Wow, that’s a tough one—I mean, I have strains that
I like a lot, but I would think it varies a lot with personal taste and such. For what it's worth, though, some of my current faves are:
- Ghost Train Haze: menthol and cedar wood, plus other woody (piney?) bits; the menthol gives this great “whoosh” effect.
- Clementine: beautiful, bright orange flavor; the best “orange exemplar” I've found (I try to buy from Pistil Point when I can, a Portland regional grower); but see also Orange Juice, Tangelo and Tangie as other good orange-y strains.
- Mount Hood Magic Durban: this is a Portland-specific strain so far, I think, but luscious woody flavors (see also Durban Poison).
- Jack Herer: pine, and lime, and maybe just a touch of licorice (I’ve caught that component just once or twice on the first few hits); there are lots of JH variants, too, like Black Jack, J1, Galactic Jack, Jack Frost, Super Jack (with a touch of peppermint & vanilla).
- Emerald Jack: another JH variant, but deserving of special mention, as it vies for my favorite with GTH, this one is more specifically pine, but somehow richer, bolstered up by some other things, and just glorious, like walking through a mossy forest in the mist (purportedly, Jim Belushi grows this on his farm down south of me—but I haven't been able to get down that way far enough to purchase from the shoppes he supplies … yet!).
- Blueberry, True Blue, and Blue Magoo: all of these are good blueberry flavors, with TB being a “self-cross” (?) of BB, if I understand correctly; Blue Magoo has in addition a kind of brighter, sweeter component, too, like bubblegum.
- Blue Dream: this is Blueberry-based, but it took me a while to identify that, and I nevertheless loved it from first hit, even before I knew it’s origin. There are some other things in there (sweet celery?? melon??) that I can’t quite identify, but whatever it all is, it’s very lovely; some of those things show up in Megafauna #4 and Lodi Dodi, I think, which are both delicious in their own right (LD is a bit fruitier; MF4 may be harder to find, as I have only seen it from local grower Deep Creek Gardens).
- Northern Wreck: hard to describe, but the biggest component is sort of floral/perfume-y, with some of that same “whoosh” that is in the menthol in GTH, but then also a woodier flavor as well, one that sort of undergirds and grounds it.
There are lots of other strains I really like (
Super Silver Haze,
Dutch Treat,
Montana Silvertip, …), plus plenty of things I find quite interesting, though not quite as compelling, or perhaps harder to describe. I spend a bit of time on Leafly and other places researching strain backgrounds, and
way too much time shopping my local places online via
Leafly and
Hah! It might have been deliberate at some other time, but no, this is just coincidence: I had three cases full and got a bit too over-eager, buying stuff up before I had available small vials to grind into. So I recruited another eyeglass case and put six “overflow” strains in there.
(Do I realize how incredibly spoiled I sound? Absolutely! I used to scoff, but privately wonder, at similar descriptions of strains & flavors that I read online, back before Oregon went legal. Now I am rolling around in 42 strains, hitting and giggling and gaping in wonder … . It’s a tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it!)