I would like to start off saying, the MF-LB is not my first vaporizer, i've been content with my vapolution (even portable use, i plug it in my car at the beach all the time) but it was getting cumbersome, to say the least...and, i had to be all awkward heating it up, its just too messy. I also own an Iolite which my head shop coerced me into buying but it just sits in a drawer since i hate discharging so much butane. anyway. I've been reading through this thread for about a week now,and ive read through all 222 pages and by page 12, I had ordered my LB, it changed how I consume cannabis.....anything that profound deserves a review.
It came today from vapeworld.com (why i didn't order it strait from MF idk, but it was shipped from Florida, DOH!)
In anticipation, i went out yesterday and bought 5 different strains to run through it, 2 sativa, 2 indica and one hybrid (707 headband), i thought that was a pretty decent test basin to start out with, just to see how much of each strain i could release at different times. I also purchased 4 eneloops to propel me through todays tests. i made sure to get up early, and run to the post office to get my package (it was on the level of little school girl anticipation).
When i arrived back at home, i ripped open the packaged and proceeded to take everything out, it all looked good, the LB itself is so....cute, and could pass off as a Zoolander cell phone if the draw tube was black.. i'm not sure what else to say about it. its crafted very finely and the fabricators over at MF (Blisssville?) really take pride in what they do, the only other thing i own that was liked so much in production is this walking stick i got from some old guy in the Czech republic years back. Now, by page 221 i had a pretty good understanding of how to use it, and from the first toke, i revived a really pleasant, full bodied hit, definitely on par with any other trait draw vape i've used, only this time, it took no time to heat up, and i didn't have to worry about breaking anything in the process (glass vapolution whips snap easily

I got throughly baked (more so than usual...), ive been constantly using it, cycling batteries all day and ive gone through 2 1/2, 1/8ths and a gram of blue dream with one other person, and i have to say....i'm in love. I've been keeping around my old combustion pipes because i need to medicate regularly (very) and on the go, i cant Iolite because the butane problem, and i cant really smoke, because its just bad, this has solved all those issues....and unfortunately for me, its probably going to replace my lution and my pipe collection...
The only issue ive had so far is that the little light inside has never come on, ive wiggled the battery, ive used 6 different ones over and over, im not 100% sure what the deal is, i can see the little bulb, so i know its in there but theres no sign of life while the vapor is forming. Either way, its a minor problem, more testing will reveal more interesting things, this is just a first day review, so im sure ill learn more as time goes.
Love the product, 9.5/10, and the Writing on the back has been taken to heart, amazing company. I'm so glad to see some people still hold moral and ethical principals in such high regard. thank you!