Unfortunately now its lost in the depths of my room but i'm sure I will come across it eventually. Does anyone know If the MFLB warranty would apply to user error? I have one of the older ones without a rivet for locking the cover, I actually carved a groove into my plexiglass and now after 2 years of good use its starting to crack the top in half :(


Apprentice Daydreamer
Yes, they cover user errors. Even if these are made of stupidity. The box must have it's function impaired somehow and have a real serial number, that has not been warrantied before (real one weren't). I've sent the warranty request now becaue of screen partially teared. I think I'm going to make F5 button orgasm :D

If you will send a warranty request, don't forger to provide them info/photos of the error and your serial number and address.


Noob Saibot
Solar powered Battery charger!!!

Seems like the perfect thing for an MFLB owner!!! Especially the outdoorsy-type.



Million dollar question is - will it work with the MFLB batteries?
Ash057 said:
sessnet said:
Solar powered Battery charger!!!

Seems like the perfect thing for an MFLB owner!!! Especially the outdoorsy-type.



Million dollar question is - will it work with the MFLB batteries?
yeah... Ni-MH !

edit: Charges one (1) 800mAh battery each day** DOH!

Although I do suspect china knock off for anything under $20, it does say it charges all types of rechargeable batteries, it just comes with the wrong type of battery :(


Well-Known Member
Well I just heard back from Magic Flight about the PA's warranty:

The PA is covered under our lifetime functional warranty as well!
And yes, the warranty is transferable to second owners :)

Much love
Mflb crew

So its official. Lifetime on the PA as well. This might have been old news, but I didnt know :D
Been saving up to get the Water Adapter...However cannot find it on the magic-flight website anywhere. Does anyone know whats going on is it being taken out of beta or out of stock? Anyone know?

Edit: Once again Puffitup saves the day! must've recently put the adapter on site cuz im always on there!

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