Hello dear Lotus family
Its Michael & David from vapman
Same as on the vapman threat we will also use here the official lotus account created by the Inventor Steven, Steven has still full access and if he comments he will mark it with his name.
As many of you already know from the statement of Steven t
he legendary Lotus vaporizer is coming back soon. The Lotus has always been the go to vape for those moments when a heavy, fast and tasty bowl was desired. When we noticed that Steven was retiring, we jumped at the calling and immediately got in touch with him to save this wonderful creation. We have now found an amicable agreement and Steven will soon come to us in Italy to get the production up and running.
The official sale of the Lotus starts on july 1. Pre-sales will start in the next days, so if you want to support us you can already get a Lotus with WPA for a well discounted price of 89€. The Lotus is perfect as it is, so nothing will change, only our beloved olive wood will replace the maple wood. Thanks for sharing the love.

Stay tuned! Peace and love - Michael and David