
errl enthusiast
PA should be shipping out tomorrow, me so excited :D

i too keep the push back ring in, makes it easier for one handed operation


stroh said:
...i too keep the push back ring in, makes it easier for one handed operation
Also you don't have to keep battery held back so carefully during each "shake".. since the ring is there to prevent "casual contact".


Naruto Fan
Feel like a vaping noob. I gotta learn to get the vapor from the Launch Box down my throat quicker so it doesn't make me cough so much.

I thought skip building technique by restricting the air flow thru a tube, but see I need to use it more, develop technique


vapor accessory addict
VW, the vapor does feel hot from the LB. Try having it hit your tongue instead of direct drawing into your throat. Also having a beverage handy is always a good idea. If that doesn't work, maybe you need to get "fancy" and get a bubbler with some ice.

Sour Deez

Active Member
Vitolo said:
I keep my pushback ring in.. added feeling of security when I use the box!

I also keep mine in, I use the 'pulse' method to hit the box, and it would be a pain if I had to pull the battery out everytime. Vitolo described it very well using the stick shift analogy. Ever since then the trench always vapes evenly.

Thanks Vitolo
Sour Deez,


Well-Known Member
stroh said:
i too keep the push back ring in, makes it easier for one handed operation

good point xD after some more use, I have found the pushback ring to be quite nice, though I still wish it were a tiny bit thinner since my fingers are puny.

Honestly though, this is one of the greatest inventions ever!! I freaking love this. In comparison to my volcano the vapor feels and tastes just as nice, but portable, and I really love the design! Best portable vape, hands down!!


Cooling MFLB hits

Touch image to see video
I use a sip and "hold" technique, where I hold each sip in my cheeks for a second.
I thought I had posted this video on this thread, and when I went back, I could not find it. I guess I am slipping! (If I did post it before, my apologies!)
@Sour Deez- yvw! I am glad it works. Not everyone "gets" the stick shift analogy.;)


Well-Known Member
I's mind blowing. It is not "just a box".. it's one of the best methods to use or weed with. :2c:


Well-Known Member
@vitolo.. yes u did. a couple of pages ago, after i made a post about throat irritation. I am proud to remember that as i am vaping a fresh bowl of amnesia haze right now :D. But it is a very helpfull video, and this thread is big enough to share it 2 times.


Well-Known Member
I also love the pushback ring, it has a few major advantages in my eyes
1. makes it more difficult for other people to fuck up your Box
2. makes it more difficult for YOU to fuck up your own Box
3. MUCH more stealth, one handed as opposed to a rather 'loud'(not volume wise) 2 handed operation
4. easier to control battery contact IMO


vape enthusiast
Just you need an FC name to order a power adapter or do you just need to have a mflb?

Surf Monkey

Well-Known Member
Another vote for the push-back ring. I totally dig it.

I just bought two more boxes. One I purchased in the standard package from Blissville as a wedding present for some friends. The second I bought from in a package that had some nice extras for myself as my second unit. One is going to live in my house and the other is going to live at my band's practice space. These things are great. Everyone should have at least two.
Surf Monkey,


Well-Known Member
Another Discovery! The grinder in the kit is so perfect for traveling! It doesn't have a dish the bud goes into, but the grinder fits like perfectly into the MFLB's bowl so its easy to load up without spillage :D This thing gets better and better.


Vaporizer Aficionado
Well, I got my MFLB in the mail today. Works exactly as I expected. Nothing but positive impressions. I took out the pushback ring as I feel responsible enough without it and find it a little challenging to hit. I am sooooo happy with it. Pictures do not do justice to the size of this thing and the convenience factor is incredible. Will definitely rarely combust.

I'm super bummed though, the glass stem already rolled off my table and broke. I prefer the stem to native mode but I am not sure I want to order another one as of yet. :( My day went from great to really crappy, can't believe I let that happen.


Well-Known Member
Yea man, dont do that. Im going to share something with you, when I first got my Box I loved to use the acrylic stem, but one day I realized I like it better without the stem, so try that now, it can take some practice to perfect everything about your techniques surrounding the Box, but you will find what you like.
so the new kits only come with the glass stem?


Peanut Butter & Pickle Sandwich Enthusiast
Magic Flight came through for me so, so good. Received my warranty box this morning.. I'm currently engaged in the not-so-rigorous psychic rigors of a blue, blue waking dream. This waking life is made all the more precious with the presence of people like the creators of this launch box, or as my brother called it when I introduced him, "The Magic Lunch Box." It is good for lunch breaks! :D
Thanks so damn much, Magic Flight.
(P.S. they sent me the new model with the little magnetic lid latch. It's sweeet, and somehow the wood is even nicer looking than my previous one. I really want an Ed's stem, I may have to pick one up and then get some pictures of various places me and my box will visit.. Highlighting the box's beautiful face and not mine for the most part!


Nycdeisel said:
Yea man, dont do that. Im going to share something with you, when I first got my Box I loved to use the acrylic stem, but one day I realized I like it better without the stem, so try that now, it can take some practice to perfect everything about your techniques surrounding the Box, but you will find what you like.
so the new kits only come with the glass stem?

I dunno, ive gone from stem (when i first got it) to native (for like six months) and now im back at stem again, guess i better give native a try, havent ever used my PA with a native box.


errl enthusiast
Pre Stoned said:
Just you need an FC name to order a power adapter or do you just need to have a mflb?
all you need is your launch box serial number, but being an active FC member does give you a priority on the queue. my PA shipped out yesterday, am eagerly awaiting its arrival!


I didn't use to be a stem guy until I got one of Ed's wooden ones. Feels and tastes a million times better than the plastic ones. Looks fresh too.
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