Here's my box after 2 years of daily use, brush clean once daily and thorough clean every few months. No excuse for a dirty box!
True. I wipe it clean before every refill. Then a few careful knocks on the back with something heavy so the remaining powder/ dust falls out, and i finish with letting it run hot (pa@100%) till the box feels like a hot cup of coffee. My 1 year old box looks comparable with yours. The only real trouble is concentrates (hash) bubbling over the tray and flooding the mesh, that`s why i clean the whole box every month with ISO.
By the way, are there any LB-users that also own one of the new vapes like the Crafty or the Mighty? I just read some reviews and most describe them like the holy grail of portable vaping. After a year LB usage i can say i`m still a happy LB-user but sometimes i would like to see and taste thicker clouds and a little more control on the temps. With a LB the user is more or less the controller, and even after a year sometimes i learn some little things while taking a draw.
But sometimes i wish there was some digital controller or something in it, that just provides me with the perfect hit. My question: Does for example a Mighty provide a perfect draw and is it so much better than a good LB hit? Not that i instantly will buy one, >300 euro is way more than i`m willing to pay, and i still like the LB.
It`s reliable, it always works (well), and like the simple wooden design