Vaporpedia entry:
My beta power adapter has gotten weak/stopped working, what should I do?
Beta testing has revealed that the silver ring nut that retains the activator switch sometimes comes loose, resulting in poor or no heating. You can tighten this yourself. This ring has two small holes on either side of the switch button. A simple way to tighten the ring is to get small paperclip and open/bend it until the two ends are aligned and parallel to one another at about the same distance apart as the two holes. With the power adapter in the Box (makes it easier to hold), insert the two paperclip ends into the holes. Holding or pinching the paperclip as close to the adapter as possible, try turning it to the right (clockwise). If the ring is loose, it will tighten easily. Note: if you make it too tight, you will be compressing the switch itself and it will not turn off correctly.
If this does not fix the problem, contact Magic-Flight.
Pinion13 said:
Bdub said:No MFLB today. Screw you USPS. Screw you.haha
the quiet earth said:I tried it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I was impressed by how clean it was: there was no smelly smoke wafting around in the air, it didn't destroy my taste buds like smoking a joint did last year, and my lungs weren't messed up afterwards. The last point is important to me as I do a lot of cardiovascular activities (sports, cycling, running, etc) and the first and only time I smoked a joint last year I was out of the game for about two solid weeks as my lungs were done in. I got a fright immediately after using the MFLB as it felt like my lungs had been damaged (they felt stiff and a little sore) and I was wheezy. But the next day all of that was gone and I was back at the gym performing exactly as I had been before using the vaporizer. So that's a massive plus for me as it means I can use it again without worrying about damaging my lungs. And I guess that is a major benefit of vaporizing in general over smoking joints or the like.
However, I don't think I used the MFLB properly as I didn't get as high as I did last year smoking half of that joint (say it was about 3.5-4 inches in length and quite skinny), which is the first and only time I'd used cannabis before my experience with the MFLB a couple of weeks ago.
Using the MFLB I only took about five draws from a filled trench. The trench wasn't packed down with too much and I gave the stuff a good grind using the grinder that came free with it. I watched a couple of videos of other people using it on YouTube and followed their instructions, particularly the method that this person used, but I just didn't get as high as I expected to, and the hight I did get didn't last as long as I thought it would. Still, it was a highly enjoyable experience and I want to do it again, only this time I want to get higher. Should I just take more draws? How many draws do you tend to get out of a trench?
No Blisssville has them also.Nycdeisel said:hey Vitolo, is puffitup the only place where you can find those same batteries that come with the Box currently?
VivaSativa said:Hey guys, my beta PA's button is kinda stuck inside the "battery" part, I can't figure out how to loosen it out.
The button is pressed in, but not strong enough to activate the LB. If I touch the button gently it will activate.
So it's still usable but I'm nervous about leaving the PA fully inside the LB, fearing it might suddenly activate and burn (and never run out of power like a battery does)
Is there an easy way to get the button to come back out?
I tried screwing the plate around the button with a paperclip, first tightend, then loosend, then tightend again and it's still stuck.
Thanks in advance for any tips![]()
I believe that the MFLB wooden stems from BlissSville may have been made by Ed'ssydnee said:Just ordered some extra acrylic stems and one glass stem from Blisssville.
Has anyone tried the wood stems from B'ville? I know some of you have bought from Ed's...
Thanks in advance!
VWFringe said:the advice I'll give you is to hold in your hits as long as you are comfortable doing so, and gauge for yourself whether or not you experience any better effect between holding it 15 seconds compared to 5, 10 or even 15 seconds longer. Do take a few short breaths before trying to hold one for 30 seconds to avoid oxygen dep.
Vapor is different in how it is absorbed, the actives are not "left off" like passengers at a door stoop, by the particulate that carries them into our lungs, but is absorbed instead, and that's a slower process. Because the particulates in smoke are sub-micron in size, and the way they freely carry the floating actives, they interact with our alvioli freely, carrying and leaving the actives in just a few seconds, so with smoke you don't need to ghost hits, and theoretically you won't get much higher between holding a hit for four seconds than you would twenty seconds, but that's different with vapor, I'll leave it to you to discover what works for you...some can't hold in hits and exhale into a plastic bag, then inhale again, but that's too much trouble for me, so i hold my hits for 25 secs. and get little to no vapor upon exhale.
the trick for me was in treating each hit like it was a real one, because more often than not you get a hit when you start vaping that obviously isn't very strong, the vapor-to-air ratio was weak, and the tendency is to just blow it out pre-maturely, but if you carry the mantra, "respect the hit," you won't waste as much and will be well on the way to enjoying what we've all found...that weed goes way farther when you vape.