I had my most recent (3 years old) MFLB start having issues.
As usual they sent my new box with instructions on dismantling and photographing my broken one.
I have not dismantled my box yet because I feel I was sent a box with an inferior lid that is much thinner and smaller, and it wiggles when the box is moved around.
A couple of my units with consistent tops:
And now the top of the unit I just was sent as my warranty replacement:
Above: glossy and sharp... unfinished and un buffed like the original, it has a couple very sharp spots that could cut a finger.
The box itself seems to be taller.
Above: Very thin and flimsy
Above: does not meet the launch box edges on ANY of the 4 sides
Above: insufficient size all the way around (and again there are sharp spots that can cut)
I am sorry for being so open about this, but I find the new lid to be a sorry excuse for an improvement... in fact it seems they are cutting corners as sharply as they can, which apparently includes the lids quality.
I went into 3 local retail stores, and the Launch Boxes they have for sale do not include this inferior thin, and flimsy lid.
Perhaps they save the insufficient lids for the warranty claims.
All I know is what they sent me is not like the new units in the stores... and it is not like the many dozens of MFLB units I have owned.
I wrote to them explaining my dissatisfaction with the lid, and I wait for a response.
Perhaps Magic Flight will be open, and explain themselves here on FC.