Vapeosaurus Rex
toadyfatz said:I've had mine about 8 months and really haven't cleaned it once....it stays about the same besides a little build-up under the screen, but it isn't near enough for me to go poking in there with something....just asking for trouble imo...
Oh okay nice.
vapirtoo said:Yo leave the spots alone! Too many of us are killing our boxes
by cleaning them too roughly. The ocd crowd wants their LBs looking brand new
eventhough the manufacturer states that as long as the screen heats up
and the flow is good leave well enough alone!
The screen is super fragile and can only stand a light brushing
or a q-tip soaked in rubbing alcohol- iso.
If it ain't broke don't fix it.
I also don't like leaving the battery on with the lid open
to burn off unwanted residue. This may be why some people
have had their light stop working.
Well i tried cleaning it with the iso and the battery but didn't really work,,, i still have the black marks...
It is weird, i have noticed a "change" in the taste of the vapor since I first got it, after like 2 trenches from first using , it started to taste "different" with the same bud, like more "intense" or stronger, more HARSH too, any ideas? or anyone experienced this???