There are some potential ones, this one is widely available and marginal for the application used 'in spec':
Battery Space and 'even Amazon' sell them. Ironically there are also C cells designed for portable tools that are in that range. You could probably 'limp by' on two?
The technical term you're looking for is 'current capacity' (ability to supply lots of current (power) at a time). We need 15 Amps, largely unheard of with AAs. Fifteen. So 3 of the above (at five Amps per) are 'on par'.
However, it's not that simple (when is it ever?). To deliver 15 Amps you're talking about 12 AWG wire, say 1/8 inch copper, 'each way'. Of the roughly 1.25 Volts (measure of pressure) in the LB only about 3/4 of that makes it to the screen, over 1/3 is lost in the few inches of heavy wires inside the box. Just getting 15 Amps through the contacts in the box is a serious issue. That's why MFLB uses 12 Volts (at much lower current) and only 'makes' the 1.2 at the last minute, just before contacting the box to limit these looses. If a simple box with D cells would do it, they would no doubt have offered us a truly pretty wooden box for that?
You can also consider Li-ion D cells which are more like 3.7 Volts by some have current capacity of the sort we need and sacrifice most of the power delivered (over 3/4) in 'voltage drops' in your cable, connections and so on. You might have better luck with that than I did.
There's a solid reason why very few AAs work at all and only very special ones give good service. Not an easy nut to crack. Which is why I built a higher voltage, lower current battery pack and use the factory PA.