The Lotus Vaporizer

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Greetings everyone, INHALE now has the Lotus case for sale. It is a beautiful HARD CASE for carrying your Lotus. It is on sale now and with a nice discount code...(LOTUSFAN discount code.)

I just purchased mine...great discount thank you Michael and David.
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
How do you transport your Lotus Set with the J-Hook? Do you have a box?

I'm using a case for glasses for my J-Hook (which I also use for my Vapman). The cases made of cork for the Lotus itself are pretty, but too big to put them in that case or in my pockets. And I just don't want all the 3 parts (or 4 if you count the lighter) flying around in my backpack individually because I'm afraid I will forget/lose/break a part. Even for my vaping desk it is complicated because the whole set is also too big (or too different in form) to fit in any of my wooden boxes where I store my accessories.

So I'm now looking out for a new box or a nice old book to make a box out of it by carving out the spaces for at least the 3 basic parts. Do you think that is do-able? Or I'll just wait for your good ideas. Or maybe Micheal and David come up with something nice :clap:
They have a case now...on their website today.


Well-Known Member
Time to fire 'em up!!

Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester

I just received my order of the cases...and they are SPECTACULAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful product. I am so happy about this. Now, I feel great about leaving home with my is a PERFECT case...thank you just ROCK! These cases are very elegant and the logo and name on it. Beautiful colors. Thank you.

Harrier Du Bois

Revachol Citizens Militia
Unfortunately the new Lotus case pales in comparison to the beautiful wooden Vapman case. Reminds me of a cheap case for hard disk drives. Not sure what the "vapor true nature" text is supposed to mean and why it's necessary. Does the velcro tab on the flap actually do anything? (Just noticed the matching tab on the first photo.)

But it's better than nothing and I'll probably still order one as soon as they are available at my preferred online retailer. I'm sure a lot of work has gone into making it happen.
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Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
Unfortunately the new Lotus case pales in comparison to the beautiful wooden Vapman case. Reminds me of a cheap case for hard disk drives. Not sure what the "vapor true nature" text is supposed to mean and why it's necessary. Does the velcro tab on the flap actually do anything?

But it's better than nothing and I'll probably still order one as soon as they are available at my preferred online retailer. I'm sure a lot of work has gone into making it happen.
I so agree that the wooden cases are more beautiful...but, I just dropped one box and it fucking cracked in the back. The boxes are too expensive for that shit to happen...for me it makes more have these new cases. Plus, they are larger and can carry lots of will be pleasantly surprised when you get yours.

PS I have suggested to them to have available this kind of case for their whole line...we could use a case for the Station and another case for the Vapman would be great. I ordered a Duba Vapman case which has not arrived yet; it is leather and beautiful but, the compartment is small.

PSS The Velcro tab shuts the lid tight securing the Lotus...the photo has the other side of the Velcro tab tucked under and you cannot see it.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you for sharing @Dr. G

It’s cool to see them!
They are actually nice!
I would have preferred a case that just contains the Lotus and an adapter (and maybe a lighter) but I understand the benefit of this version. and I really like the color!

But I needed a smaller, more transparent solution.

It's perfect for a dedicated Lotus compartment in a photo gear backpack!



good vibes only
Thank you for sharing @Dr. G

It’s cool to see them!
They are actually nice!
I would have preferred a case that just contains the Lotus and an adapter (and maybe a lighter) but I understand the benefit of this version. and I really like the color!

But I needed a smaller, more transparent solution.

It's perfect for a dedicated Lotus compartment in a photo gear backpack!

This is a perfect fit. Can this case be purchased or is it upcycled from something else?


Well-Known Member
I received my Lotus today, and just had my first bowl.

This thing is awesome Had great taste on the first hit, and got nice vapor. Finishing the bowl while stirring in between, a very nice experience

I wish they'd make the same wooden as they have for the Vapman for the Lotus. It would just need to be a bigh thicker, and have space for the cap, adapter, and their little cleaning brush. That would be a nice way to store it, especially for those of us with aftermarket J-hooks that wont fit their case anyway


Day Tripper
almost forgot about Lotus friday.:cheers: I had a small problem with my recent Zebrano Vapman order and the guys were nice enough to send me the new Lotus travel case to make things right. I like having cases specifically made for their vapes. the problem is my current bead filled J-hook is too large to fit. the solution; I ordered the Amaranth and Lotus J-hook . now I can use the case and help support a couple of nice guys.

Harrier Du Bois

Revachol Citizens Militia
It's been two months since I got my first Lotus and it has become my favorite device. It has even managed to replace my Vaporbrothers VB1 at home, which I didn't expect at all. The taste and user experience is just superb. If I had to choose just one vape to take with me on a desert island, it would be the Lotus.

I wasn't a big fan of butane powered vapes before (I also own several Dynavaps), since it's an expendable resource that needs to be managed and replinished, but the Lotus seems to have changed my mind.

Another big plus for me is how easy it is to clean: I just put the adapter and the glass pipe in the dishwasher once or twice a week and that's it, good as new every time. No prolonged cleaning sessions with isopropanol, another expendable resource (I'm looking at you, Dynavap).

Btw, if you are like me and don't like the branding on the official glass pipe; run it through the dishwasher a few times. The black paint will come off gradually and leave a faint transparent version of the logo, which is much more reasonable to my minimalist sensibilities.

Finally one tip for Lotus newbies: your primary method of temperature regulation is the flame length/intensity of your torch. Stop heating the cap when it starts to glow. If you can't get your material to a dark roast without a glowing cap, increase the flame instead.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Btw, if you are like me and don't like the branding on the official glass pipe; run it through the dishwasher a few times. The black paint will come off gradually and leave a faint transparent version of the logo, which is much more reasonable to my minimalist sensibilities.
With cheap glass brandings like this one, a night in white vinegar and then wipe with a damp cloth will remove the branding nicely.

It won't work with high quality stickers though (Herborizer, etc...)
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